Mu-ret - Muzslapuszta: Hungary

SOURCE: National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency, Bethesda, MD, USA

Name Feature class
Mu-ret area
Mucipuszta section of populated place
Mucsfa populated place
Mucsi populated place
Mucsi-Hidas-patak stream
Mucsi-Hidasi-patak stream
Mucsi-Hidasi-vizfolyas stream
Mucsihat section of populated place
Mucsony populated place
Mudsonykastely populated place
Muhelytelep populated place
Muhi populated place
Mulato-domb hill
Mulato-hegy hill
Mulato-hegy hill
Mulatoalj section of populated place
Mulatohegydulo section of populated place
Mulatopark section of populated place
Mullei-szek lake
Muller Tanya section of populated place
Muller-szek lake
Muller-tag area
Mullermalom populated place
Mullerpuszta section of populated place
Mullertanya populated place
Mumor populated place
Munkacsitanya populated place
Munkastelep populated place
Munkastelep section of populated place
Munknagytanya populated place
Mur stream
Mura stream
Mura stream
Mura stream
Mura-hegy hill
Murahid populated place
Murakeresztur Vasutallomas railroad station
Murakeresztur populated place
Muraratka populated place
Muraszemenye populated place
Mures stream
Muresh stream
Muresul stream
Muret area
Murga hill
Murga populated place
Murony Vasutallomas railroad station
Murony populated place
Murva-hegy hill
Murvahely section of populated place
Musto area
Mustopuszta area
Muszaj section of populated place
Muszaj section of populated place
Muszaj-hegy hill
Muszaj-szolok section of populated place
Muszajerdo section of populated place
Muszajerdodulo section of populated place
Muszajszollo section of populated place
Muszajszollo section of populated place
Muszajtag section of populated place
Muszaly section of populated place
Muszalyhegyalja hill
Muszalytanya section of populated place
Muszkahat populated place
Muzsiktanya populated place
Muzsla mountain
Muzsla-teto mountain
Muzslai Hegy mountain
Muzslapuszta section of populated place

Hungary Names Alphabetically

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U V W X Y Z 0-9 Non-Roman

Global Names Alphabetically

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U V W X Y Z 0-9 Non-Roman


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