Tell el-Qulzum - Tell Maaza - Geographical Names, map, geographic coordinates

SOURCE: National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency, Bethesda, MD, USA

Name Country Feature class
Tell el-Qulzum Egypt section of populated place
Tell el-Rakham Egypt hill
Tell el-Rusas Egypt hill
Tell el-Sa`idi Egypt hill
Tell el-Safa Egypt hill
Tell el-Sahrig Egypt hill
Tell el-Salhab Egypt hill
Tell el-Shannar Egypt hill
Tell el-Sheikh Hasan Egypt hill
Tell el-Sheikh Egypt hill
Tell el-Shukhakh Egypt hill
Tell el-Shuwan Egypt hill
Tell el-Sibu`a Egypt ruin
Tell el-Tawil Egypt populated place
Tell el-Torha Egypt hill
Tell el-Yahudiya Egypt hill
Tell el-Zalat Egypt hill
Tell el-Zawaki Egypt populated place
Tell el-Zawya Egypt hill
Tell el-Zeini Egypt hill
Tell ell Hitt Syria populated place
Tell en Nabaa Lebanon hill
Tell en Nabi Aiyub Syria hill
Tell en Nabi Mennd Syria populated place
Tell en Najila Israel ancient site
Tell en Najma West Bank hill
Tell en Najma West Bank hill
Tell en Nasriye Syria hill
Tell en Nasrye Syria hill
Tell en Nebi Mend Syria populated place
Tell en Nejile Israel ancient site
Tell en Neqra Jordan hill
Tell en Nhas Lebanon hills
Tell en Nhas Lebanon hills
Tell enn Naam Syria populated place
Tell Enn Nabi Mennd Syria populated place
Tell enn Nabi Zaher Syria hill
Tell enn Namar Syria hill
Tell enn Namr Syria hill
Tell enn Naqa Syria populated place
Tell enn Neqeib Syria hill
Tell enn Nouq Syria hill
Tell er Rafia Syria populated place
Tell er Raheb Lebanon hill
Tell er Ram Lebanon mountain
Tell er Rama Jordan populated place
Tell er Rebl Syria hill
Tell er Rejem Lebanon mountain
Tell er Rejme Syria hill
Tell er Rihane Syria hill
Tell er Rouaiss Lebanon hill
Tell er Rouaiss Lebanon hill
Tell er Rouaiss Lebanon hill
Tell er Rouaissate Syria hill
Tell er Rubeiq Jordan hill
Tell er Rugga et Tawila Jordan hill
Tell er Rujm el Abyad Jordan hill
Tell er Rumeith Jordan ruin
Tell er Rus Jordan spur
Tell es Sa`idiya Jordan hill
Tell es Saadine Syria hill
Tell es Sabba Jordan spur
Tell es Safi Israel ancient site
Tell es Safouani Syria hill
Tell es Sahn Syria populated place
Tell es Sahrig Egypt hill
Tell es Sahrij Syria hill
Tell es Saiyad Syria hill
Tell es Sakher Syria populated place
Tell es Sakhine Syria mountain
Tell es Sakhr Syria populated place
Tell es Salalem Syria mountain
Tell es Salle Syria hill
Tell es Salli Syria hill
Tell es Samene Missak Syria populated place
Tell es Saouane Syria hill
Tell es Sayade Syria populated place
Tell es Sedda Syria hill
Tell es Sefih Syria hill
Tell es Sefin Syria hill
Tell es Sefine Syria hill
Tell es Seghir Syria hill
Tell es Seghir Syria hill
Tell es Semak Israel ancient site
Tell es Seman Syria populated place
Tell es Seqi Syria hill
Tell es Serhir Syria hill
Tell es Serhir Syria hill
Tell es Serhir Syria hill
Tell es Seur Syria hill
Tell es Sine Syria hill
Tell es Sine Syria hill
Tell es Smakh Syria hill
Tell es Snane Syria populated place
Tell es Sneiber Lebanon hill
Tell es Snoun Syria populated place
Tell es Soda Syria hill
Tell es Souaid Lebanon hill
Tell es Soubbe Syria hill
Tell es Soubbe Syria mountain
Tell es Soueiss Syria hill
Tell es Soummaqiye Syria mountain
Tell es Sous Syria hill
Tell es Souss Syria hill
Tell es Souss Syria populated place
Tell es Soussa Syria hill
Tell es Su'eidiya Jordan hill
Tell es Su`eidiye Jordan hill
Tell es Sultan West Bank ancient site
Tell es Sumeihiyat Jordan spur
Tell es Surat Israel mound
Tell es Suwar Syria populated place
Tell es Suwwan West Bank hill
Tell Esde Syria hill
Tell esh Shabah Jordan hills
Tell esh Shahm Station Jordan abandoned railroad station
Tell esh Shammam Israel mound
Tell esh Shaqqara Syria mountain
Tell esh Shari`a Israel ancient site
Tell esh Shehab Syria populated place
Tell esh Sheikh Dhiyab West Bank ruin
Tell esh Sheikh Diyab West Bank ruin
Tell esh Sheikha Syria mountain
Tell esh Shemmam Israel mound
Tell esh Sheqaq Jordan hill
Tell esh Shuna West Bank hill
Tell esh Shuweish Jordan hill
Tell et Tache Syria hill
Tell et Taouile Syria hill
Tell et Totoun Syria populated place
Tell et Turmus Israel ruin
Tell ett Taaleb Syria hill
Tell ett Tach Syria hill
Tell ett Tair Syria populated place
Tell ett Tamra Syria hill
Tell ett Taoui Syria hill
Tell ett Taouile Syria populated place
Tell ett Tebene Syria populated place
Tell ett Tine Syria hill
Tell ett Tine Syria hill
Tell ett Tine Syria hill
Tell ett Tine Syria hill
Tell ett Toura Syria hill
Tell ett Tourki Syria hill
Tell ett Toute Syria populated place
Tell ett Toute Syria mound
Tell ett Trab Syria hill
Tell ez Za`rur Jordan spur
Tell ez Zaatar Lebanon hill
Tell ez Zaatar Lebanon slope
Tell ez Zaatar Lebanon hill
Tell ez Zaazeaa Lebanon populated place
Tell Ez Zahab Syria populated place
Tell ez Zakiye Syria hill
Tell ez Zaouie Lebanon orchard
Tell ez Zaraa Syria hill
Tell ez Zeitun Jordan hill
Tell ez Zheiriye Lebanon mountain
Tell ez Zouaitini Syria mountain
Tell ez Zqaq Syria hill
Tell Fadlalah Syria hill
Tell Fadrhami Syria hill
Tell Faidate Kersi Syria hill
Tell Fajami Syria populated place
Tell Fakket Siblane Syria hill
Tell Faouar Syria hill
Tell Fara Syria hill
Tell Fara Syria mountain
Tell Fara`on Egypt hill
Tell Fares Syria populated place
Tell Farghal Egypt hill
Tell Ferzat Syria hill
Tell Ferzate Syria hill
Tell Fezrane Syria mountain
Tell Fleija Syria hill
Tell Foudda Syria hill
Tell Foudeine Syria hill
Tell Franji Syria hill
Tell Frati Syria hill
Tell Freitane Syria populated place
Tell Freji Syria hill
Tell Ftaya Syria populated place
Tell Ftour Syria hill
Tell Fuz Egypt hill
Tell Gabbara Egypt hill
Tell Geziret Abu Baiyud Egypt hill
Tell Geziret el Faras Egypt hill
Tell Geziret el Ziwilin Egypt hill
Tell Ghasin Egypt hill
Tell Ghazala Egypt hill
Tell Ghazel Syria mountain
Tell Ghusain Jordan hills
Tell Ghusein Jordan hills
Tell Gidr Iraq ancient site
Tell Gindiya Egypt hill
Tell Glade Ski Trail United States Trail
Tell Glea Syria hill
Tell Gletscher Svalbard glacier
Tell Guineh Syria cone
Tell Guir Syria hill
Tell Habalat el Ghusein Jordan hill
Tell Habbou Syria populated place
Tell Habbouch Lebanon hill
Tell Habite Syria hill
Tell Haddad Syria populated place
Tell Hadi Syria populated place
Tell Hadia Syria hill
Tell Hadia Syria populated place
Tell Hadib Lebanon hill
Tell Hadjar Syria populated place
Tell Hadjib Syria populated place
Tell Hafiane Syria populated place
Tell Hafour Lebanon mountain
Tell Haidab Lebanon hill
Tell Hajar Syria populated place
Tell Hajar Syria populated place
Tell Hajara Lebanon hill
Tell Hajeb Syria populated place
Tell Hajib Syria populated place
Tell Halaf Station Turkey railroad station
Tell Halaf Syria populated place
Tell Halaolue Syria populated place
Tell Halaoua Syria hill
Tell Halaoua Syria populated place
Tell Halaoue Syria hill
Tell Halaoue Syria hill
Tell Halaoue Syria populated place
Tell Hale Lebanon mountain
Tell Hallou Syria hills
Tell Hallouni Syria hill
Tell Hamam Iraq ancient site
Tell Hamamiyate Syria hill
Tell Hamar Syria hill
Tell Hamar Syria hill
Tell Hamar Syria populated place
Tell Hamdane Lebanon hill
Tell Hamdoun Syria populated place
Tell Hamed Syria hill
Tell Hamid Egypt populated place
Tell Hamidiye Syria hill
Tell Hamis Syria populated place
Tell Hamm es Saouda Syria hill
Tell Hammet es Serhir Syria hills
Tell Hammo Syria populated place
Tell Hammoud Syria hill
Tell Hamo Syria populated place
Tell Hamou Syria populated place
Tell Hamrat el Quseima Jordan hill
Tell Hamze Lebanon hill
Tell Hanach Syria hill
Tell Hannoun Lebanon spur
Tell Hannta Syria hill
Tell Hanoua Syria populated place
Tell Hanoua Syria populated place
Tell Hanoun Lebanon spur
Tell Haouch Syria populated place
Tell Haoura Syria hill
Tell Haourane Syria hill
Tell Haourane Syria mountain
Tell Harf Chraiha Lebanon spur
Tell Harmel Iraq mound
Tell Haroun Syria hill
Tell Harrane Syria hill
Tell Harrat es Sibhi Jordan hill
Tell Hassane Syria hill
Tell Hassane Syria populated place
Tell Hasseiye Syria peak
Tell Hassel Syria populated place
Tell Hassou Syria hill
Tell Hassoun Syria hill
Tell Hasuna Iraq ancient site
Tell Hatabat Syria populated place
Tell Hawin Egypt populated place
Tell Hayana Lebanon hill
Tell Hayat Lebanon hill
Tell Hayel Roummane Syria hill
Tell Hazar Syria populated place
Tell Hazem el Rheder Syria hill
Tell Hazem er Rouhi Syria hill
Tell Hazzub Egypt hill
Tell Hejane Syria hill
Tell Hejeije Jordan hill
Tell Helef Syria populated place
Tell Heneide Jordan hill
Tell Hermel Syria hill
Tell Hermel Syria populated place
Tell Herodium West Bank hill
Tell Hezhez Syria mound
Tell Hich Syria hill
Tell Hidab Lebanon hill
"Tell Him I Blame Him for the Children We Have Lost..." Aish-Ke-Vo-Go-Zhe Historical Marker United States Park
Tell Hirrite Syria hill
Tell Hissar Syria hill
Tell Hizzine Lebanon farm
Tell Hmaira Lebanon populated place
Tell Hmouelan Jordan hill
Tell Hneita Syria populated place
Tell Ho Syria populated place
Tell Hobach Syria populated place
Tell Hochbai Lebanon hill
Tell Hommouss Syria hill
Tell Hordos West Bank hill
Tell Houair Syria hill
Tell Houairi Syria populated place
Tell Houdane Syria populated place
Tell Houed Syria hill
Tell Houlou Syria hill
Tell Houmaime Syria mound
Tell Houssaine Syria hill
Tell Houssaine Syria hill
Tell Houssaine Syria populated place
Tell Houssaine Syria populated place
Tell Hugnah Iraq populated place
Tell Hujeija Jordan hill
Tell Humeidan Jordan hill
Tell Humeilan Jordan hill
Tell Humwalan Jordan hill
Tell Humwelan Jordan hill
Tell Hureida Jordan hill
Tell Hussein Syria hill
Tell Hussein Syria populated place
Tell Husseine Syria populated place
Tell Huwairi Syria populated place
Tell Ibali Lebanon mountain
Tell Ibn er Rouss Lebanon hill
Tell Ibn Osmane Syria hill
Tell Ibqa Egypt populated place
Tell Ibr Syria populated place
Tell Ibrahim `Awad Egypt hill
Tell Idris et Toum Syria hill
Tell Idris ett Toum Syria hill
Tell Iktanoh Jordan hill
Tell Iktanwa Jordan hill
Tell Irmid Lebanon hill
Tell Ishnik and Kafr el Salawi Egypt populated place
Tell Ismail Lebanon hill
Tell Istabel Syria populated place
Tell Istabl Syria populated place
Tell Izeir Egypt hill
Tell Izrane Syria mountain
Tell Jabbourine Syria hill
Tell Jadid Syria populated place
Tell Jaich Syria hill
Tell Jaltet el Hamam Syria peak
Tell Jambe Syria hill
Tell Jamil Syria populated place
Tell Jammal Syria populated place
Tell Jammala Syria hill
Tell Jamous Syria hill
Tell Jamous Syria ruin
Tell Jamouss Syria ruin
Tell Jamra Jerdiye Syria hill
Tell Jardon Syria populated place
Tell Jardoun Syria populated place
Tell Jarma Syria hill
Tell Jarniye Syria hill
Tell Jaroudiye Syria hill
Tell Jarouniye Syria hill
Tell Jarounye Syria hill
Tell Jathum Jordan hills
Tell Jawa Jordan hill
Tell Jdid Syria hill
Tell Jdid Syria populated place
Tell Jebbate Syria hill
Tell Jedha Syria populated place
Tell Jedla Syria mountain
Tell Jefna Syria hill
Tell Jefne Syria hill
Tell Jelah Syria hill
Tell Jelha Lebanon hill
Tell Jellad Syria hill
Tell Jerma Syria mound
Tell Jessas Syria populated place
Tell Jhach Syria hill
Tell Jhach Syria populated place
Tell Jibbine Syria hill
Tell Jibbine Syria populated place
Tell Jibrine Syria hill
Tell Jijane Syria populated place
Tell Jimmah Syria mountain
Tell Jin Syria populated place
Tell Jirji Syria populated place
Tell Jnediye Syria populated place
Tell Jouelil Syria hill
Tell Joumaa Syria populated place
Tell Jourjoub Syria hill
Tell Juhfiya Jordan hill
Tell Kachour Syria populated place
Tell Kafer Aaya Syria hill
Tell Kafer Njouz Syria hill
Tell Kafer Syria populated place
Tell Kafr Shalabi Egypt ruin
Tell Kahf Syria populated place
Tell Kalakh Syria second-order administrative division
Tell Kalakh Syria populated place
Tell Kalbe Syria populated place
Tell Kaldiye Syria hill
Tell Kannbar Syria populated place
Tell Karim Syria populated place
Tell Karm ech Chqif Lebanon hill
Tell Karm Syria populated place
Tell Karmine Syria hill
Tell Kassiha Syria hill
Tell Kattine Syria hill
Tell Kaukab Syria hill
Tell Kautaibe Syria hill
Tell Kazel Syria populated place
Tell Kazne Syria populated place
Tell Kchour Syria populated place
Tell Kdeirane Syria hill
Tell Kdich Syria populated place
Tell Kefchi Syria populated place
Tell Keif Peunar Aali Syria populated place
Tell Kermine Syria hill
Tell Kersane Syria hill
Tell Kessouk Syria hill
Tell Khabbaz Syria populated place
Tell Khabiye Syria hill
Tell Khador Syria hill
Tell Khaldiye Syria hill
Tell Khaldiye Syria populated place
Tell Khalifa Syria populated place
Tell Khalife Syria hill
Tell Khanasser Jordan hill
Tell Khannzir Kebir Syria populated place
Tell Khannzir Serhir Syria populated place
Tell Khannzir Syria hill
Tell Khannzir Syria populated place
Tell Khannzir Syria populated place
Tell Khannzir Syria populated place
Tell Khanzir Firke Syria populated place
Tell Kharab Saiyar Syria hill
Tell Kharnoub Rachid Syria populated place
Tell Kharnoub Syria populated place
Tell Khatoun Syria populated place
Tell Khatoun Syria populated place
Tell Khatre Syria populated place
Tell Khatri Syria populated place
Tell Khazne Jouani Syria hill
Tell Khazne Tahtani Syria hill
Tell Khdaijane Syria hill
Tell Khechem el Barhl Syria hill
Tell Kherbet er Ras Lebanon mountain
Tell Kherbet Jalali el Ouazzane Lebanon hill
Tell Kherbet Merjid Lebanon hill
Tell Kheurbet el Qenitra Syria hill
Tell Kheurbet Moukmane Syria hill
Tell Khodor Syria hill
Tell Khodor Syria mountain
Tell Khodor Syria populated place
Tell Khrata Syria hill
Tell Khuneisir Jordan hill
Tell Khureisan Jordan hill
Tell Khuweilifa Israel ancient site
Tell Kidkane Syria hill
Tell Kiffine Syria hill
Tell Kindi es Sghir Lebanon populated place
Tell Kindi Lebanon populated place
Tell Kiri Lebanon populated place
Tell Kissine Syria ruin
Tell Kom el Damarawi Egypt hill
Tell Kom el-Malh Egypt hill
Tell Kom el-Shagara Egypt hill
Tell Kom el-Wahhal Egypt hill
Tell Kom Gharib Egypt hill
Tell Kom Hamamu Egypt hill
Tell Kotchek Serhir Syria hill
Tell Kotchek Syria hill
Tell Kotchek Syria hill
Tell Kotchek Syria populated place
Tell Koubeiba Syria populated place
Tell Koulib Syria hill
Tell Koutaibe Syria hill
Tell Kouteibe Syria hill
Tell Krah Syria populated place
Tell Kratine Syria populated place
Tell Krejz an-Na`am Saudi Arabia hill
Tell Kroum et Tine Lebanon ridge
Tell Kroum Syria slope
Tell Kubeida Jordan hill
Tell Kufr Yubai Jordan hill
Tell Kurdi Syria populated place
Tell Kushik Syria populated place
Tell Labbade Syria hill
Tell Lagan Egypt hill
Tell laham Iraq ancient site
Tell Lala Syria populated place
Tell Landahur Egypt hill
Tell Lata Syria populated place
Tell Latmine Syria hill
Tell Lefar Syria populated place
Tell Lemnar Syria plateau
Tell Leymoun Syria hill
Tell Lilan Syria hill
Tell Liyet el Ghanam Lebanon ridge
Tell Maachi Syria hill
Tell Maaz Syria mountain
Tell Maaz Syria mountain
Tell Maaz Syria populated place
Tell Maaza Syria hill

Global Names Alphabetically

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