Ra'ayo Terara - Raya Shelek'o: Ethiopia

SOURCE: National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency, Bethesda, MD, USA

Name Feature class
Ra'ayo Terara mountain
Ra'ayo Terara mountain
Rabassa locality
Rabbi populated place
Rabel populated place
Rabel populated place
Rabide Ciomman marsh
Rabo populated place
Rabo-YeTerara-Senselet mountains
Rabsa populated place
Rach'et Wiha Aregawi Bete Kristiyan church
Rach'et Wiha populated place
Rach'et populated place
Racho Bota locality
Raco populated place
Rada Dibicha Shet' intermittent stream
Radaih well
Radaya populated place
Radiba populated place
Rafiso mountain
Ragden populated place
Ragnena populated place
Rago populated place
Rahali mountain
Rahele populated place
Rai Tallet populated place
Raia Plain plain
Raia administrative division
Rair mountains
Rako Diko hill
Rako populated place
Rama populated place
Rama populated place
Ramaliye populated place
Ramis Shet' stream
Ramis populated place
Ramis stream
Rammas stream
Rammis stream
Ramo populated place
Rarchi populated place
Rare Ibicha populated place
Rare populated place
Rare populated place
Rare populated place
Rare populated place
Rare populated place
Rare-Ibisha populated place
Rareba populated place
Rari Bosetti intermittent stream
Rari populated place
Rarki populated place
Ras Abay point
Ras Abbai point
Ras Dascian mountain
Ras Dashan mountain
Ras Dashen Terara mountain
Ras Dashen mountain
Ras Degen mountain
Ras Degien mountain
Ras Dejen mountain
Ras Desta Ber populated place
Ras Mengesha Yohanis Hospital hospital
Ras populated place
Rasa Meda plain
Rasan populated place
Rasdajan mountain
Rasdaza populated place
Rase Dik hill
Rasnad locality
Rasnados locality
Raso Gebri'el Bete Kristiyan church
Raso Gitiye populated place
Raso Tembero populated place
Raso populated place
Rassa hill
Rasu Meda plain
Rasusi Isate Gemora YeFelek'ebet lava area
Rasusi Isate Gomera lava area
Rasusi Lava Area lava area
Rat'elet Bota locality
Rat'elet populated place
Ratu TeJelba Astene navigation canal
Rauiyan-Shet stream
Ravnina Sodonta plain
Rawiyan Shet' stream
Raya and Azebo administrative division
Raya and Kobo administrative division
Raya Meda plain
Raya na Azebo Awraja administrative division
Raya na Azebo Awraja administrative division
Raya na K'obo Awraja administrative division
Raya Shelek'o valley

Ethiopia Names Alphabetically

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U V W X Y Z 0-9 Non-Roman

Global Names Alphabetically

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U V W X Y Z 0-9 Non-Roman


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