Unterreit - Unterwald - Geographical Names, map, geographic coordinates

SOURCE: National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency, Bethesda, MD, USA

Name Country Feature class
Unterreit Germany farm
Unterreit Germany populated place
Unterreit Germany populated place
Unterreit Germany populated place
Unterreitbach Austria populated place
Unterreith Austria populated place
Unterreith Germany farm
Unterreithen Germany populated place
Unterreitnau Germany populated place
Unterrettenbach Austria populated place
Unterretzbach Austria populated place
Unterreussen Germany populated place
Unterreut Germany populated place
Unterreut Germany populated place
Unterreute Germany populated place
Unterreute Germany populated place
Unterreuten Germany populated place
Unterreuten Germany populated place
Unterreuten Germany populated place
Unterrhena Germany populated place
Unterried Austria populated place
Unterried Austria populated place
Unterried Austria populated place
Unterried Germany farm
Unterried Germany farm
Unterried Germany farm
Unterried Germany populated place
Unterried Germany populated place
Unterried Germany populated place
Unterried Germany populated place
Unterried Germany populated place
Unterried Germany populated place
Unterried Germany populated place
Unterrieden Germany populated place
Unterrieden Germany populated place
Unterrieden Germany populated place
Unterriedenberg Germany populated place
Unterriedern Germany farm
Unterriedern Germany populated place
Unterriedgarten Germany populated place
Unterriedl Austria populated place
Unterriedl Germany farm
Unterriesbach Germany farm
Unterriexingen Germany populated place
Unterriffingen Germany populated place
Unterrimbach Germany populated place
Unterrimbach Germany populated place
Unterringingen Germany populated place
Unterrissdorf Germany populated place
Unterroblingen Germany populated place
Unterrodach Germany populated place
Unterrodel Germany populated place
Unterrodham Austria populated place
Unterrohn Germany populated place
Unterrohr Austria populated place
Unterrohr Austria populated place
Unterrohr Germany populated place
Unterrohr Germany populated place
Unterrohrbach Austria populated place
Unterrohrbach Austria populated place
Unterrohrbach Austria populated place
Unterrohrbach Germany populated place
Unterrohrenbach Germany populated place
Unterrohrendorf Austria populated place
Unterrohrenstadt Germany populated place
Unterroidham Germany populated place
Unterrollsbach Germany farm
Unterrombach Germany populated place
Unterroppisch Germany section of populated place
Unterrosegg Austria populated place
Unterrosenauerwald Austria populated place
Unterroslau Germany populated place
Unterrosphe Germany populated place
Unterrossbach Germany populated place
Unterrossegg Austria populated place
Unterrot Germany populated place
Unterrot Germany populated place
Unterrotenstein Germany farm
Unterroth Germany populated place
Unterrothan Germany populated place
Unterrothhof Germany farm
Unterrotte Austria populated place
Unterrottensdorf Germany farm
Unterrottmannsdorf Germany populated place
Unterrubendorf Germany populated place
Unterruckersbach Germany populated place
Unterrudersbach Austria populated place
Unterrudling Austria populated place
Unterruhringsdorf Austria populated place
Unterrupsroth Germany populated place
Unterrusselbach Germany populated place
Unterrussenried Germany populated place
Untersaal Germany populated place
Untersacherberg Austria populated place
Untersachsen Germany populated place
Untersafen Austria populated place
Untersailauf Germany populated place
Untersaler Austria farm
Untersalhof Germany populated locality
Untersalzberg Eins Germany populated locality
Untersalzberg Zwei Germany populated locality
Untersambach Germany populated place
Untersammisweiler Germany farm
Untersanding Germany populated place
Untersattl Austria populated place
Untersauerhof Germany populated place
Untersberg Germany mountains
Untersberg Germany mountains
Unterschaar Germany farm
Unterschabing Germany populated place
Unterschachen Switzerland populated place
Unterschacher Austria populated place
Unterschachten Germany populated place
Unterschaden Austria populated place
Unterschaftlarn Germany populated place
Unterschalkenbach Germany populated place
Unterschambach Germany populated place
Unterschamberg Austria populated place
Unterscharbach Germany populated place
Unterschatz Austria locality
Unterscheffach Germany populated place
Unterschefflenz Germany populated place
Unterscheibe Germany populated place
Unterscheid Germany populated place
Unterscheidental Germany section of populated place
Unterschellhart Germany populated place
Unterschellnberg Germany farm
Unterschelmerath Germany populated place
Unterschelpen Alpe Germany hut
Unterschelthof Germany farm
Unterscherm Germany populated place
Unterscheuern Germany farm
Unterschieda Germany populated place
Unterschildbach Austria populated place
Unterschilding Germany populated place
Unterschilling Austria forest
Unterschiltach Germany farm
Unterschiltern Germany populated place
Unterschirka Austria populated place
Unterschlag Germany populated place
Unterschlauersbach Germany populated place
Unterschlechtbach Germany populated place
Unterschleichach Germany populated place
Unterschleissheim Germany populated place
Unterschlottham Germany populated place
Unterschmeien Germany populated place
Unterschmerach Germany populated place
Unterschmiddorf Germany populated place
Unterschnadt Austria populated place
Unterschnaitbach Germany populated place
Unterschnaitertal Germany farm
Unterschnaittenbach Germany populated place
Unterschnatterbach Germany populated place
Unterschneidhart Germany populated place
Unterschneidheim Germany populated place
Unterschneitbach Germany populated place
Unterschneppen Germany farm
Unterschnittenkofen Germany populated place
Unterschnitzing Germany populated place
Unterschobling Germany populated place
Unterschochen Germany farm
Unterschoderlee Austria populated place
Unterschollenbach Germany populated place
Unterschollnach Germany farm
Unterschombach Germany farm
Unterschonau Eins Germany populated locality
Unterschonau Zwei Germany populated locality
Unterschonau Germany populated place
Unterschonau Germany populated place
Unterschonbach Germany farm
Unterschonbach Germany populated place
Unterschonbrunn Germany populated place
Unterschondorf Germany populated place
Unterschoneberg Germany populated place
Unterschonegg Germany populated place
Unterschontal Germany populated place
Unterschoren Germany farm
Unterschroffen Germany farm
Unterschrotenloh Germany farm
Unterschrotzburg Germany farm
Unterschummerich Germany populated place
Unterschupf Germany populated place
Unterschupf Germany airfield
Unterschur Germany populated place
Unterschutt Austria section of populated place
Unterschutzen Austria populated place
Unterschutzen Germany populated place
Unterschwaig Germany farm
Unterschwaig Germany populated place
Unterschwanden Germany farm
Unterschwandorf Germany populated place
Unterschwandorf Germany populated place
Unterschwandt Austria populated place
Unterschwandt Austria populated place
Unterschwaningen Germany populated place
Unterschwappach Germany populated place
Unterschwarza Austria populated place
Unterschwarzach Germany populated place
Unterschwarzach Germany populated place
Unterschwarzach Germany populated place
Unterschwarzen Germany populated place
Unterschwarzenbach Germany populated place
Unterschwarzenbach Germany populated locality
Unterschwarzenberg Austria populated place
Unterschwarzenberg Germany populated place
Unterschwarzhalden Germany farm
Unterschweinach Germany populated place
Unterschweinbach Germany populated place
Unterschwemm Germany farm
Unterschwendt Germany populated place
Unterschwillach Germany populated place
Unterschwoditz Germany populated place
Untersdorf Germany populated place
Untersdorf Germany populated place
Untersedlhof Germany populated place
Untersee Austria populated place
Untersee Austria lake
Untersee Germany lake
Untersee Germany section of lake
Untersee Germany populated place
Untersee Germany section of lake
Untersee Namibia farmstead
Unterseeb Austria populated place
Unterseebach Austria hut
Unterseebach Germany populated place
Unterseebarn Austria populated place
Unterseefeld Austria populated place
Unterseen Switzerland populated place
Untersehren Alpe Austria hut
Unterseifsieden Germany populated place
Unterseilberg Germany populated place
Unterselach Germany farm
Unterselbach Germany populated place
Untersenne Germany populated locality
Untersensbach Germany populated place
Untershausen Germany populated place
Untersherouts Ukraine populated place
Untershofen Germany populated place
Untershtaneshti Ukraine populated place
Untersiebenbrunn Austria populated place
Untersiebenhofen Germany farm
Untersiegendorf Austria populated place
Untersiegsdorf Germany populated place
Untersiemau Germany populated place
Untersievering Austria section of populated place
Untersiffelhofen Germany populated place
Untersiggenthal Switzerland populated place
Untersiggenthal Switzerland populated place
Untersiggingen Germany populated place
Untersimbach Germany farm
Untersimbach Germany farm
Untersimonswald Germany populated place
Untersimtshausen Germany populated place
Unterskirchen Germany farm
Unterslands Hutte Austria hotel
Untersochering Germany populated place
Untersolden Germany populated place
Untersollbach Germany populated place
Untersonnberg Austria populated place
Untersonnberg Austria populated place
Untersontheim Germany populated place
Untersorghof Germany populated place
Untersotzbach Germany populated place
Unterspann Germany populated place
Unterspechtrain Germany populated place
Unterspeltach Germany populated place
Unterspiegelreuth Germany farm
Unterspiesheim Germany populated place
Unterspiesswengen Germany populated place
Unterspiss Austria populated place
Unterspitz Austria populated place
Unterspitzenbach Germany populated locality
Unterspreewald Germany area
Unterspringen Germany populated place
Unterstadion Germany populated place
Unterstadl Germany populated place
Unterstadt Czech Republic populated place
Unterstaig Germany farm
Unterstall Germany populated place
Unterstallbach Austria populated place
Unterstalleralm Austria hotel
Unterstalleralpe Austria hotel
Unterstampfing Austria populated place
Unterstang Austria populated place
Unterstaudach Austria populated place
Unterstaudhausen Germany populated place
Unterste Hof Germany farm
Unterstedt Germany populated place
Untersteenrade Germany populated place
Unterstefling Germany farm
Untersteig Germany farm
Untersteig Germany populated place
Untersteig Germany populated locality
Untersteilen-Alpe Germany hut
Unterstein Plattalm Austria grazing area
Unterstein Austria populated place
Unterstein Germany farm
Unterstein Germany populated place
Unterstein Germany populated place
Unterstein Germany populated locality
Untersteinach Germany populated place
Untersteinach Germany populated place
Untersteinach Germany populated place
Untersteinach Germany populated place
Untersteinbach auf der Haide Germany populated place
Untersteinbach Germany farm
Untersteinbach Germany farm
Untersteinbach Germany farm
Untersteinbach Germany populated place
Untersteinbach Germany populated place
Untersteinbach Germany populated place
Untersteinbach Germany populated place
Untersteinbach Germany populated place
Untersteinbach Germany populated place
Untersteinbach Germany populated place
Untersteinbach Germany populated place
Untersteinbach Germany populated place
Untersteinberg Germany farm
Untersteinbuhl Germany farm
Untersteinbuhl Germany farm
Untersteinerzaun Austria populated place
Untersteingrub Germany farm
Untersteinhausen Germany populated place
Untersteinhoring Germany populated place
Untersteiniger Berg Germany hill
Unterstellberg Germany populated place
Unterstelzhausen Germany populated place
Unterstenbusch Luxembourg forest
Unterstenweiler Germany populated place
Unterstern Austria populated place
Unterstes Holz Germany forest
Unterstetten Austria populated place
Unterstetten Germany farm
Unterstezeit Germany populated place
Unterstiftung Austria populated place
Unterstillern Germany populated place
Unterstinkenbrunn Austria populated place
Unterstixner Germany farm
Unterstkoppel Germany farm
Unterstocka Germany farm
Unterstockach Austria populated place
Unterstocken Germany populated place
Unterstockham Austria populated place
Unterstocksried Germany farm
Unterstockstall Austria populated place
Unterstollnkirchen Germany populated place
Unterstoppel Germany populated place
Unterstorcha Austria populated place
Unterstork Germany populated place
Unterstotzen Germany farm
Unterstrahlbach Germany populated place
Unterstranzendorf Austria locality
Unterstrogn Germany populated place
Unterstuben Germany farm
Unterstuibenalpe Austria hut
Untersturmig Germany populated place
Unterstutzengrun Germany populated place
Untersuhl Germany populated place
Untersulmetingen Germany populated place
Untersulz Germany populated place
Untersulzbach Austria stream
Untersulzbach Germany populated place
Untersulzbach Germany populated place
Untersulzbachkees Austria glacier
Untersulzbachtal Austria valley
Untersulzbachtorl Austria pass
Untersulzbachtorl Austria gap
Untersulzl Austria locality
Untersummering Germany farm
Untersunzing Austria populated place
Untertaching Germany populated place
Untertal Austria populated place
Untertal Austria valley
Untertal Germany farm
Untertal Germany populated place
Untertal Germany populated place
Untertal Germany populated locality
Untertal Germany populated locality
Untertal Germany populated locality
Untertal Germany populated locality
Untertal Germany populated locality
Untertal Germany populated locality
Untertal Germany populated locality
Untertal Germany populated locality
Untertal Germany populated locality
Untertalbach Austria stream
Untertalheim Germany populated place
Untertansleiten Austria slope
Untertattenbach Germany populated place
Untertauern Austria populated place
Untertechanting Austria populated place
Unterteich Germany lake
Unterteich Germany lake
Unterteipl Austria populated place
Untertennenmoos Germany populated place
Unterterzen Switzerland populated place
Unterteuerting Germany populated place
Unterteufenbach Austria populated place
Unterteuringen Germany populated place
Unterteutschenthal Germany populated place
Unterthal Austria populated place
Unterthal Austria populated place
Unterthal Austria valley
Unterthal Germany farm
Unterthal Germany farm
Unterthal Germany farm
Unterthal Germany populated place
Unterthal Germany section of populated place
Unterthalham Germany farm
Unterthalham Germany farm
Unterthalheim Austria populated place
Unterthalhofen Germany populated place
Unterthalhofen Germany populated place
Unterthambach Germany farm
Unterthann Austria populated place
Unterthann Germany farm
Unterthannen Germany populated place
Unterthannet Germany populated locality
Untertheres Germany populated place
Unterthern Austria populated place
Unterthiergrub Austria populated place
Unterthierwasen Germany farm
Unterthingau Germany populated place
Untertholau Germany populated place
Unterthorl Austria populated place
Unterthumeritz Austria populated place
Unterthurheim Germany populated place
Unterthurm Austria populated place
Unterthurnau Austria populated place
Unterthurnhofen Austria populated place
Untertiefenbach Austria populated place
Untertiefenbach Austria populated place
Untertiefendorf Germany populated place
Untertiefental Germany populated place
Untertillbach Germany populated locality
Untertilliach Austria administrative division
Untertilliach Austria populated place
Untertillmitsch Austria populated place
Untertinsbach Germany farm
Untertobel Austria populated place
Untertochanting Austria populated place
Untertraming Austria hut
Untertraubenbach Germany populated place
Untertrefflinger Austria farm
Untertresenfeld Germany populated place
Untertresleinsbach Austria populated place
Untertressen Austria populated place
Untertreubach Austria populated place
Untertriebel Germany populated place
Untertriebelbach Germany populated place
Untertriesting Austria populated place
Untertrogen Germany populated place
Untertrubach Germany populated place
Untertrubenbach Germany populated place
Untertscheltsch Austria populated place
Untertschern Austria populated place
Untertullnerbach Austria populated place
Unterturken Germany populated place
Unterturkheim Germany section of populated place
Untertweng Austria populated place
Unterubermoos Germany populated place
Unteruckersee Germany lake
Unterufhausen Germany populated place
Unteruhldingen Germany populated place
Unterullrichsberg Germany populated place
Unterulsenbach Germany populated place
Unterulsham Germany populated locality
Unterumbach Germany populated place
Unterumwangen Germany farm
Unterunsbach Germany populated place
Unterunterach Germany populated place
Unterurbach Germany populated place
Unterurbach Germany populated place
Unteruscha Austria populated place
Unteruttlau Germany populated place
Unterval'den Russia populated place
Untervaz Switzerland populated place
Untervellach Austria populated place
Untervetterbach Austria populated place
Unterviecht Germany populated place
Unterviechtafell Germany populated place
Unterviehbach Austria populated place
Unterviehhausen Germany populated place
Unterviehhofalm Austria hut
Untervierau Germany populated place
Untervilslern Germany populated place
Untervinxt Germany farm
Untervockling Germany farm
Untervogau Austria populated place
Untervoglarn Germany populated place
Untervorholz Germany populated place
Untervorholzen Germany farm
Unterwachingen Germany populated place
Unterwachsenberg Germany populated place
Unterwackerstall Germany farm
Unterwagenbach Germany populated place
Unterwagram Austria section of populated place
Unterwahrberg Germany farm
Unterwaiz Germany populated place
Unterwald Austria populated place

Global Names Alphabetically

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U V W X Y Z 0-9 Non-Roman


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