Mtaa Sub-Location - Mtwapa: Kenya

SOURCE: National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency, Bethesda, MD, USA

Name Feature class
Mtaa Sub-Location administrative division
Mtaa area
Mtaa populated place
Mtakuja area
Mtambo factory
Mtambwe area
Mtanga Mnene area
Mtanga wa Papa area
Mtanganyiko area
Mtangawanda Forest Station forest station
Mtangawanda Forestry Station forest station
Mtangawanga Forestry Station forest station
Mtara Bay bay
Mtarakwa Forest Reserve forest
Mtarakwa Forest forest
Mtawa stream
Mtei hill
Mtelo mountain
Mtembur populated place
Mtemwene school
Mtepeni School school
Mtetei Valley valley
Mteza Creek tidal creek
Mteza area
Mteza populated place
Mthongi stream
Mtisangtifu area
Mtito Andei populated place
Mtito Andei stream
Mto Fundi Isa tidal creek
Mto Fundi Isi tidal creek
Mto Fundisa tidal creek
Mto Kalifi tidal creek
Mto Kilifi tidal creek
Mto Kilifi inlet
Mto Marereni tidal creek
Mto Matawapa tidal creek
Mto Mkuu Sub-Location administrative division
Mto Moamandi stream
Mto Mtwapa tidal creek
Mto Pamamba tidal creek
Mto Panga populated place
Mto Rasini tidal creek
Mto Sabaki stream
Mto Tana tidal creek
Mto Ungo tidal creek
Mto wa Hidio tidal creek
Mto wa Kimbo tidal creek
Mto wa Kipungani tidal creek
Mto wa Mgine Creek tidal creek
Mto wa Mgine tidal creek
Mto wa Mgini tidal creek
Mto wa Mkunumbi tidal creek
Mto wa Takwa tidal creek
Mto wa Ungu tidal creek
Mto ya Simu tidal creek
Mtokini stream
Mtomkuu stream
Mtondia Sub-Location administrative division
Mtondia storehouse
Mtonga hill
Mtongore hill
Mtongwe section of populated place
Mtoni Farm farm
Mtoni stream
Mtonyi pond
Mtowa Pemba stream
Mtowamawe stream
Mtsangatifu area
Mtsangatifu area
Mtsangatifu populated place
Mtsapuni stream
Mtsara Tsatsu Sub-Location administrative division
Mtsengo area
Mtsengo facility center
Mtulu area
Mtulu populated place
Mtulu stream
Mtumwa area
Mtundia storehouse
Mtungi populated place
Mtungoni hill
Mtungui area
Mtwana stream
Mtwapa Creek tidal creek
Mtwapa Location administrative division
Mtwapa Sub-Location administrative division
Mtwapa market

Kenya Names Alphabetically

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U V W X Y Z 0-9 Non-Roman

Global Names Alphabetically

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U V W X Y Z 0-9 Non-Roman


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