Noah Chixapo - Noyoo: Zambia

SOURCE: National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency, Bethesda, MD, USA

Name Feature class
Noah Chixapo populated place
Noah Kastila populated place
Noah Nsakalula populated place
Noah Siame populated place
Noah populated place
Noah populated place
Noake populated place
Noala hill
Noanga populated place
Noasukya stream
Nobala forest
Nobutu populated place
Noka plain
Nokana stream
Nokolwe stream
Nokonga island
Nolamba stream
Nolwa stream
Nomai populated place
Nomansa populated place
Nomba populated place
Nombe hill
Nombe stream
Nombe stream
Nombi hill
Nombwe populated place
Nombwe stream
Nomwana populated place
Nona stream
Nonda stream
Nonde Hill hill
Nonde hill
Nonde populated place
Nondi hill
Nondo forest
Nondo populated place
Nondo stream
Nondo stream
Nonga River stream
Nonga stream
Nonga stream
Nonga stream
Nonglube populated place
Nongola populated place
Nongombe River stream
Nongonga populated place
Nonwa forest
Norrhoadia Estate farm
North Charterland Concession area
North End section of populated place
North Kariba Coal Locations area
North Luangwa National Park No. 2 park
North Luangwa National Park park
North Lusaka Intensive Conservation Area area
North Musondweji stream
North Mutundu stream
North Swaka Native Reserve Number III reserve
North Swaka Protected Forest Area Number 46 forest reserve
North Swaka Protected Forest Area forest reserve
North Swaka reserve
North-Western Province first-order administrative division
Northern Keyana stream
Northern Luete River stream
Northern Lueti stream
Northern Province first-order administrative division
Northern Rhodesia independent political entity
Northern school
Noshinga Swamp wetland
Nosiku populated place
Notunganyi promontory
Noukunyusi stream
Nowash stream
Nowasi stream
Noyoo populated place
Noyoo populated place

Zambia Names Alphabetically

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U V W X Y Z 0-9 Non-Roman

Global Names Alphabetically

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U V W X Y Z 0-9 Non-Roman


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