Staa - Styrtom: Denmark

SOURCE: National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency, Bethesda, MD, USA

Name Feature class
Staa populated place
Staaby populated place
Staagerup populated place
Staaldyb marine channel
Staalgrund shoal
Staalhage point
Staalvaenge Gaard farm
Staalvaenge farm
Staanum populated place
Staarby populated place
Staarup populated place
Staarup populated place
Staarup populated locality
Stabaek populated locality
Stabolt Huse populated place
Stabolt populated place
Stabrand populated place
Staby Kaergard farm
Staby Kjaergaard farm
Staby populated place
Staby populated place
Stadager Kirke church
Stadager populated place
Stade populated place
Stade populated place
Stadegarde farms
Stadel Fjord lake
Stadel populated place
Stadelo island
Staden Kobenhavn second-order administrative division
Staden Kobenhavn second-order administrative division
Stadil Fiord lake
Stadil Fjord lake
Stadil populated place
Stadilo island
Stae Baek stream
Stae populated place
Staereby populated place
Staerkaer populated locality
Staerkende populated place
Staermose populated place
Staevningen bog
Stagbjaerg hill
Stagbjerg hill
Stagebjaerg hill
Stagebjerg hill
Stagehoj hill
Stagerup populated place
Stagodde point
Stagsevold ruin
Stagshoj hill
Stagsrode Skov forest
Stagsrode populated place
Stagsted populated place
Stagsted populated place
Stagsted populated locality
Stagstrup populated place
Stakhane Gaard farm
Stakhavegard farm
Stakkroge populated place
Stakroge populated place
Staksrode Skov forest
Staksrode populated place
Staldyb marine channel
Stalgrund shoal
Stalhoj Hage point
Stallerup populated place
Stalvaenge farm
Stalvaengegard farm
Stampen railroad station
Stamperegaard farm
Stamperegard farm
Stangerum populated place
Stangerup populated place
Stanget tidal flat
Stanghede populated place
Stangmoseled farms
Stanum populated place
Starbaek Grund shoal
Starbeck Grund shoal
Starby populated place
Starholm populated locality
Starreklint railroad station
Starreklinte populated place
Starreklinte railroad station
Starshoj hill
Starup Kirke church
Starup Plantage forest
Starup populated place
Starup populated place
Starup populated place
Starup populated place
Starup populated place
Starup populated locality
Starup populated locality
Statene populated place
Stauso populated place
Stautrup populated place
Stavad Kanal drainage canal
Stavedskov farms
Staveng meadow
Staverenge meadow
Staverslund farms
Stavids A stream
Stavids Aa stream
Stavis Aa stream
Stavlund Garde farms
Stavlund farms
Stavlunde farms
Stavn populated place
Stavning populated place
Stavns Fjord bay
Stavns populated place
Stavnshoj hill
Stavnshoje hill
Stavnsholt populated place
Stavnshoved headland
Stavnstrup populated place
Stavolt populated place
Stavrby populated place
Stavre farms
Stavreby populated place
Stavreby populated place
Stavres Hoved point
Stavrhoved headland
Stavrshoved headland
Stavrso populated place
Stavsdal populated locality
Stavshede Plantage forest
Stavshede populated place
Stavsholm farms
Stavso populated place
Stavtrup populated place
Stavtrup railroad station
Staxevold ruin
Staxrode Skov forest
Staxrode populated place
Stedstrup populated place
Steen Blichers Plantage forest
Steensgaard estate
Steensgard estate
Steffensminde farm
Steg farms
Stege Bugt bay
Stege Nor bay
Stege populated place
Stego populated locality
Stegsted populated place
Stegsvig bay
Stejlbjaerg farm
Stejlbjerg farm
Stemmetofte shoal
Stemmild populated place
Stenagergard farm
Stenalt estate
Stenbacksholm populated place
Stenbaek farm
Stenbaeksholm populated place
Stenbergholt populated locality
Stenbjaerg Gaarde farms
Stenbjaerg Plantage forest
Stenbjaerg hill
Stenbjaerg hill
Stenbjaerg populated place
Stenbjaergholt populated locality
Stenbjerg Garde farms
Stenbjerg Klitplantage forest
Stenbjerg Plantage forest
Stenbjerg hill
Stenbjerg hill
Stenbjerg populated place
Stenbjergholt populated locality
Stenby farms
Stendacksholm populated place
Stendal Hoje hill
Stendal Plantage forest
Stendal farm
Stenderup Hage point
Stenderup Skov forest
Stenderup populated place
Stenderup populated place
Stenderup populated place
Stenderup populated place
Stenderup populated place
Stenderup populated place
Stenderup populated place
Stenderup populated place
Stendetgaard farm
Stendetgard farm
Stendis populated place
Stendrup populated place
Stenebjerg populated place
Stenesknold hill
Stengaard farm
Stengaard farm
Stengade Skov forest
Stengade populated place
Stengard farm
Stengarden farm
Stengarden railroad stop
Stengrund reef
Stenhage shoal
Stenhoj hill
Stenhoj hill
Stenhoj populated place
Stenholt Skov forest
Stenholt populated locality
Stenholt farm
Stenholtsvang forest
Stenhoved headland
Stenhuse populated place
Stenild populated place
Stenild populated place
Stenisgaard farm
Stenisgard farm
Stenkaer farm
Stenkelstrup farm
Stenkilde Baek stream
Stenkjaer farm
Stenknude rocks
Stenknuder rocks
Stenlille Kommune second-order administrative division
Stenlille populated place
Stenlille populated place
Stenlose Kommune second-order administrative division
Stenlose populated place
Stenlose populated place
Stenmagle Bjaerg hill
Stenmagle Bjerg hill
Stenmagle populated place
Stenmaglebjaerg populated locality
Stenmaglebjerg populated locality
Stenmose populated place
Steno island
Stenodde point
Stenrand Plantage forest
Stenrand forest
Stenrand populated place
Stenrogel populated place
Stenrosen rock
Stensbaek Plantage forest
Stensbaek farms
Stensbaek farms
Stensballe populated place
Stensby Skov forest
Stensby populated place
Stensby populated place
Stenseby farms
Stensgaard Mollegaard estate
Stensgaard estate
Stensgaard estate
Stensgaard estate
Stensgaard farm
Stensgaard farm
Stensgard estate
Stensgard estate
Stensgard estate
Stensgard farm
Stensgard farm
Stensholt populated locality
Stensig populated locality
Stenskov forest
Stenskrog populated place
Stensmark estate
Stensnaes Flak shoal
Stensnaes point
Stenso farm
Stensore forest
Stensore rock
Stenstrup farm
Stenstrup populated place
Stenstrup populated place
Stenstrup populated place
Stenstrup populated place
Stenstrup populated place
Stenstrup populated place
Stenstrupgaard farm
Stenstrupgard farm
Stensved populated place
Stensved populated locality
Stentoft populated place
Stenum populated place
Stenumgaards Plantage forest
Stenumgards Plantage forest
Stenvad A stream
Stenvad Aa stream
Stenvad farms
Stenvad populated place
Stenvaengegaard farm
Stenvaengegard farm
Stenvaengegarden farm
Stepping populated place
Sterkende populated place
Sternehoj hill
Sterup populated place
Stestrup Bjaerg hill
Stestrup Bjerg hill
Stestrup populated place
Stevelen cliff
Stevelt populated place
Stevn farm
Stevngard farm
Stevning Naes point
Stevning Nor bay
Stevning populated place
Stevningen bog
Stevns Frikirke farms
Stevns Fyr lighthouse
Stevns Klint cliff
Stevns Kommune second-order administrative division
Stevns Lighthouse lighthouse
Stevns locality
Stevnstrup Stationsby populated place
Stevnstrup populated place
Stibanken populated place
Stidsholt farms
Stidsmolle farm
Stiftshoje farms
Stige Have populated place
Stige populated place
Stignaes peninsula
Stigs Bjaergby populated place
Stigs-Bjergby populated place
Stigsbjaerg hill
Stigsbjerg hill
Stigsholm So lake
Stigsnaes populated place
Stigtehave forest
Stilbjaerg hill
Stilbjerg hill
Stilde Plantage forest
Stillebaek populated place
Stilling So lake
Stilling populated place
Stillinge Strand populated place
Stillinge populated place
Stinesminde Havn harbor
Stinesminde populated place
Stisholt farms
Stistrup populated locality
Stivelen cliff
Stjaer populated place
Stjaere populated place
Stjerne-Battery fort
Stjernegrund shoal
Stjernehoj hill
Stjernehoj hill
Stjerneskanse fort
Stjerneskansen fort
Stjovl populated place
Stodov populated locality
Stodstrup populated place
Stoense Lob marine channel
Stoense populated place
Stoholm populated place
Stokballe farm
Stokballegard farm
Stokbro Hede populated locality
Stokkebaek Flak shoal
Stokkebaek stream
Stokkebjaerg Skov forest
Stokkebjaerg populated place
Stokkebjerg Skov forest
Stokkebjerg populated place
Stokkebro populated place
Stokkebro populated place
Stokkeby populated place
Stokkemarke populated place
Stoklund farm
Stoklundet farm
Stolbro Lokke farms
Stolbro Naes cape
Stolbro populated place
Stold peninsula
Stollig populated place
Stolpehuse populated place
Stopbrohede populated locality
Stor Taastrup populated place
Stora stream
Stora stream
Stora stream
Storaa stream
Storaa stream
Storaa stream
Storarden populated place
Store Ajstrup populated place
Store Almegard farm
Store Almstok populated place
Store Andst populated place
Store Anslet populated place
Store Anst populated place
Store Appe farm
Store Arden populated place
Store Astrup populated place
Store Avnede populated place
Store Barsbol farm
Store Binderup populated place
Store Bjergegard farm
Store Bjerregard farm
Store Bogeskov forest
Store Bovet farm
Store Bredlund populated place
Store Brondum populated place
Store Dalby populated place
Store Dame populated place
Store Damme populated place
Store Darum populated place
Store Dyrehave forest
Store Ebberup populated place
Store Egholm island
Store Ejstrup farm
Store Elmue populated place
Store Emmerske populated place
Store Erenbjerg farm
Store Ernebjaerg farm
Store Ernebjerg farm
Store Estrup farm
Store Favrby section of populated place
Store Fjaellebro farm
Store Fjelstervang populated place
Store Fjem farm
Store Fjembe farm
Store Frederikslund estate
Store Frigaard farm
Store Frigard farm
Store Fuglede populated place
Store Fugleo island
Store Gade farm
Store Gadegaard farm
Store Gadegaard farm
Store Gadegard farm
Store Gammelby farm
Store Gjodingskov forest
Store Goddingskov forest
Store Godingskov forest
Store Grandlose populated place
Store Gribso lake
Store Grundet estate
Store Gullestrup populated place
Store Haabendal farm
Store Habendal farm
Store Hagelse populated place
Store Hallegard farm
Store Hansteda stream
Store Harebjaerg hill
Store Harebjerg hill
Store Hareskov forest
Store Havelse populated place
Store Hebo farm
Store Hedbo farm
Store Heddinge populated place
Store Hedebo farm
Store Hedinge populated place
Store Hestehave forest
Store Hestehave railroad stop
Store Hillerslev populated place
Store Hillerslev populated place
Store Hjollund Plantage forest
Store Hjolund populated place
Store Horbyhoj hill
Store Hovedgaard farm
Store Hovedgard farm
Store Jyndevad populated place
Store Kannikegaard farm
Store Kannikegard farm
Store Karleby populated place
Store Karlsminde populated place
Store Kattinge So lake
Store Keldby populated place
Store Knivsig populated place
Store Kongsmark populated place
Store Ladager populated place
Store Ladegaard estate
Store Ladegard estate
Store Langbjerg hill
Store Langhede farm
Store Langheden farm
Store Langkaer populated place
Store Langkaergard populated place
Store Langkjaer populated place
Store Lihme populated place
Store Lime populated place
Store Lind populated place
Store Linde populated place
Store Lindet populated place
Store Lojstrup farm
Store Lyngby populated place
Store Lysgaard farm
Store Lysgard farm
Store Magleby populated place
Store Merlose populated place
Store Mogelbjaerg hill
Store Mogelbjerg hill
Store Mollehoj hill
Store Momhoj hill
Store Mosten forest
Store Munkegaard farm
Store Munkegard farm
Store Musse populated place
Store Norlund populated locality
Store Nustrup populated place
Store Oksnebjerg hill
Store Oksso lake
Store Olegard farm
Store Orebjerg hill
Store Oreso lake
Store Ortoft populated place
Store Osterhaab farm
Store Osterhab farm
Store Osterhov farm
Store Oxso lake
Store Paddeso farm
Store Plet farm
Store Ramsing populated place
Store Ravnholt farm
Store Ravnsbjerg farm
Store Restrup populated place
Store Rise populated place
Store Rodegaard farm
Store Rodegard farm
Store Rorbaek populated place
Store Rorbaek populated place
Store Rotholm island
Store Rottinge populated place
Store Ryesminde farm
Store Salby populated place
Store Sjorup populated place
Store Skikkild farm
Store Skindbjaerg farm
Store Skindbjerg farm
Store Slemminge populated place
Store Snode populated place
Store Spagergaard farm
Store Spagergard farm
Store Spjellerup populated place
Store Stego populated locality
Store Stendalhoj hill
Store Storup farm
Store Svelmo island
Store Taarnby populated place
Store Taastrup populated place
Store Tarnby populated place
Store Tastrup populated place
Store Thorlund populated place
Store Tonde farm
Store Torlund populated place
Store Toroje populated place
Store Torup populated place
Store Torup section of populated place
Store Torvegrund shoal
Store Tostrup populated place
Store Troldhoj hill
Store Trostrup farm
Store Tvedegard farm
Store Tykskov populated locality
Store Ubberud section of populated place
Store Vadsholt farm
Store Valby populated place
Store Varby farm
Store Vejlea stream
Store Vejleaa stream
Store Vejlegaard farm
Store Vejlegard farm
Store Vejlen polder
Store Vejlo polder
Store Velling populated place
Store Viby populated place
Store Vildmose meadow
Store Vingum farm
Store Vingumgaard farm
Store Voerlunde populated place
Store Vorbjaerg hill
Store Vorbjerg hill
Store Vorslunde populated place
Store Vroj beach
Store-Almegaard farm
Store-Bjergegaard farm
Store-Hallegaard farm
Store-Klint cliff
Store-Olegaard farm
Store-Tvedegaard farm
Storeager island
Storebaelt strait
Storebelt strait
Storegard farm
Storehjolund Plantage forest
Storeholm island
Storeholm island
Storeknos hill
Storemark Gaard farm
Storemarksgard farm
Storenor populated place
Storering Gaard farm
Storering populated place
Storevorde populated place
Storgaard farm
Storgaard farm
Storgaard farm
Storgaard farm
Storgard farm
Storkevad railroad stop
Storlinge populated place
Stormarken populated locality
Stormsgaarde farms
Stormsgarde farms
Storring populated place
Storringgard farm
Storsbol populated place
Storskov forest
Storskov forest
Storskov forest
Storskov forest
Storskov forest
Storskov forest
Storskov forest
Storskov forest
Storskov forest
Storskov forest
Storskov forest
Storskov forest
Storskoven forest
Storstrom marine channel
Storstrommen marine channel
Storstroms Amt first-order administrative division
Storup farm
Storup populated place
Storvorde populated place
Stottrup populated place
Stottrup populated locality
Stouby Kirke church
Stouby populated place
Stouby populated place
Stoubyskov forest
Stouenbjerggard farm
Stourup populated place
Stovbjerg hill
Stovbrohede populated locality
Stovby Skov forest
Stovby populated place
Stovby populated place
Stovby populated place
Stovby populated place
Stovenbjerg Gaard farm
Stovgaard estate
Stovgaard populated locality
Stovgard estate
Stovgard populated locality
Stovhoj hill
Stovl Knude point
Stovnbjerggaard farm
Stovnbjerggard farm
Stovring Kommune second-order administrative division
Stovring populated place
Stovring populated place
Stovringgard estate
Stovrup populated place
Stovstrup populated place
Stovstrup populated place
Straagaard farm
Straarup farm
Straaso Plantage forest
Strade farms
Straede farms
Straenghoj Gaard farm
Straerup populated place
Stragard farm
Strammelse populated place
Strand Esbonderup populated place
Strand meadow
Strandbjaerg Gaard estate
Strandbjerggard estate
Strandby Baadehavn harbor
Strandby Badehavn harbor
Strandby Gaarde populated locality
Strandby Garde populated locality
Strandby Rev reef
Strandby farms
Strandby populated place
Strandby populated place
Strandby populated place
Strandby populated place
Strandby populated place
Strandby populated place
Strandby section of populated place
Strandbygaard farms
Strandbygarde farms
Strandbygarde farms
Strande populated place
Strandegaard estate
Strandegard estate
Strandelhjorn populated place
Stranden meadow
Stranderholm farm
Stranderod Bugt cove
Stranderod populated place
Strandet estate
Strandgaard farm
Strandgaard farm
Strandgard farm
Strandgard farm
Strandgard farm
Strandhave farms
Strandholm farm
Strandhoved populated locality
Strandhuse populated place
Strandhuse populated place
Strandhuse populated place
Strandhuse populated place
Strandhuse populated place
Strandhuse populated place
Strandhuse populated place
Strandkaer farms
Strandlyst populated place
Strandmark forest
Strandmarken forest
Strandmolle Kro populated place
Strandmollen populated place
Strands populated place
Strandskov farm
Strandskov forest
Strandskov forest
Strandskov forest
Strandskov forest
Strandskov forest
Strandskov forest
Strandskoven forest
Strandskovgaard farm
Strandskovgard farm
Strandtved populated place
Strarup farm
Strarup populated locality
Straso Plantage forest
Strat populated place
Strellev populated place
Strenghojgard farm
Strib Havn harbor
Strib Odde point
Strib populated place
Striben farm
Stro Bjaerg hill
Stro Bjerg hill
Stro populated place
Stroby Egede populated place
Stroby Ladeplads populated place
Stroby populated place
Stroby populated place
Strodam farm
Strognaes Gard farm
Strolille populated place
Strommen populated place
Strovstrup farms
Struer Bugt bay
Struer Harbour harbor
Struer Kommune second-order administrative division
Struer populated place
Stryno Baadehavn harbor
Stryno Badehavn harbor
Stryno By populated place
Stryno Kalv island
Stryno island
Stryno populated place
Stubbaek populated place
Stubbe So lake
Stubbe populated place
Stubbe railroad stop
Stubbekiobing populated place
Stubbekjobing populated place
Stubbekobing Kommune second-order administrative division
Stubbekobing populated place
Stubbelob marine channel
Stubben pier
Stubbendrup farm
Stubbergaard Plantage forest
Stubbergaard So lake
Stubbergaard ruin
Stubbergard So lake
Stubbergard ruin
Stubberkloster Plantage forest
Stubberup Knold shoal
Stubberup Storskov forest
Stubberup populated place
Stubberup populated place
Stubberup populated place
Stubberup populated place
Stubberup populated place
Stubberup populated place
Stubberup populated place
Stubberup populated place
Stubberup populated place
Stubberup populated place
Stubberup populated place
Stubberup populated place
Stubberup populated place
Stubberupgaard farm
Stubberupgard farm
Stubberupholm farm
Stubbum populated place
Stubdrup populated place
Stubdrup populated place
Stubdrup populated locality
Stubkaer populated place
Stuby populated place
Stude populated place
Studeby populated locality
Studebygard populated locality
Studehave forest
Studeli Klit dune
Studsbol populated locality
Studsdal populated place
Studsgaard populated place
Studsgard populated place
Studstrup populated place
Stursbol Plantage forest
Stursbol populated locality
Stutterigaard farm
Stutterigarden farm
Styding Skov forest
Styding populated place
Styg farms
Styggaarde farms
Styggarde farms
Stylsgaard farm
Stylsgard farm
Styrt-om populated place
Styrtom populated place

Denmark Names Alphabetically

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U V W X Y Z 0-9 Non-Roman

Global Names Alphabetically

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U V W X Y Z 0-9 Non-Roman


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