Store Blamann - Store Lysgard - Geographical Names, map, geographic coordinates

SOURCE: National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency, Bethesda, MD, USA

Name Country Feature class
Store Blamann Norway mountain
Store Blamannen Norway mountain
Store Blammannsvika Norway cove
Store Bleika Norway island
Store Bleiskjer Norway rock
Store Bogeskov Denmark forest
Store Bogo Norway peninsula
Store Bogoy Norway peninsula
Store Bogoya Norway peninsula
Store Bogoya Norway island
Store Bogoyna Norway peninsula
Store Bokn Norway island
Store Bollavatnet Norway lake
Store Bondoy Norway island
Store Bondoya Norway island
Store Borgefjeld Norway mountain
Store Borgefjell Norway mountain
Store Boroy Norway island
Store Boroy Norway island
Store Boroyni Norway island
Store Borrasfjeldene Norway mountain
Store Borsjoen Norway lake
Store Botn Norway farm
Store Botnesjoen Svalbard lake
Store Bovet Denmark farm
Store Branch United States Stream
Store Branch United States Stream
Store Brand Norway rock
Store Brandholmen Norway island
Store Bratholme Norway island
Store Brattholmen Norway island
Store Brattholmen Norway island
Store Brattholmen Norway island
Store Brattholmen Norway island
Store Bredlund Denmark populated place
Store Bremvika Norway cove
Store Bremvikneset Norway point
Store Brevik Norway farm
Store Brondum Denmark populated place
Store Bronken Norway lake
Store Bror Sweden island
Store Brunoya Norway island
Store Bryggfjell Norway farms
Store Budal Norway farm
Store Bukfyll Norway farms
Store Bukken Norway island
Store Bukketinden Norway mountain
Store Buksfjeldet Norway mountain
Store Buksfjell Norway mountain
Store Bunkevatn Norway lake
Store Bunkevatnet Norway lake
Store Buroyan Norway islands
Store Burskjaer Norway rock
Store Burskjeret Norway rock
Store Burusjoen Norway lake
Store Burusjoen Norway lake
Store Buskjer Norway rock
Store Byringen Norway mountain
Store Cabin Run United States Stream
Store Creek Australia populated place
Store Creek Australia stream
Store Creek United States Stream
Store Creek United States Stream
Store Creek United States Stream
Store Dabinakjavrre Norway lake
Store Dabmakjavrre Norway lake
Store Daerga Norway mountain
Store Dagskjemma Norway island
Store Dalby Denmark populated place
Store Dame Denmark populated place
Store Damme Denmark populated place
Store Darum Denmark populated place
Store Dimon Faroe Islands island
Store Dola Norway island
Store Dragstjo Norway lake
Store Dragstjoen Norway lake
Store Draw United States Valley
Store Driva Norway rock
Store Dunoya Svalbard island
Store Dyrehave Denmark forest
Store Dyro Norway island
Store Dyroy Norway island
Store Dyroya Norway island
Store Ebberup Denmark populated place
Store Edoya Norway island
Store Edoya Norway island
Store Egholm Denmark island
Store Eige Norway populated place
Store Eista Norway rocks
Store Ejstrup Denmark farm
Store Ekkeroy Norway land-tied island
Store Eldoy Norway island
Store Eldoyi Norway island
Store Elgevassho Norway mountain
Store Elgsjotangen Norway spur
Store Elgstjernet Norway lake
Store Elgstjorn Norway lake
Store Ellevskjeret Norway rock
Store Ellingen Norway island
Store Elmue Denmark populated place
Store Elsbaen Norway reef
Store Elsjotangen Norway spur
Store Emmerske Denmark populated place
Store Ensjoen Norway lake
Store Erenbjerg Denmark farm
Store Ernebjaerg Denmark farm
Store Ernebjerg Denmark farm
Store Ertevand Norway lake
Store Ertevatn Norway lake
Store Estrup Denmark farm
Store Faellesholmen Norway island
Store Faerder Norway island
Store Faeroy Norway island
Store Faeroya Norway island
Store Fagervik Norway farm
Store Fagervik Norway bay
Store Fagervika Norway bay
Store Fauskevag Norway populated place
Store Favrby Denmark section of populated place
Store Feisten Norway island
Store Fellesholmen Norway island
Store Finnkjerka Norway point
Store Finsch Greenland island
Store Fiplingdalen Norway farm
Store Fiplingdalselva Norway stream
Store Fiplingdalselven Norway stream
Store Fisker-Banke Undersea Features bank
Store Fiskerbank Undersea Features bank
Store Fiskholmen Norway rock
Store Fjaellebro Denmark farm
Store Fjelstervang Denmark populated place
Store Fjem Denmark farm
Store Fjembe Denmark farm
Store Fjord Norway fjord
Store Flado Greenland island
Store Flatholmen Norway island
Store Flatoya Norway island
Store Flatoya Norway island
Store Flesa Norway shoal
Store Flosjon Sweden lake
Store Floyrlivatn Norway lake
Store Follesoy Norway island
Store Follesoya Norway island
Store Forde Vand Norway lake
Store Fores Vatn Norway lake
Store Foresvatnet Norway lake
Store Fornestinden Norway mountain
Store Foroya Norway island
Store Forra Norway mountain
Store Fosse Norway populated place
Store Frederikslund Denmark estate
Store Frelsoya Norway island
Store Frigaard Denmark farm
Store Frigard Denmark farm
Store Fuglede Denmark populated place
Store Fugleo Denmark island
Store Fugloy Norway island
Store Fugloya Norway island
Store Furoy Norway island
Store Futoen Norway island
Store Futoya Norway island
Store Gaasoen Norway island
Store Gaasoy Norway island
Store Gade Denmark farm
Store Gadegaard Denmark farm
Store Gadegaard Denmark farm
Store Gadegard Denmark farm
Store Galbbajavrre Norway lake
Store Gammelby Denmark farm
Store Gamvikskjera Norway rocks
Store Gasadakvatn Norway lake
Store Gasoy Norway island
Store Gasoya Norway island
Store Gasvatn Norway lake
Store Gasvika Norway cove
Store Geiran Norway rocks
Store Geitungen Norway rock
Store Gjodingskov Denmark forest
Store Gjolgavatnet Norway lake
Store Gjolja Vand Norway lake
Store Gjoljavann Norway lake
Store Glapan Norway rock
Store Gletscher Greenland glacier
Store Gletscher Greenland glacier
Store Glimhaugen Norway hill
Store Glimtaren Norway shoal
Store Goddingskov Denmark forest
Store Godingskov Denmark forest
Store Godoy Norway island
Store Godoya Norway island
Store Godoyflua Norway rocks
Store Grandlose Denmark populated place
Store Granheia Norway populated place
Store Granheien Norway populated place
Store Granosi Norway peak
Store Grastoppen Norway mountain
Store Grensefjell Norway hill
Store Gribso Denmark lake
Store Grimsholme Norway island
Store Grimsholmen Norway island
Store Grindoy Norway island
Store Grindoya Norway island
Store Groningen Norway island
Store Gronning Vand Norway lake
Store Gronningen Norway island
Store Gronningen Norway lake
Store Gronningsvatn Norway lake
Store Gronnsjo Norway lake
Store Gronnut Norway peak
Store Gronsjo Norway lake
Store Grosnes Norway populated place
Store Grundet Denmark estate
Store Grungen Norway farm
Store Grynningen Norway island
Store Gulch Guard Station United States Locale
Store Gulch Recreation Site United States Locale
Store Gulch United States Valley
Store Gulch United States Valley
Store Gullestrup Denmark populated place
Store Haabendal Denmark farm
Store Habendal Denmark farm
Store Haen Norway hill
Store Hagelse Denmark populated place
Store Hagrunnan Norway shoal
Store Hagsten Norway island
Store Hakstein Norway island
Store Hallaroya Norway island
Store Hallegard Denmark farm
Store Halleroy Norway island
Store Hanakamman Norway rock
Store Hanebak Norway rock
Store Hanosi Norway peak
Store Hansbunut Norway peak
Store Hansteda Denmark stream
Store Harebjaerg Denmark hill
Store Harebjerg Denmark hill
Store Hareskov Denmark forest
Store Hartvigo Norway island
Store Hartvigoya Norway island
Store Hattoy Norway island
Store Hauken Norway island
Store Haukoya Norway island
Store Havelse Denmark populated place
Store Havreholmen Norway island
Store Hebo Denmark farm
Store Hedbo Denmark farm
Store Heddinge Denmark populated place
Store Hedebo Denmark farm
Store Hedinge Denmark populated place
Store Helgen Norway lake
Store Hellefiske Bank Undersea Features bank
Store Hellefiskebanke Undersea Features bank
Store Hellevik Norway farm
Store Helloen Norway island
Store Helloy Norway island
Store Helloya Norway island
Store Helo Norway island
Store Helso Norway island
Store Henningsflesa Norway rock
Store Henoy Russia island
Store Herbern Norway island
Store Herjangen Norway populated place
Store Hestebottjorn Norway lake
Store Hestehave Denmark forest
Store Hestehave Denmark railroad stop
Store Hesten Norway mountain
Store Hestholmen Norway island
Store Hiaasjoen Norway lake
Store Hiasjoen Norway lake
Store Hillerslev Denmark populated place
Store Hillerslev Denmark populated place
Store Hindsjon Sweden lake
Store Hinnoya Norway island
Store Hiskjo Norway island
Store Hittersjo Norway lake
Store Hittersjoen Norway lake
Store Hjartoen Norway island
Store Hjartoy Norway island
Store Hjartoya Norway island
Store Hjollund Plantage Denmark forest
Store Hjolund Denmark populated place
Store Hollow United States Valley
Store Hollow United States Valley
Store Hollow United States Valley
Store Holmavatn Norway lake
Store Holme Sweden island
Store Horbyhoj Denmark hill
Store Hornet Norway peak
Store Horsa Norway island
Store Horta Norway mountain
Store House Branch United States Stream
Store House Hollow United States Valley
Store Hovedgaard Denmark farm
Store Hovedgard Denmark farm
Store Hoydal Norway populated place
Store Hua Norway island
Store Hugeflu Norway rock
Store Hui Norway island
Store Hundneset Norway point
Store Hustjorna Svalbard lake
Store Ingeborgholmen Norway island
Store Ingjelsoya Norway island
Store Innsjoen Norway lake
Store Isbrae Greenland glacier
Store Isdolnut Norway peak
Store Ishaug Norway peak
Store Island United States Island
Store Jatka Norway island
Store Jekki Norway hill
Store Jekkir Norway peak
Store Jiekker Norway mountain
Store Jona Norway rock
Store Joni Norway rock
Store Jukleggi Norway mountain
Store Jyndevad Denmark populated place
Store Kaldvagstraumen Norway channel
Store Kaldvatnet Norway lake
Store Kalsoy Norway church
Store Kalsoy Norway island
Store Kalvandet Norway lake
Store Kalvo Norway island
Store Kammoy Norway island
Store Kamoen Norway island
Store Kamoy Norway island
Store Kamoy Norway island
Store Kamoya Norway island
Store Kamoya Norway island
Store Kamoya Norway island
Store Kannikegaard Denmark farm
Store Kannikegard Denmark farm
Store Kappa Norway locality
Store Kaproskjaer Norway rocks
Store Kaproskjeret Norway rocks
Store Karajaks Isbrae Greenland glacier
Store Kari Rock Bouvet Island rock
Store Kari Bouvet Island rock
Store Karleby Denmark populated place
Store Karlsminde Denmark populated place
Store Kartoen Norway island
Store Kartoy Norway island
Store Kartoya Norway island
Store Kattinge So Denmark lake
Store Keipen Norway mountain
Store Keldby Denmark populated place
Store Kiberg Norway populated place
Store Kiholman Norway islands
Store Kin Norway island
Store Kjaerringvik Norway farm
Store Kjerringfjord Norway fjord
Store Kjerringfjorden Norway fjord
Store Kjerringfjordneset Norway point
Store Kjukkel Vand Norway lake
Store Kjukkelvatn Norway lake
Store Klakken Norway reef
Store Klakkskjaer Norway rocks
Store Klakkskjeret Norway rocks
Store Kloft Greenland gorge
Store Klokklumpen Norway mountain
Store Klovning Norway island
Store Klovningen Norway cape
Store Klovningen Norway island
Store Knarrvika Norway bay
Store Knarviken Norway bay
Store Knivsig Denmark populated place
Store Knubben Norway rock
Store Kobbevika Norway cove
Store Kobbholmsvatnet Norway lake
Store Kobbholmvatn Norway lake
Store Kobbholmvatnet Norway lake
Store Kobboy Norway island
Store Kobboy Norway island
Store Kobboya Norway island
Store Kobholmvand Norway lake
Store Koboen Norway island
Store Koldeway Greenland island
Store Koldewey Greenland island
Store Koll Norway peak
Store Kollsnut Norway peak
Store Kolsnut Norway peak
Store Kongsmark Denmark populated place
Store Kongsvand Norway lake
Store Kongsvatnet Norway lake
Store Korssjoen Norway lake
Store Korsvika Norway cove
Store Kraka Norway rocks
Store Krako Norway peninsula
Store Kringla Norway mountain
Store Krokhornet Norway mountain
Store Krokoya Norway island
Store Krokvatnet Norway lake
Store Kufjord Norway fjord
Store Kufjordbotn Norway cove
Store Kufjorden Norway fjord
Store Kufjordnes Norway point
Store Kugle Greenland mountain
Store Kvalfjord Norway fjord
Store Kvalfjord Norway populated place
Store Kvalfjorden Norway fjord
Store Kvalholme Norway island
Store Kvalholmen Norway island
Store Kvalneset Norway point
Store Kvaloya Norway island
Store Kvalvand Norway lake
Store Kvalvatnet Norway lake
Store Kvannoya Norway island
Store Kvannoya Norway rock
Store Kvannoya Norway island
Store Kvernholmen Norway island
Store Kvernholmen Norway island
Store Kvernoy Norway island
Store Kviga Norway rock
Store Kvinaelv Norway stream
Store Kvisten Norway fjord
Store Kvitingen Norway island
Store Kvitvardholmen Norway island
Store Ladager Denmark populated place
Store Ladegaard Denmark estate
Store Ladegard Denmark estate
Store Laerrisfjord Norway fjord
Store Lagmannsvika Norway cove
Store Lake United States Lake
Store Lamholmen Norway island
Store Lang Norway lake
Store Langbjerg Denmark hill
Store Langhede Denmark farm
Store Langheden Denmark farm
Store Langholmen Norway island
Store Langkaer Denmark populated place
Store Langkaergard Denmark populated place
Store Langkjaer Denmark populated place
Store Lango Norway island
Store Langoy Norway island
Store Langoy Norway island
Store Langoy Norway island
Store Langoya Norway island
Store Langoyni Norway island
Store Langoyni Norway island
Store Langskjeret Norway rock
Store Latoen Norway island
Store Latoy Norway island
Store Latoya Norway island
Store Latoya Norway island
Store Lauarvatnet Norway lake
Store Lauer Vand Norway lake
Store Laugaroy Norway island
Store Laugaroyi Norway island
Store Lauvoy Norway island
Store Lauvoyni Norway island
Store Le Sjo Sweden lake
Store Le Sweden lake
Store Leidskjeret Norway rock
Store Leieskjeret Norway rock
Store Leikua Norway island
Store Leirfoss Norway waterfall
Store Leirpollen Norway bay
Store Leiskjaer Norway rock
Store Lenangstind Norway peak
Store Lerfos Norway waterfall
Store Lerresfjord Norway fjord
Store Lerresfjordbotn Norway cove
Store Lerresfjorden Norway fjord
Store Lerresfjordhamn Norway farm
Store Lerrisfjorden Norway fjord
Store Leverholmen Norway island
Store Liahovden Norway peak
Store Liarholmen Norway island
Store Liavatn Norway lake
Store Liavatnet Norway lake
Store Lihme Denmark populated place
Store Lime Denmark populated place
Store Lind Denmark populated place
Store Linde Denmark populated place
Store Lindet Denmark populated place
Store Loerrisfjord Norway fjord
Store Lojstrup Denmark farm
Store Lokkerfjord Norway fjord
Store Lono Norway island
Store Lundegaards Vand Norway lake
Store Lungegaards Vand Norway lake
Store Lungegardsvann Norway lake
Store Lungegardsvatnet Norway lake
Store Lyngby Denmark populated place
Store Lyngesoya Norway island
Store Lyngholmen Norway island
Store Lyngneset Norway point
Store Lyngoen Norway island
Store Lyngoen Norway island
Store Lyngoy Norway island
Store Lyngoy Norway island
Store Lyngoy Norway island
Store Lyngoya Norway island
Store Lyngoya Norway island
Store Lyngoya Norway island
Store Lyngoya Norway island
Store Lyngoya Norway island
Store Lyngoyni Norway island
Store Lyngvaer Norway islands
Store Lysboskjeret Norway rock
Store Lysgaard Denmark farm
Store Lysgard Denmark farm

Global Names Alphabetically

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