Lobaale - Loyoroit: Uganda

SOURCE: National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency, Bethesda, MD, USA

Name Feature class
Lobaale mountain
Lobe populated place
Lobelel hill
Lobeluna mountain
Loboti stream
Lobul populated place
Lobule populated place
Lobuneit populated place
Lobuneit hill
Lobuneyt populated place
Lobuneyt populated place
Lochan stream
Lochan stream
Locherep hill
Lochi populated place
Lochilimukat stream
Lochom hill
Lochoman stream
Lochomon hill
Lochomon stream
Lochoria stream
Lochowai hill
Lochuk stream
Lodaja mountain
Lodamach hill
Lodapal populated place
Lodoketemit stream
Lodomaicha hill
Lodonga populated place
Lodukan populated place
Lodwa hill
Lodwar mountain
Lofumvwe populated place
Logara stream
Logelak stream
Logelat stream
Logeri populated place
Logirangole stream
Logiri populated place
Logoria hill
Logoronga stream
Logwel hill
Loile hill
Loini populated place
Loiroit stream
Loita hill
Loita hill
Loitan intermittent stream
Loitan intermittent stream
Loitanit populated place
Loitom hill
Loitome hill
Loiya intermittent stream
Lojuria hill
Lokadeli hill
Lokadeli hill
Lokalale mountain
Lokalas stream
Lokales populated place
Lokalibak hill
Lokamuroi hill
Lokapel hill
Lokapel hill
Lokapel hill
Lokapel hill
Lokapel hill
Lokapeliethe hill
Lokapelo hill
Lokapelyethe hill
Lokasir hill
Lokatap Rock rock
Lokatero hill
Lokathir hill
Lokathiro hill
Lokathur hill
Lokathur hill
Lokayet hill
Lokekutak hill
Lokelijak hill
Lokemerikapel stream
Lokepol hill
Loker stream
Lokere stream
Lokero hill
Lokero hill
Lokeru hill
Loki populated place
Lokibuo stream
Lokichar populated place
Lokichar hill
Lokichar stream
Lokidiny hill
Lokilan hill
Lokimait hill
Lokimait stream
Lokimali stream
Lokinene mountain
Lokiporangatome populated place
Lokiragodo populated place
Lokitalamukolo hill
Lokitalamukoru hill
Lokitete populated place
Lokodi forest
Lokolimith hill
Lokoma populated place
Lokomo stream
Lokomoro stream
Lokomoru hill
Lokomoru stream
Lokomoru stream
Lokopel hill
Lokopo populated place
Lokorimongen hill
Lokorimoru hill
Lokorimoru stream
Lokoromilia mountain
Lokotoro hill
Lokoyot stream
Lokuda hill
Lokudet populated place
Lokukwai stream
Lokukwoi stream
Lokulas stream
Lokumutom hill
Lokung populated place
Lokung forest
Lokupoi hill
Lokupoi hill
Lokupoi stream
Lokwagippi populated place
Lokwakel stream
Lokwakipi populated place
Lokwakol stream
Lokwamoru hill
Lokwamur hill
Lokwamur hill
Lokwatagwete hill
Lolachat populated place
Loleke hill
Lolekek hill
Lolekek hill
Lolelia populated place
Lolelia stream
Loliakat stream
Loliboch stream
Lolim populated place
Lolim mountain
Lolim mountain
Lolire stream
Lolito populated place
Lolobala stream
Lolui Island island
Lolung hill
Loma hill
Lomalakala hill
Lomalakalal hill
Lomaler populated place
Lomanakalele hill
Lomanan hill
Lomanatukoi hill
Lomaratukoi hill
Lomei populated place
Lomej mountain
Lomerimong populated place
Lomerimong populated place
Lomil mountain
Lomilo hill
Lomonier hill
Lomori hill
Lomoruarei populated place
Lomoruarei hill
Lomukura populated place
Lomunan hill
Lomunga populated place
Lomunyeiy Kipura hill
Lomunyen Kipura hill
Lomunyen Kipura hill
Lomuriare hill
Lomwong mountain
Lone Tree rock
Longeleia stream
Longelela stream
Longero stream
Longi hill
Longira populated place
Longiro stream
Longoromit stream
Longoropan hill
Lononinei dam
Lonyang stream
Lonyili mountain
Lonyili mountain
Loochuk stream
Loolung populated place
Loonorikipi stream
Lopedoongoria hill
Lopedot stream
Lopedut stream
Lopei populated place
Lopeichubei forest
Lopeidere hill
Loperikidor hill
Lopetapara mountain
Lopi stream
Lopii stream
Lopogot stream
Lopogur stream
Lopokok hill
Lopongo hill
Lopook hill
Loporine dam
Loporococho populated place
Loporokocho populated place
Loporokocho stream
Lopoza stream
Lopua hill
Lopua stream
Lopur hill
Loputh stream
Loputhimoru hill
Lopwok hill
Loreit ridge
Lorem hill
Lorengedwat populated place
Lorengidwat populated place
Lorengikipi stream
Lorero mountain
Loreta populated place
Lori populated place
Lori populated place
Lorigem hill
Loritit hill
Loro populated place
Loro populated place
Loro forest
Lorunget hill
Losigiria hill
Losil mountain
Lotalama hill
Loteteleit hill
Lothaa populated place
Lothagam populated place
Lothar populated place
Lothera hill
Lothogol hill
Lothopil hill
Lothore hill
Lothulia mountain
Lothurmarany hill
Lotim and Pota forest
Lotim mountain
Lotir stream
Lotithan populated place
Lotome populated place
Lototuru populated place
Lotuturu populated place
Loukomoru South hill
Loukomoru South hill
Lousu hill
Lowakut mountain
Lowapet mountain
Lowemoi hill
Loya intermittent stream
Loyapong hill
Loychuka mountain
Loyoro populated place
Loyoro stream
Loyoroit stream

Uganda Names Alphabetically

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U V W X Y Z 0-9 Non-Roman

Global Names Alphabetically

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U V W X Y Z 0-9 Non-Roman


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