Te'ashur - Teverya: Israel

SOURCE: National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency, Bethesda, MD, USA

Name Feature class
Te'ashur populated place
Tefahot populated place
Teir Shiha populated place
Teitaba ruin
Tekuma populated place
Tel `Adas populated place
Tel `Adashim populated place
Tel `Agol hill
Tel `Akko ancient site
Tel `Alil ruin
Tel `Amal populated place
Tel `Arad ancient site
Tel `Artal ancient site
Tel `Avdon ruin
Tel `Azeqa ancient site
Tel `Eiton ancient site
Tel `En Hadda mound
Tel `Erani ancient site
Tel `Eter mound
Tel `Eton ancient site
Tel `Irit mound
Tel Abu Haraza mound
Tel Adami hill
Tel Afeq mound
Tel Afeq ancient site
Tel Agra mound
Tel Akhziv ancient site
Tel Anaharat hill
Tel Arshaf ancient site
Tel Arubot ancient site
Tel Ashdod ancient site
Tel Asher populated place
Tel Ashqelon ancient site
Tel Avel Bet Ma`akha ancient site
Tel Aviv District first-order administrative division
Tel Aviv Region first-order administrative division
Tel Aviv section of populated place
Tel Aviv-Harbor harbor
Tel Aviv-Jaffa populated place
Tel Aviv-Yafo populated place
Tel Bad mound
Tel Baruch populated place
Tel Barukh populated place
Tel Batash ancient site
Tel Be'er Sheva` ancient site
Tel Benjamin section of populated place
Tel Benyamin section of populated place
Tel Beror mound
Tel Bet Mirsham ancient site
Tel Bet She'an ancient site
Tel Bet Shemesh ancient site
Tel Bet Yerah ancient site
Tel Binyamin section of populated place
Tel Burna ancient site
Tel Da`ok mound
Tel Da`okh mound
Tel Dan mound
Tel Duda'im mound
Tel Eder mound
Tel Efeq mound
Tel Efrayim section of populated place
Tel el Nejileh ancient site
Tel el Qady mound
Tel el Qasile ancient site
Tel el Qassile ancient site
Tel el Quneitira ancient site
Tel Elteqa ancient site
Tel Elteqe ancient site
Tel en Najila ancient site
Tel Es Safi ancient site
Tel Esur ancient site
Tel et Turmus ruin
Tel Gador mound
Tel Gama ancient site
Tel Gamma ancient site
Tel Gat Hefer mound
Tel Gat ancient site
Tel Gat populated place
Tel Gema ancient site
Tel Gerar ancient site
Tel Gerisa ancient site
Tel Geva` Shemen ancient site
Tel Gezer ancient site
Tel Gibbeton ancient site
Tel Gishron ruin
Tel Goded ancient site
Tel Govel mound
Tel Hai populated place
Tel Halif ancient site
Tel Hamid mound
Tel Hanan populated place
Tel Hannaton ancient site
Tel Harashim hill
Tel Haraz mound
Tel Haror ancient site
Tel Hashomer populated place
Tel Hasi ancient site
Tel Hay populated place
Tel Hazir mound
Tel Hazor ancient site
Tel Hemer hill
Tel Hodim mound
Tel Hualfa ancient site
Tel Iztaba ancient site
Tel Iztabba ancient site
Tel Kawara mound
Tel Kelekh mound
Tel Kison ancient site
Tel Lachish ancient site
Tel Lakhish ancient site
Tel Litvinski populated place
Tel Litwinsky populated place
Tel Mahoz mound
Tel Malhata ancient site
Tel Malhata ancient site
Tel Malluah mound
Tel Malot ancient site
Tel Malqoah mound
Tel Maresha ancient site
Tel Marwa mound
Tel Masos ancient site
Tel Me`ammer ancient site
Tel Mefalesim mound
Tel Mefallesim mound
Tel Megiddo ancient site
Tel Mifsah mound
Tel Milha ancient site
Tel Miqne ancient site
Tel Mond populated place
Tel Mor ancient site
Tel Moresan hill
Tel Moreshet Gat ancient site
Tel Nagila ancient site
Tel Nahal mound
Tel Naharon ancient site
Tel Narbeta ancient site
Tel Nufar mound
Tel Par mound
Tel Peha ancient site
Tel Poran mound
Tel Qana ancient site
Tel Qashish mound
Tel Qasila ancient site
Tel Qedesh ancient site
Tel Qeriyyot ruin
Tel Qeshet ancient site
Tel Qidda mound
Tel Qiryat Ye`arim ancient site
Tel Qishyon hill
Tel Raqqat ancient site
Tel Re`ala mound
Tel Regev ancient site
Tel Rehov ancient site
Tel Rekhesh mound
Tel Rosh mound
Tel Salwim mound
Tel Sera' ancient site
Tel Sha`ar mound
Tel Shaharit mound
Tel Shalem ancient site
Tel Shalwim mound
Tel Sharuhen ancient site
Tel Shem mound
Tel Sheqafim mound
Tel Sheqef ancient site
Tel Shihan mound
Tel Shiqmona ancient site
Tel Shoqeq mound
Tel Shoqet mound
Tel Sokha ancient site
Tel Susita hill
Tel Te'omim mound
Tel Temes hill
Tel Tsafit ancient site
Tel Tsiqlag ancient site
Tel Tsofim populated place
Tel Tsur populated place
Tel Turmus mound
Tel Ya`oz mound
Tel Yarmut ancient site
Tel Yeshua` mound
Tel Yin`am mound
Tel Yishma`el mound
Tel Yits-haq populated place
Tel Yizhaq populated place
Tel Yizre`el ancient site
Tel Yona mound
Tel Yoqne`am ancient site
Tel Yosef HaYeshana ancient site
Tel Yosef populated place
Tel Zafit ancient site
Tel Zaharon hill
Tel Zavat mound
Tel Zayit mound
Tel Zehara hill
Tel Zehavi mound
Tel Zeror mound
Tel Zeton mound
Tel Ziklag ancient site
Tel Zippor mound
Tel Ziqlag ancient site
Tel Zor`a ancient site
Tel Zoran mound
Tel Zur populated place
Tel-Aviv District first-order administrative division
Tel-Aviv-Jaffa District first-order administrative division
Tel-Aviv-Jaffa Sub-district administrative division
Tel-Litvinsky populated place
Telalim populated place
Telamim populated place
Tell `Adas populated place
Tell `Urad ancient site
Tell Abib section of populated place
Tell Abil ancient site
Tell Abu Haraze mound
Tell Abu Hureira ancient site
Tell Abu Rutha hill
Tell Afif section of populated place
Tell edh Dhrur mound
Tell edh Dhurur mound
Tell ek Kheidar ancient site
Tell el `Arais hill
Tell el Hasi ancient site
Tell el Kawayir mound
Tell el Milh ancient site
Tell el Muleiha ancient site
Tell el Mutasallim ancient site
Tell el Nahl mound
Tell el Qadi mound
Tell el Qady populated place
Tell el Quneitira ancient site
Tell el-Hesy ancient site
Tell en Najila ancient site
Tell en Nejile ancient site
Tell es Safi ancient site
Tell es Semak ancient site
Tell es Surat mound
Tell esh Shammam mound
Tell esh Shari`a ancient site
Tell esh Shemmam mound
Tell et Turmus ruin
Tell Khuweilifa ancient site
Tell Marva mound
Tell Rakhma hill
Tell Sa`wa mound
Tell Sheykh Ahmed el Areyny ancient site
Tell Yunis mound
Tell ruin
Temara populated place
Temarah populated place
Temarah populated place
Temarah populated place
Tenuvot populated place
Tequma populated place
Tequmah populated place
Tevarya populated place
Teverya populated place

Israel Names Alphabetically

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U V W X Y Z 0-9 Non-Roman

Global Names Alphabetically

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U V W X Y Z 0-9 Non-Roman


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