Mobuka - Moyo: Uganda

SOURCE: National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency, Bethesda, MD, USA

Name Feature class
Mobuka stream
Mobuku stream
Mocha populated place
Moganda mountain
Mogandu mountain
Mogandu stream
Mogera stream
Mogo hill
Mogo hill
Mogosi populated place
Mogot hill
Mohokya populated place
Moicha populated place
Moklango hill
Mokwanco hill
Moliring populated place
Molitar populated place
Molo populated place
Molola hill
Molotok populated place
Moluangikalomwa hill
Moma Point point
Momeri populated place
Momeri populated place
Mongiro populated place
Moni populated place
Moniko populated place
Monjera stream
Mont Gabua mountain
Mont Ngabua mountain
Mora hill
Mora stream
Morkisuwa populated place
Morongole Forest forest
Morongole mountain
Moroto County administrative division
Moroto District first-order administrative division
Moroto seat of a first-order administrative division
Moroto mountain
Moroto stream
Moroto first-order administrative division
Moru Angichom hill
Moru Mojong hill
Moru hill
Moru hill
Moru hill
Moru-Angaponga hill
Moruakwangamoru hill
Morualokoto hill
Moruangakot hill
Moruangatumi hill
Moruangibuin hill
Moruangikaromwa hill
Moruangobwin hill
Moruangotumi hill
Moruangotung hill
Moruangotuny hill
Moruankoroma hill
Moruanyaupa hill
Moruarangan hill
Moruariwan hill
Moruariwon hill
Moruatunokan hill
Moruaturkan hill
Moruaturukan hill
Moruboyo hill
Moruekori hill
Morugogoi hill
Morugugoi hill
Moruita populated place
Moruita hill
Morukarengany hill
Morukariwan hill
Morukariwon hill
Morukayetom hill
Morukoyen hill
Morulem hill
Morulem mission
Morulem populated place
Morulim hill
Morulim hill
Morulim hill
Morulinga hill
Morunera populated place
Morungaro populated place
Morungatuny populated place
Morungatuny populated place
Morungatwing populated place
Morungole populated place
Morungole mountain
Morungora hill
Morunyang populated place
Morunyang hill
Morunyang hill
Morunyang hill
Morunyang hill
Morunyang hill
Morunyang hill
Morunyang hill
Morunyanye hill
Moruokori hill
Moruongole mountain
Morupatiatogo hill
Morupotiatogo hill
Moruritit hill
Morutit hill
Moruto stream
Moruto stream
Motoi populated place
Motoro mountain
Mount Baker mountain
Mount Elgon Central Forest Reserve forest
Mount Elgon Forest Reserve forest
Mount Elgon Forest Reserve forest
Mount Elgon Forest forest
Mount Elgon mountain
Mount Gessi mountain
Mount Kei White Rhino Sanctuary wildlife reserve
Mount Kei forest
Mount Luigi de Savoia mountain
Mount Luigi di Savoia mountain
Mount Ndega hill
Mount Speke mountain
Moya populated place
Moya populated place
Moyanja stream
Moyanjaa stream
Moyiga populated place
Moyo District first-order administrative division
Moyo seat of a first-order administrative division
Moyo first-order administrative division

Uganda Names Alphabetically

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U V W X Y Z 0-9 Non-Roman

Global Names Alphabetically

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U V W X Y Z 0-9 Non-Roman


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