Ghedda - Gherasestii - Geographical Names, map, geographic coordinates

SOURCE: National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency, Bethesda, MD, USA

Name Country Feature class
Ghedda Croatia populated place
Gheddahia Libya populated place
Gheddera Ethiopia populated place
Gheddiben Ethiopia populated place
Gheddo Siro Ethiopia well
Gheddus Minchiel Ethiopia hill
Ghedeis Somalia populated place
Ghedem Eritrea mountain
Ghedem Eritrea populated place
Ghedem Ethiopia locality
Ghedemghersa Eritrea mountain
Ghedenghie Ethiopia populated place
Ghedeon Ethiopia mountain
Gheder Kothah Pakistan populated place
Ghedes Micael Ethiopia populated place
Ghedesamo Somalia waterhole
Ghedghed/Debret Eritrea populated place
Ghedgheda Ethiopia stream
Ghedgoi Somalia populated place
Ghedgoi Somalia populated place
Ghedi Bhut Pakistan mountain
Ghedi Ethiopia mountain
Ghedi Italy populated place
Ghediba Gabon populated place
Ghedid Cali Ethiopia populated place
Ghediit Addole Ethiopia hill
Ghedir Abd el Kader Tunisia depression
Ghedir Amar Ben Amar Tunisia waterhole
Ghedir Baioud Tunisia waterhole
Ghedir Bel Azregh Libya sabkha
Ghedir Ben Abed Libya water tank
Ghedir Ben Hamza Libya water tank
Ghedir Bent Abed Libya water tank
Ghedir Bu el-Alam Libya water tank
Ghedir Bu et-Tsauir Libya water tank
Ghedir Cabcuba Libya water tank
Ghedir ech Chorfa Tunisia waterhole
Ghedir ed-Dbagaiat Libya waterhole
Ghedir ed-Dem Libya depression
Ghedir ed-Dib Libya water tank
Ghedir el Ghehaf Libya water tank
Ghedir el Ghehaf Libya water tank
Ghedir el Ghehef Libya water tank
Ghedir el Haj Morocco populated place
Ghedir el Hallouf Tunisia area
Ghedir el Hamla Tunisia well
Ghedir el Kaid Tunisia area
Ghedir el Kharouba Tunisia area
Ghedir el Mahfoura Tunisia area
Ghedir el Mattabbegh Libya water tank
Ghedir el Mottabbegh Libya water tank
Ghedir el Oudinat Tunisia ruin
Ghedir el-Abeied Libya water tank
Ghedir el-Agal Libya wadi
Ghedir el-Alema Libya wadi
Ghedir el-Gahaf Libya water tank
Ghedir el-Hag' Mohammed Libya water tank
Ghedir el-Hauasci Libya sabkha
Ghedir el-Masran Libya water tank
Ghedir en Noumia Tunisia ruin
Ghedir er Rezza Libya water tank
Ghedir er-Remtauia Libya water tank
Ghedir es-Safa Libya locality
Ghedir es-Sbaia Libya water tank
Ghedir es-Sebaia Libya water tank
Ghedir et-Trab Libya water tank
Ghedir ez Zeiat Tunisia spring
Ghedir ez-Zorda Libya water tank
Ghedir Fras Tunisia well
Ghedir Gahra Libya water tank
Ghedir Sidi Bouss Tunisia waterhole
Ghedir Soltane Tunisia area
Ghedir Tmed Bent Sciahata Libya water tank
Ghedir Umm el-Beriuf Libya water tank
Ghedir Umm el-Gleb Libya water tank
Ghedir Umm el-Grun Libya water tank
Ghedir Umm el-Machaser Libya water tank
Ghedira Morocco populated place
Ghedla Libya locality
Ghedo Bercan Somalia populated place
Ghedo Sama Somalia hill
Ghedo Ethiopia populated place
Ghedo Ethiopia locality
Ghedrane Tunisia spring
Ghedrem Eritrea locality
Ghedu Somalia area
Ghedulesti Romania populated place
Ghedumrasset Eritrea locality
Ghee Bridge United States Bridge
Ghee Mills Pakistan mill
Gheed Ilaalo Somalia locality
Gheed Xamar Somalia wadi
Gheel Belgium administrative division
Gheel Belgium populated place
Gheemora Bangladesh populated place
Gheen Corner United States Populated Place
Gheen Post Office United States Post Office
Gheen Spring United States Spring
Gheen Station (historical) United States Locale
Gheen United States Populated Place
Gheen United States Populated Place
Gheena Point United States Cape
Gheens Church United States Church
Gheens Post Office United States Post Office
Gheens Science Hall United States Building
Gheens United States Populated Place
Gheerulla Creek Australia stream
Gheerulla Australia populated place
Gheesling Cemetery United States Cemetery
Ghefafra Morocco populated place
Ghefai Somalia populated place
Ghefe Guezane Mozambique populated place
Gheferso Ethiopia populated place
Gheferso Somalia populated place
Ghega Kheri Pakistan populated place
Ghegalu Ethiopia populated place
Ghegam Libya populated place
Ghegava India populated place
Gheghangol Afghanistan populated place
Gheghangowl Afghanistan populated place
Gheghanqol Afghanistan populated place
Gheghende Solomon Islands populated place
Gheghie Romania populated place
Gheghonak Afghanistan mountain
Gheghtu Afghanistan stream
Gheghuzar Afghanistan populated place
Ghegue Novo Sao Tome and Principe populated place
Gheha Recreation Hall United States Building
Ghehdema Liberia populated place
Ghehe Bay Solomon Islands bay
Ghehe Plantation Solomon Islands estate
Ghehe Solomon Islands stream
Ghehughaha Passage Solomon Islands marine channel
Gheiada Tunisia sabkha
Gheib Elahi Iran populated place
Gheiba Switzerland populated place
Gheibi Hardonneh Ethiopia populated place
Gheider Debabo Somalia populated place
Gheider Moro Mererti Somalia populated place
Gheido Aieiu Ethiopia populated place
Gheighei Solomon Islands populated place
Gheil Ba Wazir Yemen populated place
Gheil Oman well
Gheil Yemen populated place
Gheils Cemetery United States Cemetery
Gheiol Ethiopia locality
Gheir el-Auuami Libya tomb
Gheir Egypt tomb
Gheis Abad Iran populated place
Gheiscia Ethiopia locality
Gheiscia Ethiopia mountain
Gheisrivier South Africa stream
Gheit el Nasara Egypt populated place
Gheizani Somalia escarpment
Gheizel Libya well
Gheja Romania populated place
Ghel Adei Ethiopia populated place
Ghel Cudel Ethiopia intermittent stream
Ghel Ghel Gavo Somalia area
Ghel Ghel Gudut Somalia area
Ghel Ghel Somalia area
Ghel Ghel Somalia area
Ghel Git Somalia locality
Ghel Kudel Ethiopia intermittent stream
Ghel Magal Somalia populated place
Ghel Medoi Somalia populated place
Ghel Rible Somalia spring
Ghel Turfo Somalia waterhole
Ghela'elo Eritrea populated place
Ghela Angola stream
Ghelabi Eritrea hills
Ghelai Somalia populated place
Ghelak Ghar Afghanistan mountain
Ghelanay Ghar Afghanistan mountain
Ghelang Ghar Afghanistan mountain
Ghelar Binay Afghanistan populated place
Ghelar Romania populated place
Ghelari Romania populated place
Ghelata Eritrea populated place
Ghelauza Moldova populated place
Ghelawuk Afghanistan populated place
Ghelb Ben Aghila Libya hill
Ghelb Cau Libya hill
Ghelb Chmes Libya hill
Ghelb Dueda Tunisia hill
Ghelb ed-Delim Libya hill
Ghelb ed-Dib Libya hill
Ghelb el Metemma Libya hill
Ghelb el-Carb Libya hill
Ghelb el-Fachri Libya hill
Ghelb el-Gemel Libya hill
Ghelb el-Gemel Libya hills
Ghelb el-Ghed Libya hill
Ghelb el-Ghezzah Libya hill
Ghelb el-Grab Libya hill
Ghelb el-Me Libya hill
Ghelb el-Omrania Libya hill
Ghelb en-Naga Libya hill
Ghelb er-Resaf Libya hill
Ghelb es-Sgura Libya hill
Ghelb ez-Zaafran Libya hill
Ghelb Gadames Libya hill
Ghelb Gareat Geddi Musa Libya hill
Ghelb Hariz el Oti Libya hill
Ghelb Merchi Libya hill
Ghelb Sciagmin Libya hill
Ghelb Siah es-Selian Libya hill
Ghelb Tmed Aleua Libya hill
Ghelb-el-Chira Libya hill
Ghelbane Morocco plain
Ghelbi Ethiopia mountain
Ghelca Addi Somalia well
Ghelcam Ethiopia populated place
Gheldabat Ethiopia populated place
Gheldabbal Ethiopia populated place
Gheldach Somalia locality
Gheldam Eritrea well
Gheldezza Somalia populated place
Gheldezza Somalia waterhole
Gheldezzo Somalia populated place
Gheldezzo Somalia waterhole
Gheldidis Ethiopia populated place
Gheleb Eritrea populated place
Gheleba Eritrea populated place
Gheleba Ethiopia administrative division
Gheledi Ethiopia populated place
Gheledi Somalia area
Gheledi Somalia area
Ghelegu Ethiopia populated place
Gheleina Island Solomon Islands island
Gheleinga Chad well
Ghelemso Ethiopia populated place
Ghelendic Bulgaria populated place
Ghelengic Bulgaria populated place
Ghelengic Romania populated place
Ghelenjik Bay Russia bay
Ghelenjik Russia populated place
Ghelfur Ethiopia well
Ghelgay Afghanistan populated place
Ghelgay Afghanistan abandoned populated place
Ghelgay Afghanistan populated place
Ghelgheb Scianfa Ethiopia intermittent stream
Ghelghel Beit Somalia waterhole
Ghelghel Bur Foli Somalia camp
Ghelghel Ethiopia intermittent stream
Ghelghoochan Iran populated place
Ghelghoum Elaid Algeria populated place
Ghelgoum Elaid Algeria populated place
Gheli Ethiopia populated place
Gheliana Island Solomon Islands island
Ghelich Baghi Iran populated place
Ghelidle Somalia area
Gheligani Mali waterhole
Gheligir Somalia well
Ghelij Ben Taieb Tunisia wadi
Ghelija'i Afghanistan wells
Ghelil Ethiopia intermittent stream
Ghelila Zacarias Island Ethiopia island
Ghelila Zacarias Ethiopia island
Ghelila Ethiopia populated place
Ghelila Ethiopia island
Ghelilie Somalia mountain
Ghelimiine Morocco populated place
Ghelingwasa Afghanistan intermittent stream
Ghelingwasah Afghanistan intermittent stream
Ghelinsor Somalia populated place
Ghelinta Romania populated place
Ghelinta Romania stream
Ghelis Romania populated place
Ghelissa Ethiopia populated place
Ghelissia Tunisia populated place
Ghelisvake Georgia populated place
Ghelja'i Afghanistan wells
Gheljay Koh Afghanistan mountain
Gheljay Kuh Afghanistan mountain
Gheljay Qoduq Afghanistan well
Gheljay Quduq Afghanistan well
Ghelji Nawab Afghanistan populated place
Gheljoga Somalia mountain
Ghella Pakistan populated place
Ghellade Ethiopia populated place
Ghellerie Belgium populated place
Ghellil Ait Aissa Ou Brahim Morocco populated place
Ghellil Ait Isfoul Morocco populated place
Ghelliz Mauritania well
Ghellua Libya mountain
Ghelman Saray Iran populated place
Ghelmar Romania populated place
Ghelmegioaia Romania populated place
Ghelmez Turkey populated place
Ghelmin Afghanistan populated place
Ghelmus Malta hill
Ghelo Chinay Afghanistan mountain
Ghelo Cinay Afghanistan mountain
Ghelo Ghar Afghanistan mountain
Ghelo Kazan Afghanistan mountain
Ghelo Lgad Afghanistan intermittent stream
Ghelo Lgad Afghanistan intermittent stream
Ghelo Ethiopia stream
Ghelocar Ethiopia populated place
Ghelot Tajikistan populated place
Ghelri India populated place
Gheltat Chrait Algeria wadi
Gheltchina Mahala Bulgaria populated place
Gheltet Bessaud Libya water tank
Gheltet Bessaud Libya water tank
Gheltet ed-Dib Libya water tank
Gheltet el Agiazia Libya water tank
Gheltet el Bol Libya water tank
Gheltet el Giarrahia Libya water tank
Gheltet el-Abragh Libya water tank
Gheltet el-Abregh Libya water tank
Gheltet el-Azzazia Libya water tank
Gheltet el-Azzazui Libya water tank
Gheltet el-Gula Libya water tank
Gheltet el-Haddadia Libya water tank
Gheltet el-Haddia Libya water tank
Gheltet el-Hamara Libya water tank
Gheltet Gozzi Libya water tank
Gheltet Hlala Libya water tank
Gheltet Machada Libya water tank
Gheltet Uadi el-Mahri Libya water tank
Gheltet Umm el Gedaria Libya water tank
Gheltet Umm el-Gelud Libya water tank
Gheltet Umm el-Glub Libya depression
Gheltosu Moldova populated place
Gheltosul Moldova populated place
Ghelu Wah Pakistan stream
Gheluene Somalia waterhole
Gheluvelt Belgium administrative division
Gheluvelt Belgium populated place
Gheluwe Belgium administrative division
Gheluwe Belgium populated place
Gheluwebeek Belgium stream
Ghema Ethiopia populated place
Ghemachisa Ethiopia populated place
Ghemadura Ethiopia populated place
Ghemalau Romania populated place
Ghemascia Ethiopia populated place
Ghembachi Ethiopia populated place
Ghemel es-Said Yemen populated place
Ghemeleu Romania populated place
Ghemete Mozambique populated place
Ghemi Nala Pakistan stream
Ghemi Pakistan populated place
Ghemi Pakistan intermittent stream
Ghemi Pakistan ridge
Ghemi Pakistan intermittent stream
Ghemi Sudan mountain
Ghemieri Bridge Malta bridge
Ghemieri Gardens Malta garden
Ghemieri Palace Malta palace
Ghemieri Valley Malta wadi
Ghemieri Malta populated place
Ghemieri Malta point
Ghemines Libya populated place
Ghemme Italy populated place
Ghemscia Ethiopia populated place
Ghen-Boupane Central African Republic populated place
Ghena Nigeria populated place
Ghenale Ethiopia stream
Ghenanlu Iran populated place
Ghencea Romania section of populated place
Ghenci Romania populated place
Ghenciu Romania populated place
Ghendabarat Ethiopia locality
Ghendahu Pakistan populated place
Ghendema Liberia populated place
Ghendema Liberia populated place
Ghendenta Eritrea hill
Ghendoa Ethiopia stream
Gheneinet el- Atash Egypt hill
Gheneiwa Sudan populated place
Gheneiwab Sudan populated place
Ghenetea Romania populated place
Ghenfile Ethiopia stream
Ghenga Ethiopia populated place
Ghengari Nala Pakistan stream
Ghenghis Ethiopia populated place
Ghengrail River Bangladesh distributary
Ghenifalecc Ethiopia stream
Gheniseba Eritrea populated place
Ghenjalay Ghar Afghanistan mountain
Ghenje Zimbabwe mountain
Ghenju Afghanistan populated place
Ghenna Ethiopia mountain
Ghennagazza Ethiopia populated place
Ghenneli Ethiopia stream
Ghennes Heights United States Populated Place
Ghenneti Ethiopia stream
Ghenniseba Eritrea populated place
Ghenoaica Romania populated place
Ghens India populated place
Ghent (historical) United States Locale
Ghent 2nd Baptist Cemetery United States Cemetery
Ghent Baptist Church Cemetery (historical) United States Cemetery
Ghent Cemetery United States Cemetery
Ghent Cemetery United States Cemetery
Ghent Census Designated Place United States Census
Ghent Christian Church United States Church
Ghent City Hall United States Building
Ghent Consolidated Cemetery United States Cemetery
Ghent Creek United States Stream
Ghent Elementary School United States School
Ghent Elementary School United States School
Ghent Grace Brethren Church United States Church
Ghent Homestead United States Locale
Ghent IOOF Cemetery United States Cemetery
Ghent Montessori School United States School
Ghent Mountain United States Summit
Ghent Park United States Park
Ghent Parks United States Flat
Ghent Post Office (historical) United States Post Office
Ghent Post Office United States Post Office
Ghent Post Office United States Post Office
Ghent Reformed Church United States Church
Ghent Slope United States Flat
Ghent Square Shopping Center United States Locale
Ghent Substation United States Locale
Ghent Union Cemetery United States Cemetery
Ghent United Methodist Church United States Church
Ghent W Rogers House United States Building
Ghent's Old Black Cemetery United States Cemetery
Ghent Belgium administrative division
Ghent Belgium seat of a first-order administrative division
Ghent United States Populated Place
Ghent United States Populated Place
Ghent United States Populated Place
Ghent United States Populated Place
Ghent United States Populated Place
Ghent United States Populated Place
Ghent United States Populated Place
Ghent United States Populated Place
Ghent United States Populated Place
Ghents Branch Baptist Church United States Church
Ghents Branch United States Stream
Ghents Hollow United States Valley
Ghenz Ethiopia populated place
Ghenzabo Eritrea populated place
Gheoa Ethiopia stream
Gheoa Ethiopia stream
Gheoa Ethiopia stream
Gheoca Romania populated place
Gheora India railroad station
Gheorghe Cosbuc Romania populated place
Gheorghe Dimopol Romania populated place
Gheorghe Doja Romania populated place
Gheorghe Doja Romania populated place
Gheorghe Doja Romania populated place
Gheorghe Doja Romania populated place
Gheorghe Gheorghiu-Dej Romania second-order administrative division
Gheorghe Gheorghiu-Dej Romania populated place
Gheorghe Iamandi Romania populated place
Gheorghe Lazar Romania populated place
Gheorghe Lazar Romania section of populated place
Gheorghe Razoare Romania section of populated place
Gheorghem Romania populated place
Gheorgheni Romania populated place
Gheorgheni Romania populated place
Gheorghesti Romania populated place
Gheorghieni Vechi Ukraine populated place
Gheorghieni Romania populated place
Gheorghieni Romania populated place
Gheorghiesti Romania populated place
Gheorghis Ethiopia populated place
Gheorghis Ethiopia populated place
Gheorghiteni Romania populated place
Gheorghitesti Romania populated place
Gheouya Mauritania intermittent pond
Ghep Pakistan populated place
Gher Dand Pakistan populated place
Gher Gajju Pakistan populated place
Gher Eritrea populated place
Gher India populated place
Ghera Ciocorsa Ethiopia populated place
Ghera Ethiopia populated place
Ghera Ethiopia populated place
Ghera Ethiopia locality
Gheraba Tunisia area
Gherac Romania populated place
Gherado Ethiopia populated place
Gheraesti Romania populated place
Gherai Ethiopia populated place
Gherale Eritrea hill
Gherali Ethiopia plain
Gheralta Ethiopia mountain
Gheran Chay Kandi Iran populated place
Gheran Iran populated place
Gherand Pakistan mountain
Gherar Bay Eritrea bay
Gherar Peninsula Eritrea peninsula
Gherar Eritrea hill
Gherar Eritrea peninsula
Gherardi Italy populated place
Gheraro Ier Ethiopia populated place
Gheraro Ethiopia well
Gherasahan India populated place
Gheraseni Romania populated place
Gherasesti Romania populated place
Gherasestii Romania populated place

Global Names Alphabetically

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U V W X Y Z 0-9 Non-Roman


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