Tell Derraije - Tell el-Qinan - Geographical Names, map, geographic coordinates

SOURCE: National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency, Bethesda, MD, USA

Name Country Feature class
Tell Derraije Lebanon spur
Tell Derzenoun Lebanon hill
Tell Dherij Syria hill
Tell Diab Syria farm
Tell Diab Syria populated place
Tell Dibak Syria populated place
Tell Dibbine Lebanon hill
Tell Dibe Syria hill
Tell Dibe Syria hill
Tell Dibgu Egypt hill
Tell Dibs Syria populated place
Tell Dik Syria populated place
Tell Dimou Syria hill
Tell Djabourine Syria hill
Tell Djedkha Syria populated place
Tell Djelane Syria hill
Tell Djerdje Syria populated place
Tell Djhach Syria hill
Tell Djibbine Syria hill
Tell Djibbine Syria populated place
Tell Djihane Syria populated place
Tell Djin Syria populated place
Tell Dmoul Lebanon hill
Tell Dnoun el Lahem Syria hill
Tell Douar el Far Syria hill
Tell Doubbeine Syria hill
Tell Doueiye Syria mound
Tell Dourou Syria hill
Tell Dush Egypt hill
Tell Ebel Lebanon hill
Tell ech Chaab Syria hill
Tell ech Chaar Syria mountain
Tell ech Chaaraouiye Lebanon spur
Tell ech Chach Lebanon hill
Tell ech Chahhar Lebanon hill
Tell ech Chair Syria hill
Tell ech Chair Syria populated place
Tell ech Chakaf Syria hill
Tell ech Chakara Syria hill
Tell ech Cham el Rharbi Syria hill
Tell ech Chamra Syria hill
Tell ech Chams Syria hill
Tell ech Chaqif el Rhorab Syria peak
Tell ech Charafe Syria hill
Tell ech Cheikh Aali Syria hill
Tell ech Cheikh Aali Syria populated place
Tell ech Cheikh Mohammed Syria mound
Tell ech Cheikh Moustafa Syria hill
Tell ech Cheikh Syria hill
Tell ech Cheikh Syria hill
Tell ech Cheikh Syria populated place
Tell ech Cheikh Syria populated place
Tell ech Cheikha Syria mountain
Tell ech Chih Syria hill
Tell ech Chih Syria hill
Tell ech Chih Syria hills
Tell ech Chih Syria mountain
Tell ech Chih Syria populated place
Tell ech Chih Syria populated place
Tell ech Chiha Syria hill
Tell ech Chir Syria hill
Tell ech Chir Syria populated place
Tell ech Chkarra Syria hill
Tell Ech Chmis Lebanon hill
Tell ech Chnane Syria populated place
Tell ech Chour Charqi Syria populated place
Tell ech Chour Rharbi Syria populated place
Tell ech Chour Syria populated place
Tell ech Chour Syria populated place
Tell ech Chraife Lebanon hill
Tell ech Chraife Lebanon hill
Tell ech Chraife Lebanon hill
Tell ech Chrife Lebanon hill
Tell ed Dabaa Syria hill
Tell ed Dabbour Lebanon hill
Tell ed Dabbour Syria hill
Tell ed Dahab Syria hill
Tell ed Daidabe Lebanon hill
Tell ed Daidabe Lebanon hill
Tell ed Dalani Jordan hill
Tell ed Damane Syria populated place
Tell ed Debbane Syria populated place
Tell ed Defrane Lebanon spur
Tell ed Deir Jordan ruin
Tell ed Deir Lebanon hill
Tell ed Deir Lebanon hill
Tell ed Dib Syria hill
Tell ed Domli Lebanon ridge
Tell ed Dommale Lebanon ridge
Tell ed Douai Syria hill
Tell ed Douair Syria hill
Tell ed Douair Syria spur
Tell ed Draidiye Lebanon spur
Tell ed Draijate Lebanon mountain
Tell ed Drouaa Syria populated place
Tell ed Durs Syria cone
Tell ed-Deiri Jordan hill
Tell ed-Dukhkhan Egypt ruin
Tell edh Dhahab el Gharbi Jordan hill
Tell edh Dhahab esh Sharqi Jordan hill
Tell edh Dhrur Israel mound
Tell edh Dhurur Israel mound
Tell Edjine Station Syria railroad station
Tell Edjine Syria populated place
Tell Effendi Syria populated place
Tell Effenndi Syria populated place
Tell ej Jaber Syria hill
Tell ej Jabiye Syria hill
Tell ej Jahach Iraq hill
Tell ej Jahach Syria hill
Tell ej Jammal Lebanon hill
Tell ej Jebab Syria mountain
Tell ej Jedid Syria hill
Tell ej Jennab Syria hill
Tell ej Jerinn Syria hill
Tell ej Jhach Syria hill
Tell ej Jijane Syria populated place
Tell ej Jisr Lebanon hill
Tell ej Jouassiye Syria peak
Tell Ejin Syria railroad station
Tell ek Kheidar Israel ancient site
Tell el 'Alayiq West Bank spur
Tell el `Adliya Jordan mound
Tell el `Aqqaqir Egypt hill
Tell el `Arais Israel hill
Tell el `Awit Egypt ruin
Tell el `Eisa Egypt hill
Tell el `Ujul Gaza Strip hill
Tell el Aabbassiye Lebanon hill
Tell el Aabeidi Syria hill
Tell el Aadouaniye Syria hill
Tell el Aafou Syria hill
Tell el Aalaq Lebanon hill
Tell el Aalbaoui Syria populated place
Tell el Aallaiq Lebanon hill
Tell el Aammouriye Syria mountain
Tell el Aamr Lebanon hill
Tell el Aamr Lebanon hill
Tell el Aaoueimir Syria hill
Tell el Aaouja Lebanon hill
Tell el Aaqaret Syria hill
Tell el Aaqoul Syria hill
Tell el Aaram Syria mountain
Tell el Aarar Syria hill
Tell el Aarfa Syria peak
Tell el Aarid Lebanon hill
Tell el Aaroune Syria hill
Tell el Aarouss Syria hill
Tell el Aassafir Syria populated place
Tell el Aatfa Syria hill
Tell el Aazib Syria hill
Tell el Aazib Syria hill
Tell el Abadi Syria hill
Tell el Abali Lebanon mountain
Tell el Abiad Lebanon mountain
Tell el Abiad Syria hill
Tell el Achaari Syria hill
Tell el Aghbar Lebanon ridge
Tell el Ahmar Syria populated place
Tell el Ain Nadaouie Syria hill
Tell el Ain Qoubaa Syria hill
Tell el Ain Lebanon hill
Tell el Akhdar Lebanon cultivated area
Tell el Akhdar Lebanon populated place
Tell el Akoul Syria hill
Tell el Aourb Syria hill
Tell el Aqareb Syria hill
Tell el Arba`ein Jordan mound
Tell el Arharr Syria populated place
Tell el Arharr Syria populated place
Tell el Ashei`ir Jordan ancient site
Tell el Ashmunein Egypt hill
Tell el Ashqaf el Janubi Jordan hill
Tell el Assafir Syria populated place
Tell el Assouad Lebanon hill
Tell el Assouad Lebanon hill
Tell el Assouad Syria hill
Tell el Assouad Syria hill
Tell el Assouad Syria mountain
Tell el Assouate Lebanon hill
Tell el Assouatte Lebanon hill
Tell el Assoud Syria hill
Tell el Astouni Lebanon hill
Tell el Ayoun Lebanon hill
Tell el Bahr Lebanon hill
Tell el Bahssiye Syria hill
Tell el Baiyad Lebanon hill
Tell el Baiyad Lebanon hill
Tell el Banate Syria populated place
Tell el Baq`a Jordan hill
Tell el Barhl Syria hill
Tell el Barud Egypt populated place
Tell el Bassis Jordan hill
Tell el Bayada Syria hill
Tell el Bazoq Syria hill
Tell el Bazouq Syria hill
Tell el Bazouriye Syria hill
Tell el Beil Tunisia mountain
Tell el Bellan Syria hill
Tell el Bellane Syria hill
Tell el Biq`a Jordan hill
Tell el Bire Syria hills
Tell el Borj Lebanon hill
Tell el Bouaider Lebanon hill
Tell el Boutani Lebanon hill
Tell el Boutme Syria hill
Tell el Braij Lebanon hill
Tell el Brarhiti Syria hill
Tell el Bugheilat West Bank hill
Tell el Bus Egypt hill
Tell el Buweib Jordan hill
Tell el Cadi Syria hill
Tell el Dekwa Syria hill
Tell el Fakhoura Lebanon hill
Tell el Fakhri Egypt hill
Tell el Faou Syria hill
Tell el Far Lebanon populated place
Tell el Farass Syria hill
Tell el Farass Syria populated place
Tell el Farth Jordan hill
Tell el Fekhar Jordan mound
Tell el Fira Syria hill
Tell el Foukhar Syria populated place
Tell el Foustqa Lebanon hill
Tell el Frei Syria hill
Tell el Frei Syria hill
Tell el Furri Syria hill
Tell el Ghabra Lebanon hill
Tell el Ghar Syria populated place
Tell el Gharaba Jordan ruin
Tell el Gharbiye Lebanon hill
Tell el Ghusein Jordan hill
Tell el Ghusul Jordan ancient site
Tell el Ginn Egypt hill
Tell el Gle Syria hill
Tell el Guine Syria hill
Tell el Hadi Jordan hill
Tell el Hafayer Syria hill
Tell el Haggag Egypt hill
Tell el Haiya Jordan hill
Tell el Hajar Abiad Lebanon hill
Tell el Hajar el Abiad Lebanon hill
Tell el Hakfar Syria populated place
Tell el Halawa Syria populated place
Tell el Hall Syria hill
Tell el Hallouf Tunisia hill
Tell el Hamaya Syria hill
Tell el Hamer Syria populated place
Tell el Hamidiye Syria populated place
Tell el Hamma es Samra Jordan mound
Tell el Hamma Jordan hill
Tell el Hammam Jordan mound
Tell el Hammara Lebanon slope
Tell el Hamra Morocco mountain
Tell el Haoua Syria hill
Tell el Haoua Syria mountain
Tell el Haouadej Syria hill
Tell el Haouas Syria hill
Tell el Haoudane Syria populated place
Tell el Haourate Lebanon hill
Tell el Hariq Lebanon ridge
Tell el Harra Syria mountain
Tell el Hasi Israel ancient site
Tell el Hattabate Syria populated place
Tell el Hattabate Syria populated place
Tell el Hbare Syria hill
Tell el Hech Syria hills
Tell el Hemmar Lebanon hill
Tell el Hendequq Jordan hill
Tell el Hibir Jordan hill
Tell el Hich Syria ruin
Tell el Hijane Syria hill
Tell el Hilu West Bank hill
Tell el Himma West Bank hill
Tell el Houdane Syria populated place
Tell el Husein Jordan spur
Tell el Husein Jordan spur
Tell el Jarine Syria hill
Tell el Jarinn Syria hill
Tell el Jeine Syria cone
Tell el Jelat Jordan hill
Tell el Jijane Syria populated place
Tell el Jinan Gaza Strip hill
Tell el Jizoum Jordan hill
Tell el Jizum Jordan hill
Tell el Juheira Jordan hill
Tell el Juleif Jordan hill
Tell el Jurf el Aqra` Jordan hill
Tell el Kafrein Jordan hill
Tell el Karteina Jordan hills
Tell el Katchal el Rharbi Syria hill
Tell el Katchala ech Chemali Syria hill
Tell el Katchala el Rharbi Syria hill
Tell el Kawayir Israel mound
Tell el Kebde Syria hill
Tell el Kebir Syria hill
Tell el Kebir Syria hill
Tell el Kebir Tunisia populated place
Tell el Kechnane Lebanon ridge
Tell el Khadheri Jordan hill
Tell el Khador Syria hill
Tell el Khaidar Syria peak
Tell el Khairem Syria spur
Tell el Khalidiye Syria hill
Tell el Khalidiye Syria populated place
Tell el Khane Syria mountain
Tell el Kharaba Jordan spur
Tell el Kharayej Syria hill
Tell el Kharaza Jordan hill
Tell el Kharroube Syria hill
Tell el Khazne Syria hill
Tell el Khazne Syria populated place
Tell el Khazne Syria populated place
Tell el Kherbe Lebanon hill
Tell el Kherbe Lebanon hill
Tell el Khesas Jordan mound
Tell el Khidari Jordan hill
Tell el Khirqa Jordan hill
Tell el Khodor Syria hill
Tell el Khodor Syria populated place
Tell el Khoum Syria hill
Tell el Khoum Syria hill
Tell el Khreta Syria hill
Tell el Knouza Syria hill
Tell el Knoza Syria hill
Tell el Kohel Syria hill
Tell el Koukh Syria hill
Tell el Kourdi Syria populated place
Tell el Kroum Syria mountain
Tell el Lahm Syria populated place
Tell el Laouz Syria hill
Tell el Ma`jama Jordan hill
Tell el Ma`raka Egypt hill
Tell el Maabour Syria hill
Tell el Maarad Syria hill
Tell el Maarra Syria hill
Tell el Maaz Syria hill
Tell el Maaz Syria populated place
Tell el Madrasa Jordan hill
Tell el Maftouh Syria hill
Tell el Mahdath Jordan hills
Tell el Mahouaz Syria hill
Tell el Majdoub Lebanon hill
Tell el Makh-Khad Egypt hill
Tell el Makhabe Syria hill
Tell el Malek Syria hill
Tell el Malha Syria hill
Tell el Manara Lebanon spur
Tell el Manasif esh Sharqi Jordan hills
Tell el Mannsoura Syria mountain
Tell el Manntar Syria hill
Tell el Manntar Syria mound
Tell el Mantara Lebanon hill
Tell el Manzale Lebanon hill
Tell el Maqbara Jordan hill
Tell el Maqtaa Syria hill
Tell el Marazza Syria hill
Tell el Marj Lebanon hill
Tell el Mashtala Jordan hill
Tell el Massie Syria hill
Tell el Massieh Syria hill
Tell el Matabi` Jordan ruin
Tell el Mathane Lebanon hill
Tell el Mazeh Lebanon hill
Tell el Mdaouar Lebanon hill
Tell el Mechraqa Syria hill
Tell el Meidan Jordan mound
Tell el Meisa Jordan hill
Tell el Mentah Jordan mound
Tell el Meqbera Jordan hill
Tell el Mezar Jordan mound
Tell el Milh Israel ancient site
Tell el Milh Jordan hill
Tell el Mintah Jordan mound
Tell el Minya and el Shurafa Egypt mound
Tell el Mirmala Jordan hill
Tell el Mislaha Jordan hill
Tell el Mistah Jordan populated place
Tell el Mounbateh Syria hill
Tell el Mourhr Syria hill
Tell el Mousri Lebanon mountain
Tell el Moustadir Syria hill
Tell el Mqataa Syria hills
Tell el Mreimir Lebanon hill
Tell el Mughanniya Jordan hill
Tell el Mukheizin Jordan hill
Tell el Muleiha Israel ancient site
Tell el Mutasallim Israel ancient site
Tell el Nahl Israel mound
Tell el Naqus Egypt hill
Tell el Ouaouiye Syria hill
Tell el Ouaouiye Syria hill
Tell el Ouard Charqi Syria populated place
Tell el Ouard Syria populated place
Tell el Ouasta Syria hill
Tell el Qabr el Akhoueine Syria hill
Tell el Qadi Israel mound
Tell el Qadi Lebanon ridge
Tell el Qady Israel populated place
Tell el Qasr Egypt hill
Tell el Qassis Syria hill
Tell el Qata Syria populated place
Tell el Qataa Syria populated place
Tell el Qenzha Lebanon hill
Tell el Qera Syria mountain
Tell el Qilou Syria hill
Tell el Qine Syria hill
Tell el Qlea Syria hill
Tell el Qnaiye Lebanon hill
Tell el Qoubli Syria hill
Tell el Qraine Lebanon spur
Tell el Qrassi Syria hill
Tell el Qsaibe Syria hill
Tell el Quneitira Israel ancient site
Tell el Qurna Egypt hill
Tell el Rhachim Syria hill
Tell el Rhar Syria populated place
Tell el Rhara Syria hill
Tell el Ruweisat Egypt hill
Tell el Samara Egypt hill
Tell el Seis Jordan hill
Tell el Shammama Egypt hill
Tell el Shaqafiya Egypt hill
Tell el Sibeita Egypt hill
Tell el Talat Ghabat Egypt hill
Tell el Talatin Egypt hill
Tell el Tuba Egypt hill
Tell el Zarqa Egypt hill
Tell el- Kebir Egypt populated place
Tell el-`Afrit Egypt hill
Tell el-`Alamein Egypt hill
Tell el-`Arab Egypt hill
Tell el-`Atala el-Khadra Egypt mound
Tell el-`Awit Egypt tomb
Tell el-`Ineizi Egypt hill
Tell el-Abbasiya Egypt hill
Tell el-Ahmar Egypt hill
Tell el-Akhdar Egypt hill
Tell El-Amarna Egypt ancient site
Tell el-Amarna Egypt populated place
Tell el-Ash`ar Egypt ruin
Tell el-Baiyata Egypt hill
Tell el-Balamun Egypt hill
Tell el-Birka Egypt hill
Tell el-Bleibil Jordan ancient site
Tell el-Bukhbeikha Egypt hill
Tell el-Dahab Egypt hill
Tell el-Dahayba Egypt hill
Tell el-Damalun Egypt mound
Tell el-Deir Egypt hill
Tell el-Diba Egypt hill
Tell el-Dibiq Egypt hill
Tell el-Duda Egypt hill
Tell el-Fadda Egypt hill
Tell el-Fag`i Egypt hill
Tell el-Farama Egypt ancient site
Tell el-Gamamiz Egypt hill
Tell el-Gassa Egypt mound
Tell el-Ghafir Egypt hill
Tell el-Ghardaqa Egypt hill
Tell el-Ghazal Egypt hill
Tell el-Gimeima Egypt hill
Tell el-Gumaiyisa Egypt ruin
Tell el-Haddadin Egypt hill
Tell el-Hanash Egypt hill
Tell el-Heir Egypt hill
Tell el-Hesy Israel ancient site
Tell el-Himara Egypt hill
Tell el-Hufiya Egypt hill
Tell el-Jill Egypt hill
Tell el-Kashif Egypt cemetery
Tell el-Kebir Station Egypt railroad station
Tell el-Kharif Egypt hill
Tell el-Kom el-Ahmar Egypt hill
Tell el-Kom el-Ahmar Egypt ruin
Tell el-Kom el-Kebir Egypt hill
Tell el-Lugga Egypt hill
Tell el-Luli Egypt hill
Tell el-Ma`sara Egypt hill
Tell el-Maghrabi Egypt hill
Tell el-Mahar Egypt hill
Tell el-Mahgar Egypt mound
Tell el-Malgata Egypt mound
Tell el-Manfsra Egypt hill
Tell el-Manshi Egypt mound
Tell el-Maqluba Egypt hill
Tell el-Mashakhsa Egypt hill
Tell el-Miqeibrat Egypt hill
Tell el-Mitabbish Egypt hill
Tell el-Murra Egypt hill
Tell el-Naggarin Egypt hill
Tell el-Nagharti Egypt hill
Tell el-Nigili Egypt ruin
Tell el-Nusraniya Egypt hill
Tell el-Qadi Egypt populated place
Tell el-Qamh Egypt ruin
Tell el-Qar`a Egypt hill
Tell el-Qasr Egypt hill
Tell el-Qatifa Gaza Strip hill
Tell el-Qinan Egypt hill

Global Names Alphabetically

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