Noizefat - Nouskaye: Mauritania

SOURCE: National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency, Bethesda, MD, USA

Name Feature class
Noizefat mesa
Nojia Oglat well
Notzine well
Nouabrar well
Nouachid well
Nouackout locality
Nouadar gorge
Nouadar intermittent stream
Nouadgui el Abiod hill
Nouadgui el Akhdar escarpment
Nouadhfat mesa
Nouadhfat dune
Nouadhibou seat of a first-order administrative division
Nouadhibou well
Nouadibou Region first-order administrative division
Nouadibou well
Nouaggour well
Nouagheirit well
Nouagour well
Nouagrot dune
Nouaguilmich dune
Nouajilal well
Nouakchat capital of a political entity
Nouakchot capital of a political entity
Nouakchott capital of a political entity
Nouakil depression
Nouakil well
Noual well
Noual well
Noual populated place
Noualelane area
Nouallig well
Nouamart wadi
Nouamelin mountain
Nouameline mountain
Nouamghar populated place
Nouamlein mountain
Nouamrhar populated place
Nouanemer wadi
Nouaoudar el Kebir well
Nouaoudar well
Nouaoudar well
Nouar well
Nouasko locality
Nouassar locality
Nouassein area
Nouasser locality
Nouatguig locality
Nouatil well
Nouatil hills
Nouatkik locality
Nouazereg Chergui well
Nouazereg well
Nouazilaj well
Noudach well
Noudache well
Noude dam
Noudei dam
Noudmach hills
Nouedgui el Abiod hill
Nouedgui el Akhdar escarpment
Nouei well
Noueich well
Noueizzine well
Nouezerek well
Nouezrik well
Nouezzine well
Nouijegate ravine
Nouisine well
Nouiycherat water hole
Noukhan escarpment
Noukhane escarpment
Noum Zalik water hole
Nouma populated place
Nouskaye well

Mauritania Names Alphabetically

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U V W X Y Z 0-9 Non-Roman

Global Names Alphabetically

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U V W X Y Z 0-9 Non-Roman


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