Cha-re - Chwaha: Namibia

SOURCE: National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency, Bethesda, MD, USA

Name Feature class
Cha-re populated place
Chab farm stead
Chadum Omuramba intermittent stream
Chadum intermittent stream
Chadum intermittent stream
Chaibis populated place
Chaiko intermittent stream
Chaka populated place
Chamais Bay bay
Chamais Head cape
Chamais Reefs reef
Chamaites farm stead
Chamaites mountain
Chamaites railroad siding
Chamanoudon farm stead
Chamasaris farm stead
Chamases farm stead
Chamchawib farm stead
Chameis Bay bay
Chameis Bucht bay
Chameis Head cape
Chameis Reefs reef
Chameisbaai bay
Chameiskopf cape
Chamieites farm stead
Chamieites mountain
Chamieites railroad siding
Chamnaub mountain
Chamochas intermittent stream
Chan intermittent stream
Chandler mine
Changansberg mountain
Chantsab water hole
Chara water hole
Charakoe farm stead
Charchaub water hole
Chari Marais Dam reservoir
Charitsaub water hole
Charl Marais Dam reservoir
Charley populated place
Charliesputs populated place
Charlottenberg mountain
Charlottenfelder abandoned mine
Charlys Putz populated place
Charra water hole
Chauchab farm stead
Chaugakamu intermittent stream
Chausib populated place
Chausib intermittent stream
Chausibberg mountain
Chausibrivier intermittent stream
Chefuzwe populated place
Chengere populated place
Chiando intermittent stream
Chilkop mountain
Chimo farm stead
Chinchimane populated place
Chinchimane intermittent stream
Choacheib River intermittent stream
Choacheib intermittent stream
Choacheibrivier intermittent stream
Choadanib intermittent stream
Choantsas farm stead
Chobas water hole
Chobe River section of stream
Chobe River section of stream
Chobe section of stream
Chobe section of stream
Chobe section of stream
Choiganab farm stead
Choke section of stream
Choub intermittent stream
Chouxab intermittent stream
Chowagasberg mountain
Chrisjansputs Oos farm stead
Chrisjansputs populated place
Christiana farm stead
Christiana farm stead
Christians Putz populated place
Christirina farm stead
Christmas Vlei pan
Chrisville farm stead
Chuchuwis farm stead
Chudib farm stead
Chudobib River intermittent stream
Chudobib intermittent stream
Chumandusha intermittent stream
Chumberg mountain
Chumberge mountain
Chumib intermittent stream
Chungochoab hill
Chuos mountains
Chuosberge mountains
Churutabis farm stead
Churutabis farm stead
Churutabis mountain
Chwaha intermittent wetland

Namibia Names Alphabetically

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U V W X Y Z 0-9 Non-Roman

Global Names Alphabetically

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U V W X Y Z 0-9 Non-Roman


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