Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI) 2010 - Country Rankings
SOURCE: Oxford Poverty & Human Development Initiative and the United Nations Depelopment Programme (UNDP) Human Development Report.
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The MPI reflects a range of deprivations that afflict a person'’s life at the same time. The measure assesses the nature and intensity of poverty at the individual level in education, health outcomes, and standard of living.
See explanation in the Notes below the table.

Countries are ranked lowest to highest MPI poverty score
(poorest countries at the bottom).

MPI Index
1 Slovakia 0,0000
2 Slovenia 0,0000
3 Czech Republic 0,0001
4 Belarus 0,0001
5 Latvia 0,0014
6 United Arab Emirates 0,0020
7 Kazakhstan 0,0022
8 Palestinian Territories 0,0027
9 Georgia 0,0028
10 Hungary 0,0029
11 Bosnia and Herzegovina 0,0030
12 Serbia 0,0033
13 Albania 0,0037
14 Russian Federation 0,0049
15 Uruguay 0,0058
16 Thailand 0,0063
17 Montenegro 0,0064
18 Croatia 0,0066
19 Ukraine 0,0078
20 Macedonia 0,0078
21 Armenia 0,0082
22 Rep. of Moldova 0,0082
23 Uzbekistan 0,0084
24 Ecuador 0,0092
25 Jordan 0,0096
26 Tunisia 0,0105
27 Argentina 0,0113
28 South Africa 0,0143
29 Mexico 0,0155
30 Kyrgyzstan 0,0189
31 Trinidad and Tobago 0,0197
32 Sri Lanka 0,0206
33 Azerbaijan 0,0207
34 Syrian Arab Republic 0,0207
35 Belize 0,0237
36 Egypt 0,0259
37 Estonia 0,0264
38 Turkey 0,0389
39 Brazil 0,0392
40 Colombia 0,0406
41 Suriname 0,0439
42 Dominican Republic 0,0478
43 Guyana 0,0546
44 China 0,0560
45 Iraq 0,0588
46 Paraguay 0,0643
47 Mongolia 0,0646
48 Philippines 0,0672
49 Tajikistan 0,0684
50 Vietnam 0,0751
51 Peru 0,0854
52 Myanmar (Burma) 0,0880
53 Indonesia 0,0953
54 Guatemala 0,1270
55 Djibouti 0,1385
56 Morocco 0,1392
57 Ghana 0,1397
58 Honduras 0,1595
59 Gabon 0,1609
60 Zimbabwe 0,1739
61 Bolivia 0,1751
62 Swaziland 0,1828
63 Namibia 0,1870
64 Nicaragua 0,2112
65 Lesotho 0,2201
66 Sao Tome and Principe 0,2364
67 Cambodia 0,2633
68 Lao People's Dem. Rep. 0,2669
69 Pakistan 0,2754
70 Yemen 0,2832
71 Togo 0,2844
72 Bangladesh 0,2914
73 India 0,2962
74 Cameroon 0,2985
75 Kenya 0,3021
76 Haiti 0,3055
77 Cote d'Ivoire 0,3202
78 Gambia 0,3236
79 Zambia 0,3253
80 Chad 0,3442
81 Nepal 0,3499
82 Mauritania 0,3520
83 Tanzania 0,3673
84 Nigeria 0,3676
85 Senegal 0,3842
86 Malawi 0,3844
87 Congo 0,3932
88 Comoros 0,4085
89 Benin 0,4123
90 Madagascar 0,4128
91 Rwanda 0,4426
92 Angola 0,4520
93 Mozambique 0,4807
94 Liberia 0,4839
95 Sierra Leone 0,4891
96 Guinea 0,5047
97 Cent African Rep 0,5123
98 Somalia 0,5137
99 Burundi 0,5298
100 Burkina Faso 0,5358
101 Mali 0,5639
102 Ethiopia 0,5824
103 Niger 0,6425


The lives of people living in poverty are affected by more than just their income. The Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI) complements a traditional focus on income to reflect the deprivations that a poor person faces all at once with respect to education, health and living standard. It assesses poverty at the individual level, with poor persons being those who are multiply deprived, and the extent of their poverty being measured by the range of their deprivations.

The MPI can be used to create a vivid picture of people living in poverty, both across countries, regions and the world and within countries by ethnic group, urban/rural location, or other key household characteristics. It is the first international measure of its kind, and offers an essential complement to income poverty measures because it measures deprivations directly. The MPI can be used as an analytical tool to identify the most vulnerable people, show aspects in which they are deprived and help to reveal the interconnections among deprivations. This enables policy makers to target resources and design policies more effectively. Other dimensions of interest, such as work, safety, and empowerment, could be incorporated into the MPI in the future as data become available.

The MPI reports acute poverty for 103 developing countries, which are home to 78% of the world’s people.

The MPI uses 10 indicators to measure three critical dimensions of poverty at the household level: education, health and living standard in 104 developing countries. These directly measured deprivations in health and educational outcomes as well as key services such as water, sanitation, and electricity reveal not only how many people are poor but also the composition of their poverty. The MPI also reflects the intensity of poverty – the sum of weighted deprivations that each household faces at the same time. A person who is deprived in 70% of the indicators is clearly worse off than someone who is deprived in 40% of the indicators.

The MPI was created using a technique developed by Sabina Alkire and James Foster. The Alkire Foster method measures outcomes at the individual level (person or household) against multiple criteria (dimensions and indicators). The method is flexible and can be used with different dimensions and indicators to create measures specific to different societies and situations. For example, it can be applied to measure poverty or wellbeing, target services or conditional cash transfers and for monitoring and evaluation of programmes. The method can show the incidence, intensity and depth of poverty, as well as inequality among the poor, depending on the type of data available to create the measure. Read our policy page for more information on the method and the countries that have adopted it.

Data citation:
Alkire, Sabina and Maria Emma Santos. 2010. Multidimensional Poverty Index: 2010 Data. Oxford Poverty and Human Development Initiative.

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