Ras et-Talga - Ras Kua - Geographical Names, map, geographic coordinates

SOURCE: National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency, Bethesda, MD, USA

Name Country Feature class
Ras et-Talga Libya point
Ras et-Tes Libya hill
Ras et-Tina Libya hill
Ras ett Tamra Syria populated place
Ras ett Tourkmane Syria populated place
Ras ez Zaitoun Lebanon spur
Ras ez Zanbaqiye Lebanon peak
Ras ez Zarour Syria slope
Ras ez Zbeua Libya hill
Ras ez Zoubia Algeria spur
Ras ez Zukeir West Bank hill
Ras ez Zuweira Israel police post
Ras ez-Zuei Libya hill
Ras ez-Zuetina Libya peak
Ras Ezzaouia Morocco hill
Ras Fadiha Jordan hill
Ras Faid Achour Tunisia hill
Ras Failoul Lebanon spur
Ras Falang Yemen point
Ras Farajin Sudan headland
Ras Fashkha West Bank headland
Ras Fastah Iran point
Ras Fatuma YeBahir Signal Kifil Eritrea lighthouse
Ras Fatuma YeMidir Zerf Ch'af Eritrea point
Ras Fatuma Eritrea point
Ras Fatuma Eritrea lighthouse
Ras Feddane Morocco mountain
Ras Feid Rechique Algeria promontory
Ras Fek ed Dia Algeria hills
Ras Felag Bacar Eritrea point
Ras Felfelah Algeria point
Ras Feraat es Sahli Algeria hill
Ras Feriat Morocco hill
Ras Fetil Tunisia point
Ras Filfila Algeria point
Ras Fortas Algeria mountain
Ras Fortas Algeria mountain
Ras Fortas Algeria spur
Ras Fortass Algeria spur
Ras Fouinis Algeria ridge
Ras Founti Morocco point
Ras Fourar Algeria mountain
Ras Frao Algeria point
Ras Freiouat Mauritania hills
Ras Fughio Tanzania point
Ras Fugio Tanzania point
Ras Fugu Mozambique point
Ras Fuini Tanzania point
Ras Fulige Libya hill
Ras Fuligia Libya hill
Ras Fumba Tanzania point
Ras Fundioni Tanzania point
Ras Fura Yemen point
Ras Gaan Somalia cape
Ras Gaba Somalia point
Ras Gabah Somalia point
Ras Gahbess Egypt point
Ras Galai Bahrain point
Ras Gamb el-Timsah Egypt point
Ras Ganb el-Timsah Egypt point
Ras Ganz Pakistan point
Ras Garmal Somalia point
Ras Garmale Somalia point
Ras Garra Egypt point
Ras Gaulani Somalia cape
Ras Gemafad Libya mountain
Ras Gemsa Egypt promontory
Ras Gemsa Egypt oilfield
Ras Gemsa Egypt point
Ras Gergir Libya hill
Ras Ghadnar Yemen mountain
Ras Ghandha United Arab Emirates point
Ras Ghareb Egypt oilfield
Ras Gharib Anchorage Egypt anchorage
Ras Gharib Egypt airfield
Ras Gheladat Libya point
Ras Ghemais United Arab Emirates point
Ras Ghemeis United Arab Emirates point
Ras Ghiaalet el-Gasr Libya hill
Ras Ghirden Libya hill
Ras Gibal Egypt mountain
Ras Gibalei Somalia point
Ras Gibeisa Egypt point
Ras Gihan Egypt point
Ras Gihar Egypt point
Ras Gilbo Somalia cape
Ras Gimsah Egypt promontory
Ras Giulaz Libya hill
Ras Gogoni Tanzania point
Ras Gol Marraile Somalia point
Ras Gomani Tanzania point
Ras Gombo Eritrea point
Ras Gome Lahecua Somalia point
Ras Gome Lakhekuua Somalia point
Ras Gosh Oman point
Ras Goulani Somalia cape
Ras Goumarlah Somalia cape
Ras Gregrien Egypt point
Ras Greibat Zeluaz Libya hill
Ras Grine Algeria peak
Ras Gubba Somalia point
Ras Guddam Eritrea cape
Ras Gueddelane Algeria mountain
Ras Guerabia Algeria hill
Ras Gulhan Egypt cape
Ras Gumaila Oman point
Ras Gumarlah Somalia cape
Ras Gumarlat Somalia cape
Ras Gumeleh Oman point
Ras Gumudli Eritrea point
Ras Gunz Pakistan point
Ras Gurahane Somalia point
Ras Gurmal Eritrea cape
Ras Gurnud Eritrea cape
Ras Habiq Egypt point
Ras Hablein Israel hill
Ras Habou Comoros cape
Ras Habu Comoros cape
Ras Hachich Algeria mountain
Ras Hadarba Sudan cape
Ras Hadi Bin Moosa Yemen point
Ras Hadi ibn Musa Yemen point
Ras Hadid Morocco cape
Ras Haffa Oman point
Ras Hafun Somalia point
Ras Hafuni Tanzania point
Ras Hagag Djibouti stream
Ras Hageri Libya dune
Ras Haiyan Bahrain cape
Ras Hala Umm al Baidh Bahrain point
Ras Halat Umm al Baidh Bahrain point
Ras Halboub Algeria mountain
Ras Haleima Egypt point
Ras Half Oman point
Ras Halgh er Resciada Libya mountain
Ras Halileh Iran cape
Ras Hallaniya Oman point
Ras Haman Burkina Faso lake
Ras Hamara Morocco cape
Ras Hamda Morocco mountain
Ras Hammada West Bank spur
Ras Hamman Burkina Faso lake
Ras Hamnian Burkina Faso lake
Ras Hamra Somalia cape
Ras Hanjura United Arab Emirates point
Ras Hanyura United Arab Emirates point
Ras Hanzir Number 1 Malta quay
Ras Hanzir Number 2 Malta quay
Ras Hanzir Malta point
Ras Haor Somalia cape
Ras Harb Eritrea cape
Ras Harf ed Dalim Libya hill
Ras Harifi Yemen point
Ras Hariri Yemen point
Ras Harmadara Yemen point
Ras Harour Algeria mountain
Ras Harrada West Bank spur
Ras Harri Somalia cape
Ras Hartau Eritrea point
Ras Hasa United Arab Emirates point
Ras Hasan West Bank hill
Ras Hasian United Arab Emirates point
Ras Hassan Libya mountain
Ras Hassan Syria point
Ras Hatiba Saudi Arabia spit
Ras Haulaf Yemen point
Ras Haura Yemen hills
Ras Hawala Egypt point
Ras Hawalla Egypt point
Ras Haye Lebanon hill
Ras Hejaf Yemen point
Ras Herbe Eritrea point
Ras Heriga Libya point
Ras Hilal Libya populated place
Ras Hirbaiya Lebanon hill
Ras Hisaisah Yemen point
Ras Hisyan United Arab Emirates point
Ras Hmaid Lebanon spur
Ras Hmam Libya peak
Ras Hmayd Lebanon spur
Ras Hmer Algeria hill
Ras Hodi Kenya point
Ras Honkorab Egypt point
Ras Htitasa Morocco hill
Ras Hubbha Yemen spur
Ras Humbeis Somalia cape
Ras Humeiyir West Bank spur
Ras Hussain Qatar point
Ras i Bute Albania populated place
Ras i Eger Albania populated place
Ras Ibn Jaid Saudi Arabia hill
Ras Ibn Naga Egypt peak
Ras ic-Catta Malta point
Ras Ich Fortatou Algeria mountain
Ras Ich Mouinine Algeria mountain
Ras id Dueira Malta point
Ras id Dwara Malta point
Ras id-Dawara Malta point
Ras id-Dawwara Malta point
Ras id-Dwejra Malta point
Ras Iddah Tunisia cape
Ras Ifriquia Tunisia point
Ras Igga Morocco hill
Ras Ijla United Arab Emirates point
Ras Ijlikhan Israel mountain
Ras Iknaisi Egypt point
Ras il Baiada Malta point
Ras il Baida Malta point
Ras il Baitar Malta headland
Ras il Baydha Malta point
Ras il Fenik Malta point
Ras il Fniec Malta point
Ras il Fniek Malta point
Ras il Griebej Malta point
Ras il Hamriah Malta point
Ras il Hekka Malta point
Ras il Hobs Malta point
Ras il Jebel Malta point
Ras il Kala Malta cape
Ras il Kali Malta point
Ras il Kreiten Malta point
Ras il Newhela Malta cape
Ras il Nieshfa Malta point
Ras il Pelligrin Malta point
Ras il Qbajjar Malta point
Ras il Uash Malta point
Ras il Wahsh Malta point
Ras il Wardia Malta point
Ras il Wardija Malta triangulation station
Ras il-Bajda Malta point
Ras il-Bajjada Malta point
Ras il-Bajjada Malta point
Ras il-Bajjada Malta point
Ras il-Bajtar Malta headland
Ras il-Fenek Malta point
Ras il-Fniek Malta point
Ras il-Gebel Malta point
Ras il-Ghallis Malta point
Ras il-Griebeg Malta point
Ras il-Hamrija Malta point
Ras il-Heqqa Malta point
Ras il-Hobz Malta point
Ras il-Kaura Malta point
Ras il-Mignuna Malta point
Ras il-Pellegrin Malta point
Ras il-Qala Malta cape
Ras il-Qali Malta point
Ras il-Qammieh Malta point
Ras il-Qammieh Malta triangulation station
Ras il-Qarraba Malta promontory
Ras il-Qawra Malta point
Ras il-Qaws Malta point
Ras il-Qrejten Malta point
Ras il-Wahx Malta point
Ras il-Wardija Malta point
Ras il-Wied Malta locality
Ras Ilig Somalia point
Ras Illig Somalia point
Ras Illigh Somalia point
Ras Imhish Qatar point
Ras Imoudjene Algeria mountain
Ras in Nieshfa Malta point
Ras in-Newwiela Malta cape
Ras in-Niexfa Bay Malta bay
Ras in-Niexfa Malta point
Ras Ingar Jordan cliff
Ras Inomo Tanzania point
Ras Iouik Mauritania point
Ras ir Rekka Malta point
Ras ir-Raheb Malta point
Ras ir-Reqqa Malta point
Ras Irdeiha Israel mountain
Ras Irsane Morocco hill
Ras is-Sieqja Malta locality
Ras Isa Yemen populated place
Ras Isciaca Lassai Somalia cape
Ras Isly Algeria mountain
Ras Isly Algeria populated place
Ras Issaran Egypt point
Ras it-Trebona Malta point
Ras it-Triq Malta point
Ras it-Tumbrell Malta point
Ras Itkouroun Mali hill
Ras Iwatine Kenya point
Ras Iwe Tini Kenya point
Ras Iwetine Kenya point
Ras Izemrane Morocco cape
Ras Jaddi Pakistan point
Ras Jaliya United Arab Emirates point
Ras Jaliyah United Arab Emirates point
Ras Janjali Oman point
Ras Jasaira Bahrain point
Ras Jask Iran cape
Ras Jasra Bahrain point
Ras Jaziyal Sudan point
Ras Jbeliat Mauritania hills
Ras Jedra Lebanon cape
Ras Jeham Morocco hill
Ras Jemsa Egypt promontory
Ras Jerfa Mali hills
Ras Jibir East Somalia point
Ras Jibir West Somalia point
Ras Jibir Somalia point
Ras Jidufah Oman point
Ras Jihir West Bank hill
Ras Jiine Morocco hill
Ras Jilao Somalia cape
Ras Jilbo Somalia cape
Ras Jimbo Kenya point
Ras Jimeleh Oman point
Ras Jivuni Pakistan point
Ras Jiwani Pakistan point
Ras Jiyuni Pakistan point
Ras Jouar el Aasfar Lebanon peak
Ras Jouar el Baqi Lebanon mountain
Ras Jouar el Maaisra Lebanon mountain
Ras Juga Tanzania point
Ras Juja Tanzania point
Ras Jumbo Somalia point
Ras Junda Kenya point
Ras Kaamba Kiyaambo Somalia point
Ras Kaau Yemen point
Ras Kabo Tunisia cape
Ras Kaboudia Tunisia cape
Ras Kabr Hindi Oman point
Ras Kachari Pakistan headland
Ras Kadakira Yemen point
Ras Kadhama Kuwait point
Ras Kadhamah Kuwait point
Ras Kaida Oman point
Ras Kaisa Oman cape
Ras Kallansiya Yemen point
Ras Kalwein Somalia cape
Ras Kamaiti Pakistan point
Ras Kamatti Pakistan point
Ras Kamba Kiyyambo Somalia point
Ras Kamboni Somalia point
Ras Kamel Lebanon ridge
Ras Kamiti Pakistan point
Ras Kanda Kenya point
Ras Kanisa Egypt point
Ras Kankadya Tanzania point
Ras Kantut United Arab Emirates point
Ras Kanzi Tanzania point
Ras Kapar Pakistan headland
Ras Kapoudia Tunisia cape
Ras Kappar Pakistan headland
Ras Kapudia Tunisia cape
Ras Karim Egypt oilfield
Ras Karkama Saudi Arabia point
Ras Karkame Saudi Arabia point
Ras Karma Saudi Arabia point
Ras Karma Yemen point
Ras Kasar Eritrea populated place
Ras Kasar Sudan point
Ras Kasone Tanzania point
Ras Kassar Sudan point
Ras Katanan Yemen headland
Ras Kattanahan Yemen headland
Ras Kazim Kazi Tanzania cape
Ras Kazone Tanzania point
Ras Kazone Tanzania section of populated place
Ras Kebdana Morocco cape
Ras Kebdana Morocco populated place
Ras Keblaoui Tunisia cape
Ras Keblaui Tunisia cape
Ras Kechoun Algeria mountain
Ras Kedududu Tanzania point
Ras Kef Bardou Algeria peak
Ras Kef el Hamam Algeria peak
Ras Kef-Bou Kachrouda Algeria mountain
Ras Kegomacha Tanzania cape
Ras Kegundwa Tanzania point
Ras Keida Oman point
Ras Kelab Algeria headland
Ras Kelah Algeria headland
Ras Keltoum Algeria mountain
Ras Keneisa Egypt point
Ras Kera Tanzania point
Ras Kerarir Eritrea point
Ras Keriba Tunisia point
Ras Kesioud Syria mountain
Ras Kethib Yemen point
Ras Ketib Yemen point
Ras Kettane Syria populated place
Ras Khaanziir Somalia cape
Ras Khabeuch Tunisia point
Ras Khaisat en Naum Yemen cape
Ras Khali Saudi Arabia reef
Ras Khalkhal Morocco hill
Ras Khalkhal Morocco hill
Ras Khanziir Somalia cape
Ras Khanzir Somalia cape
Ras Khanzira Somalia cape
Ras Kharaba Saudi Arabia point
Ras Khargu Iran cape
Ras Kharruba West Bank hill
Ras Khasaifa Spit Bahrain section of reef
Ras Khatib Somalia cape
Ras Khaur el Jam` Jordan mountain
Ras Khechbi Algeria hill
Ras Kheir West Bank hill
Ras Kheitat Egypt peak
Ras Khishayim Oman point
Ras Khola Afghanistan mountain
Ras Khudeiriyah United Arab Emirates point
Ras Khumeis United Arab Emirates point
Ras Khuneizir Jordan mountain
Ras Khurma Saudi Arabia point
Ras Khushayim Oman point
Ras Kiambone Somalia point
Ras Kiberamini Kenya point
Ras Kiberamni Kenya point
Ras Kibungwe Tanzania point
Ras Kidamoni Kenya point
Ras Kidomoni Kenya point
Ras Kidomoni Kenya point
Ras Kidutani Tanzania point
Ras Kifa Lebanon populated place
Ras Kigangone Kenya point
Ras Kigangoni Kenya point
Ras Kigomasha Tanzania cape
Ras Kijiwe Mtu Tanzania point
Ras Kikaangoni Kenya point
Ras Kikapani Tanzania point
Ras Kikogwe Tanzania point
Ras Kikokwe Tanzania point
Ras Kikongwe Tanzania point
Ras Kikusa Tanzania point
Ras Kilifi Tanzania point
Ras Kilindini Kenya point
Ras Kilindini Kenya point
Ras Kimbiji Tanzania point
Ras Kinazini Tanzania point
Ras Kingoje Tanzania point
Ras Kingoji Tanzania point
Ras Kinoe Tanzania point
Ras Kinunduni Tanzania point
Ras Kiongwe Tanzania point
Ras Kionwa Tanzania point
Ras Kipakoni Tanzania point
Ras Kipondo Tanzania point
Ras Kipumbwe Tanzania point
Ras Kiravamundo Tanzania point
Ras Kirawamundo Tanzania point
Ras Kiromo Kenya point
Ras Kiromoni Tanzania point
Ras Kisangani Tanzania point
Ras Kisangi Tanzania point
Ras Kisannamba Tanzania point
Ras Kisaoni Kenya point
Ras Kisauni Kenya point
Ras Kisauni Kenya point
Ras Kishayim Oman point
Ras Kisimani Tanzania point
Ras Kisimkazi Tanzania cape
Ras Kisinga Mkoni Kenya point
Ras Kissanamba Tanzania point
Ras Kisuani Kenya point
Ras Kitamba Tanzania point
Ras Kitao Kenya point
Ras Kitau Kenya point
Ras Kitoka Kenya point
Ras Kitua Kenya point
Ras Kiuyn Tanzania cape
Ras Kiuyu Tanzania cape
Ras Kiviana Morocco point
Ras Kivumoni Tanzania point
Ras Kivurugu Tanzania point
Ras Kiyomoni Tanzania point
Ras Kiyyanguani Somalia point
Ras Kizimkazi Tanzania cape
Ras Kizingani Tanzania point
Ras Kizkizan Oman point
Ras Knain Lebanon hill
Ras Knisse Lebanon mountain
Ras Kobuene Tanzania point
Ras Kobueni Tanzania point
Ras Kodalene Algeria mountain
Ras Koh Range Pakistan mountains
Ras Koh Pakistan mountain
Ras Koh Pakistan mountains
Ras Koh Pakistan mountain
Ras Komona Kenya cape
Ras Kongoyura Tanzania point
Ras Kopori Tanzania point
Ras Korai Somalia point
Ras Korali Djibouti point
Ras Korali Eritrea point
Ras Korati Djibouti point
Ras Koridit Algeria hill
Ras Koridite Algeria hill
Ras Koronjo Tanzania point
Ras Kosar Eritrea cape
Ras Kraal South Africa farm
Ras Kraal South Africa farmstead
Ras Kradidja Tunisia cape
Ras Kressim Tunisia point
Ras Ksim Tunisia point
Ras Kua Tanzania point

Global Names Alphabetically

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