Gebang Rocks - Geting: Malaysia

SOURCE: National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency, Bethesda, MD, USA

Name Feature class
Gebang Rocks rocks
Gebeng populated place
Gedangsa populated place
Gedok New Village populated place
Gedok populated place
Gedong Bazaar populated place
Gedong Estate estate
Gedong Estate estate
Gedong Lalang populated place
Gedong populated place
Gedong populated place
Gelang Patah populated place
Gelanggang Buaya populated place
Gelap populated place
Geligau populated place
Gelong Gajah Estate estate
Gelong Semanju populated place
Gelugor Estate estate
Gelugor Estate estate
Gem Reef reef
Gemas Bahru Halt railroad stop
Gemas Bahru railroad stop
Gemas Village populated place
Gemas populated place
Gemeh Estate estate
Gemencheh Baharu populated place
Gemencheh Bahru populated place
Gemencheh Estate estate
Gemencheh Lama populated place
Gemencheh populated place
Gemencheh populated place
Gemencih populated place
Gemok Forest Reserve forest
Gemuroh populated place
Geneh Rapids rapids
General Purposes Anchorage anchorage
Genipis populated place
Genting Ah Ngee pass
Genting Ah Ngu pass
Genting Alor Naga pass
Genting Bayu pass
Genting Belili pass
Genting Berapit pass
Genting Bidai pass
Genting Bukit Kemahang pass
Genting Chit pass
Genting Debu pass
Genting Gerah pass
Genting Gerah pass
Genting Grah pass
Genting Highlands area
Genting Jemeloi pass
Genting Kakabu pass
Genting Kekabu pass
Genting Kelabit ridge
Genting Kerenai pass
Genting Kerenni pass
Genting Kora pass
Genting Kuayah Laut pass
Genting Langsat pass
Genting Lata Perahu pass
Genting Lebak pass
Genting Liat Lantai pass
Genting Luat Lantai pass
Genting Mesian pass
Genting Nisam pass
Genting Pahat pass
Genting Panet pass
Genting Pelili pass
Genting Peniat pass
Genting Perah pass
Genting Peras pass
Genting Periok pass
Genting Pintu Gerbang pass
Genting Pisang pass
Genting Pragm Bukit hill
Genting Priok pass
Genting San populated place
Genting Sempah pass
Genting Sempak pass
Genting Sempit pass
Genting Serai pass
Genting Serampang pass
Genting Simpang Perak pass
Genting Tenyalang pass
Genting Teratak Lagong pass
Genting Tilan pass
Genting Timun pass
Genting Tua pass
Genting Wong pass
Genting isthmus
Genting populated place
Genting populated place
Genuang populated place
George Town populated place
George Town seat of a first-order administrative division
Gepoi populated place
Geraji Atas populated place
Gereck Kampong populated place
Gereja Saint Pier church
Geret hill
Geriang River stream
Gerigat populated place
Gerik populated place
Gerisek Estate estate
Gerisek populated place
Gerisik populated place
Gertak Sanggul populated place
Gerugo Rapid rapids
Gerugu populated place
Gerunggang populated place
Geting populated place

Malaysia Names Alphabetically

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U V W X Y Z 0-9 Non-Roman

Global Names Alphabetically

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U V W X Y Z 0-9 Non-Roman


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