Ph'av - Phnom Thas Rokam: Cambodia

SOURCE: National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency, Bethesda, MD, USA

Name Feature class
Ph'av populated place
Pha Ao populated place
Pha Av populated place
Phaav populated place
Phai Chambak populated place
Phala Naram temple
Phanom Chat hill
Phanom Kau Sawai mountain
Phanom Kho Sawai mountain
Phanom Kho Sway mountain
Phanom Ko Sway mountain
Phar Chambak populated place
Phat Sanday populated place
Phek populated place
Phi Chi Teyn populated place
Phi Mat populated place
Phi Nho populated place
Phi Trapeang So populated place
Phieu Leu populated place
Phiou Ko populated place
Phiri populated place
Phkat Neay populated place
Phkbal Pou populated place
Phlah Andong populated place
Phlan Andong populated place
Phleu Leu populated place
Phlnong populated place
Phloeung Chhes populated place
Phlong populated place
Phlong populated place
Phluong populated place
Phmu Chnal Man populated place
Phneat populated place
Phneou populated place
Phnhealu populated place
Phnhi Meas populated place
Phnhi Meas populated place
Phniet populated place
Phniet populated place
Phnoang, Phnom Peam Cheang hill
Phnom Achar Thang hill
Phnom Ampil hill
Phnom Ampor hill
Phnom Amrieng mountain
Phnom An Kep Tuoi hills
Phnom Andaung mountain
Phnom Andeng hills
Phnom Andong mountain
Phnom Andoung mountain
Phnom Angkach Meas hill
Phnom Angkack Meas hill
Phnom Angkor Borey hill
Phnom Anlong Kandol hill
Phnom Antas hill
Phnom Aran hill
Phnom Aray hill
Phnom Aural mountain
Phnom Ba Phnom hill
Phnom Bac mountain
Phnom Bacan mountain
Phnom Bach peak
Phnom Bah mountain
Phnom Bak hill
Phnom Bakane mountain
Phnom Bakheng hill
Phnom Balaing hill
Phnom Bang Kohr mountain
Phnom Banteat mountain
Phnom Bar Thmei mountain
Phnom Barieng hill
Phnom Basset hill
Phnom Bat'eay hill
Phnom Bat populated place
Phnom Baugthea hill
Phnom Bauk hill
Phnom Bek Chan hill
Phnom Bek Hea hill
Phnom Bek Kbal hill
Phnom Bek Ping ridge
Phnom Beng hill
Phnom Bet Pabeng hill
Phnom Bet Pobeng hill
Phnom Bokantuot hill
Phnom Bokor mountain
Phnom Bos Andong hill
Phnom Chamas hill
Phnom Chamku Kas mountain
Phnom Chan hill
Phnom Chandoeur Kach ridge
Phnom Chang Kuoy hill
Phnom Changha hill
Phnom Changhor mountain
Phnom Chapres hill
Phnom Charey hills
Phnom Chatt hill
Phnom Chear mountain
Phnom Chetares hill
Phnom Chhong hill
Phnom Chi mountain
Phnom Chiang Leang mountain
Phnom Chiemre mountain
Phnom Chik Dei hill
Phnom Chirail mountain
Phnom Chlay mountain
Phnom Chma Taton hill
Phnom Cho Kum hill
Phnom Choam Loy peak
Phnom Chocung Ko hills
Phnom Chong Ka hill
Phnom Chong Slek hill
Phnom Choung Ta Kong hill
Phnom Chrac Thvea hill
Phnom Chrak P'nau mountain
Phnom Chrak Taleay mountain
Phnom Chrak Tonling mountain
Phnom Chrang mountain
Phnom Chrap mountain
Phnom Chrau mountain
Phnom Chrau peak
Phnom Chraus Andaung hill
Phnom Chreang Kraham mountain
Phnom Chreau mountain
Phnom Chres hill
Phnom Chrey hill
Phnom Chriol Lay mountain
Phnom Chroh Lovea mountain
Phnom Chroh Phaong mountain
Phnom Chroi Malou peak
Phnom Chros Pok mountain
Phnom Chrouh Thnot hill
Phnom Chrouy Sna hill
Phnom Chruk Tranh hill
Phnom Chruos Dambang mountain
Phnom Chruos Kombot hill
Phnom Chruos Pok hill
Phnom Chua Ha Lu hill
Phnom Chua Ha Lu hill
Phnom Chum Tiev Mau mountain
Phnom Chup hill
Phnom Colapouk mountain
Phnom Dak Po hill
Phnom Dak Preah hill
Phnom Damnak Chas hill
Phnom Damrey Romeal mountains
Phnom Damrey Romeel mountains
Phnom Dang Angkoal hill
Phnom Dang Santuoch hill
Phnom Daung hill
Phnom Daydas mountain
Phnom Dey Chram peak
Phnom Dey Kraham hill
Phnom Dey Kraham mountain
Phnom Dey hill
Phnom Dey hill
Phnom Dion hill
Phnom Dol hill
Phnom Don Chneng populated place
Phnom Done Lanh mountain
Phnom Doumeay mountain
Phnom Dounbang hill
Phnom Grouch hill
Phnom Ha hill
Phnom Hap mountain
Phnom Hap mountain
Phnom Hin Teulok mountain
Phnom Huong Som ridge
Phnom Ihbong hill
Phnom K'la Kra hill
Phnom K'mau Moreah mountain
Phnom Ka Nhanh mountain
Phnom Kaduong hill
Phnom Kae hill
Phnom Kak hill
Phnom Kakah mountain
Phnom Kal Kra hill
Phnom Kambao hill
Phnom Kambor hill
Phnom Kandal mountain
Phnom Kandia hill
Phnom Kandiea hill
Phnom Kang Var hill
Phnom Kang hill
Phnom Kanleng Neak mountain
Phnom Kanonn hill
Phnom Kar Khes mountain
Phnom Kas Dambang hills
Phnom Kaudioa hill
Phnom Kbal Khmoch mountain
Phnom Kbal Kla mountain
Phnom Kbal Moch mountain
Phnom Kbal O Lovea mountain
Phnom Kbal Tou hill
Phnom Kbal Tuk mountain
Phnom Kde mountain
Phnom Kdong hill
Phnom Ke ridge
Phnom Keg hill
Phnom Kehol mountain
Phnom Kehon mountain
Phnom Keo Khvet hill
Phnom Keo ridge
Phnom Ker mountain
Phnom Kha Nhanh mountain
Phnom Khang Chiol mountain
Phnom Khbal Bei mountain
Phnom Khbal Damrey hill
Phnom Khbal Sambol hills
Phnom Khbal Sambot hills
Phnom Khbal Siung hills
Phnom Khbal Stung hills
Phnom Khbal Tasuon hill
Phnom Khdei hill
Phnom Khimin hill
Phnom Khnang Pok mountain
Phnom Khno hill
Phnom Khno hill
Phnom Khor Leak hill
Phnom Khrom hill
Phnom Khsat hill
Phnom Khtuom hill
Phnom Khuang mountain
Phnom Khung mountain
Phnom Khvao hill
Phnom Kiemrie mountain
Phnom Kimseng mountain
Phnom Kleng Poar hill
Phnom Klie mountain
Phnom Kmoch mountain
Phnom Knach Tansay hill
Phnom Knang Kai mountain
Phnom Knang Kei mountain
Phnom Knang Trapeang mountain
Phnom Knor hill
Phnom Koal Thmar hill
Phnom Koe ridge
Phnom Kohea Luong hill
Phnom Koki Kras mountain
Phnom Koki mountain
Phnom Kol hill
Phnom Kom Phem hill
Phnom Kombat hill
Phnom Kombot hill
Phnom Kompeng mountain
Phnom Komping Puoy hill
Phnom Komreng mountain
Phnom Kon Chong hill
Phnom Kon Say hill
Phnom Konsat hill
Phnom Kontung hill
Phnom Kos Ta Thon hills
Phnom Kotan hill
Phnom Koui Romeas hill
Phnom Koulen hills
Phnom Koy hill
Phnom Krachao mountain
Phnom Krachhim mountain
Phnom Krachhin mountain
Phnom Krack hill
Phnom Kragne mountain
Phnom Kraham hill
Phnom Krang Aung hill
Phnom Krang hill
Phnom Krapau hill
Phnom Krapoeu hill
Phnom Kraub Bay mountain
Phnom Kraul hill
Phnom Krob mountain
Phnom Kroch hill
Phnom Krol hill
Phnom Krol hill
Phnom Krom hill
Phnom Krom hill
Phnom Krong hill
Phnom Kry Antieng mountain
Phnom Kry mountain
Phnom Ksie mountain
Phnom Ktiel mountain
Phnom Kuh hill
Phnom Kuk hill
Phnom Kulen hills
Phnom Kun Romesk hill
Phnom Kus populated place
Phnom Lahan hill
Phnom Lamphe hill
Phnom Lang Tabeng mountain
Phnom Latrok hill
Phnom Lauang mountain
Phnom Leach Li mountain
Phnom Leach Pi mountain
Phnom Lek hill
Phnom Lia hill
Phnom Loang hill
Phnom Lomchang hill
Phnom Lum mountain
Phnom Lung mountain
Phnom Lung populated place
Phnom Mak Hoeun mountain
Phnom Mea Lon hill
Phnom Mealea hill
Phnom Mien hill
Phnom Momiech ridge
Phnom Momong mountain
Phnom Momou hill
Phnom Moras Prou hill
Phnom Moul hill
Phnom Mreah Prou hill
Phnom Mrech mountain
Phnom Nam Tong hill
Phnom Ne Pessi mountain
Phnom Neak Ok mountain
Phnom Neak Roung mountain
Phnom Neang Lem hill
Phnom Neang Phaek mountain
Phnom Ngat mountain
Phnom Nilh hill
Phnom O Traye hills
Phnom P'nau mountain
Phnom Padau Pum hill
Phnom Pan mountain
Phnom Patreal hill
Phnom Peam Bo hill
Phnom Peam Lock mountain
Phnom Peam Lot mountain
Phnom Peam Pream hill
Phnom Peam Trabek mountain
Phnom Peam mountain
Phnom Peang Lovea hill
Phnom Pei hill
Phnom Pel hill
Phnom Pen capital of a political entity
Phnom Penchum hill
Phnom Penh first-order administrative division
Phnom Penh first-order administrative division
Phnom Penh airport
Phnom Penh capital of a political entity
Phnom Penh capital of a political entity
Phnom Peuil mountain
Phnom Phaung hill
Phnom Phchal hill
Phnom Phchol hill
Phnom Phlok Doeng hill
Phnom Phngeas hill
Phnom Phngoas hill
Phnom Phum Chrey mountain
Phnom Pis hill
Phnom Po hill
Phnom Poang hill
Phnom Ponhea Kong mountain
Phnom Por Tor hill
Phnom Por hill
Phnom Pou Reng mountain
Phnom Pouvankhone mountain
Phnom Praag mountain
Phnom Prachau mountain
Phnom Prah Bat hill
Phnom Prahnet Prah hill
Phnom Prakt hill
Phnom Pralay Treak hill
Phnom Praneng mountain
Phnom Prateat hill
Phnom Pre Snal hill
Phnom Preach hill
Phnom Preal hill
Phnom Preas Chres mountain
Phnom Preas hill
Phnom Preas hill
Phnom Preas mountain
Phnom Prech hill
Phnom Preck hill
Phnom Prei hill
Phnom Prochieu mountain
Phnom Promey hill
Phnom Prosteat hill
Phnom Puvang Kon hill
Phnom Rangkol mountain
Phnom Reach Das hills
Phnom Ream hill
Phnom Ream hill
Phnom Reang Kvav mountain
Phnom Reang hill
Phnom Ri Yong mountain
Phnom Riem hill
Phnom Roang hill
Phnom Roka Thiol ridge
Phnom Rokat mountain
Phnom Romchek hill
Phnom Romduol hill
Phnom Ron hill
Phnom Rontea hill
Phnom Rosey Set hill
Phnom Roun hill
Phnom Roung hill
Phnom Rumlech Toek hill
Phnom Rumlek Tuk hill
Phnom Russei Duoch mountain
Phnom Ruu hill
Phnom S'Rouille hill
Phnom Sa Ay mountain
Phnom Saang hill
Phnom Salao hill
Phnom Salich hill
Phnom Sam Rang mountain
Phnom Sambo mountain
Phnom Samboc hill
Phnom Sambour hill
Phnom Sampeou Lun ridge
Phnom Sampou populated place
Phnom Sampou hill
Phnom Samrang hill
Phnom Samray mountain
Phnom Samrong hill
Phnom Samrot Sbauv hill
Phnom Sandak hill
Phnom Sandek hills
Phnom Sandok hills
Phnom Sandomy mountain
Phnom Sang Kas ridge
Phnom Sang Ke Taso hill
Phnom Sang Krey hill
Phnom Sang Nok hill
Phnom Sangke hill
Phnom Sangkos mountain
Phnom Satom hill
Phnom Sdok Kak hill
Phnom Snap Chruk hill
Phnom Soa Nom mountain
Phnom Som Rong hill
Phnom Souan hill
Phnom Souaye hill
Phnom Spong mountain
Phnom Sradieck mountain
Phnom Sradiek mountain
Phnom Srah Khchau hill
Phnom Sralao hill
Phnom Sralao hill
Phnom Sralao hill
Phnom Srang Thom mountain
Phnom Srang Thom mountains
Phnom Srau populated place
Phnom Sre Rang hill
Phnom Sreng mountain
Phnom Srnoch hill
Phnom Srok populated place
Phnom Srouch hill
Phnom Srouitt mountain
Phnom Sruach hill
Phnom Srung Thom mountain
Phnom Sruoch mountain
Phnom Sruock hill
Phnom Steang Kangok mountain
Phnom Stoang Kangok mountain
Phnom Stung Dambang hill
Phnom Svai Sa hill
Phnom Svay Svak hill
Phnom Svay mountain
Phnom Ta Cha hill
Phnom Ta Deth mountain
Phnom Ta Kong mountain
Phnom Ta Ngen hill
Phnom Ta Nos mountain
Phnom Ta Or populated place
Phnom Ta Pa Khao hill
Phnom Ta Sam hill
Phnom Taben Tom hill
Phnom Tabeng hill
Phnom Tabeng hill
Phnom Tabeng mountains
Phnom Tadal hill
Phnom Tadong hill
Phnom Taing You hill
Phnom Tak Pus hill
Phnom Takor mountain
Phnom Takot mountain
Phnom Takout mountain
Phnom Tamao mountain
Phnom Tamey ridge
Phnom Tamok mountain
Phnom Tang Ku hill
Phnom Tang Tu hill
Phnom Tapoung Kan mountain
Phnom Tassah mountain
Phnom Tassoh mountain
Phnom Tatea hill
Phnom Tateick mountain
Phnom Tatot ridge
Phnom Tauch hill
Phnom Tauch hill
Phnom Tauch hill
Phnom Tbeng Meanchey populated place
Phnom Tchamkar mountain
Phnom Tchoc Tchoen hill
Phnom Tchoe Tchoen hill
Phnom Tchouch hill
Phnom Te Poun mountain
Phnom Teal hill
Phnom Tenot hills
Phnom Tet hill
Phnom Tha Sda hill
Phnom Thap hill
Phnom Thas Rokam hill

Cambodia Names Alphabetically

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U V W X Y Z 0-9 Non-Roman

Global Names Alphabetically

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U V W X Y Z 0-9 Non-Roman


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