Doaktown - Doyles: Canada

SOURCE: National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency, Bethesda, MD, USA

Name Feature class
Doaktown populated place
Doanes Point point
Doating Cove populated place
Dobbin Bay bay
Dobbin Lake lake
Dobbs Lake lake
Dobbs Lake lake
Dobell Point point
Dobie Lake lake
Dobie River stream
Dobloyah Bay bay
Dobsons Point point
Doctor Creek stream
Doctor Island island
Doctors Island island
Dodding Head headland
Dodge Lake lake
Dodo Lake lakes
Dodo Lakes lakes
Dodsland populated place
Doe River populated place
Dog Creek populated place
Dog Island island
Dog Island island
Dog Lake lake
Dog Lake lake
Dog Lake lake
Dog Lake lake
Dog River stream
Dog's Head point
Doghead Point point
Dogpound Creek stream
Dogpound populated place
Dogskin Lake lake
Dogtooth Mountains mountains
Doidge Bay bay
Doig River stream
Dolbeau populated place
Dolland Bight bay
Dollard-des-Ormeaux populated place
Dolly Varden Creek stream
Dolphin and Union Strait strait
Dolphin Island island
Dolphin River stream
Domain populated place
Dome Bay bay
Dome Mountain mountain
Dome Mountain mountain
Dome Peak mountain
Domett Point cape
Dominick Island island
Dominion City populated place
Dominion Lake lake
Dominion Number Six populated place
Dominion of Canada independent political entity
Dominion populated place
Domino Harbour populated place
Domino Point point
Domremy populated place
Domville Point point
Don Mills populated place
Don Peninsula peninsula
Don River stream
Donald Lake lake
Donald Landing populated place
Donalda populated place
Donaldson Lake lake
Donatville populated place
Donjek River stream
Donjek populated place
Donkin populated place
Donnacona populated place
Donnaconna populated place
Donnelly Lake lake
Donnelly populated place
Donnet Hill hill
Doobaunt lake
Doobaunt stream
Doran Lake lake
Dorchester Bay bay
Dorchester County second-order administrative division
Dorchester Crossing populated place
Dorchester second-order administrative division
Dore Lake lake
Dore Lake populated place
Dore River stream
Dorintosh populated place
Dorion populated place
Dorion-Vaudreuil populated place
Doris Island island
Dorothy and Marion Hill hill
Dorothy Island island
Dorothy populated place
Dorreen populated place
Dorset populated place
Dorset populated place
Dorval populated place
Dosquet populated place
Dot populated place
Doting Cove populated place
Double Island island
Double Mer bay
Double island
Doubling Lake lake
Doucet Lake lake
Doucet populated place
Doughty populated place
Douglas Bay bay
Douglas Channel channel
Douglas Harbour bay
Douglas Harbour bay
Douglas Island island
Douglas Lake lake
Douglas Lake populated place
Douglas Peninsula peninsula
Douglas Station populated place
Douglastown populated place
Douro populated place
Doussal populated place
Doutt Island island
Dove Island island
Dove Lake lake
Dover River stream
Dover populated place
Dow Lake lake
Dow's Lake lake
Dowdell Point point
Dowling Lake lake
Dowling Reef reef
Dowling populated place
Downey Bluff cliff
Downie populated place
Downsview populated place
Doyle Lake lake
Doyles populated place

Canada Names Alphabetically

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U V W X Y Z 0-9 Non-Roman

Global Names Alphabetically

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U V W X Y Z 0-9 Non-Roman


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