Robbie Bank - Roza-Bank: Undersea Features

SOURCE: National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency, Bethesda, MD, USA

Name Feature class
Robbie Bank reef
Robbie Ridge ridge
Robert Perry Seamount seamount
Roberts Canyon canyon
Rochambeau Bank seamount
Rochambeaus Zypher Seamount Group seamount
Roche Julia reef
Rochmaninoff Seamount seamount
Rock Knoll knoll
Rockall Bank bank
Rockall Channel trough
Rockall Plateau rise
Rockall Rise rise
Rockall Table Mount bank
Rockall Trough trough
Rockall-Schwelle bank
Rockaway Seamount seamount
Rockell Banks bank
Rodgers Bank seamount
Rodgers Basin basin
Rodgers Pass gap
Rodgers Seamount seamount
Rodhos Basin basin
Rodrigues Fracture Zone fracture zone
Rodrigues Ridge ridge
Rodrigues Seamount Chain ridge
Rodrigues Seamount seamount
Rodrigues Seamounts ridge
Rodriguez Dome seamount
Rodriguez Fracture Zone fracture zone
Rodriguez Ridge ridge
Rodriguez Seamount seamount
Roggeveen Basin basin
Roggeveen Rise rise
Roia Canyon canyon
Roja Canyon canyon
Rokel Seamount seamount
Rokkel Seamount seamount
Romanche Deep gap
Romanche Fracture Zone fracture zone
Romanche Gap gap
Romanche Trench gap
Rompidas Ledge reef
Ron Brown Ridge ridge
Roncador Canyon valley
Roncador Spur spur
Roncador Valley valley
Roo Rise rise
Rosa Bank seamount
Rosa Seamount seamount
Rosalind Bank bank
Rosalind Channel seachannel
Rosalind Saddle saddle
Rosalind Valley valley
Rosalinda Bank bank
Rosalinda Gap saddle
Rosalinda Valley valley
Rosario Bank bank
Rosario Reefs bank
Rosario Tablemount bank
Rose and Lucys Basin basin
Rose Blanche Bank bank
Rosemary Bank seamount
Rosemary Knoll seamount
Rosenberg Seamount seamount
Rosenthal Seamount seamount
Roseway Bank bank
Roseway Basin basin
Ross Bank bank
Ross Canyon canyon
Ross Deep trench
Rossel Seamount seamount
Rossini Seamount seamount
Rost Bank bank
Rost-Banken bank
Rotuma Reef reef
Rotumah Reef reef
Rotumah Shoal reef
Rouse Seamount seamount
Routh Bank reef
Routh Shoal reef
Rovuma Canyon canyon
Rowley Shelf shelf
Roya Canyon canyon
Royal Bishop Bank reefs
Royal Bishop Banks reefs
Royal Charlotte Bank bank
Royal Charlotte Reef reef
Royal Deep trough
Royal Trough trough
Royalist Bank reef
Roza-Bank seamount

Undersea Features Names Alphabetically

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U V W X Y Z 0-9 Non-Roman

Global Names Alphabetically

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U V W X Y Z 0-9 Non-Roman


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