Weidenbruch - Weiher - Geographical Names, map, geographic coordinates

SOURCE: National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency, Bethesda, MD, USA

Name Country Feature class
Weidenbruch Germany farm
Weidenbruch Germany grazing area
Weidenbuhl Germany farm
Weidenbuhl Germany populated place
Weidenburg Austria populated place
Weidendell Germany farm
Weidendorf Germany populated place
Weidendorf Germany populated place
Weidendrift Belgium populated place
Weideneck Germany populated place
Weidenegg Austria populated place
Weidener Hutte Austria hotel
Weidener Kanal Austria canal
Weidenfeld Germany populated place
Weidenfurt Austria locality
Weideng China populated place
Weidengraben Austria populated place
Weidengraben Austria populated locality
Weidengraben Austria intermittent stream
Weidengut Poland populated place
Weidenhahn Germany populated place
Weidenhain Germany forest
Weidenhain Germany populated place
Weidenhamer Bridge United States Bridge
Weidenhamer Swamp United States Swamp
Weidenhardt Germany hill
Weidenhart Germany forest
Weidenhart Germany hill
Weidenhausen Germany farm
Weidenhausen Germany populated place
Weidenhausen Germany populated place
Weidenhausen Germany populated place
Weidenhausen Germany populated place
Weidenhausen Germany section of populated place
Weidenheim Serbia populated place
Weidenhochst Germany hill
Weidenhof Germany farm
Weidenhof Germany farm
Weidenhof Germany farm
Weidenhof Germany farm
Weidenhof Germany farm
Weidenhof Germany farm
Weidenhof Germany populated place
Weidenhof Germany populated place
Weidenhof Germany populated place
Weidenhofe Austria populated place
Weidenhofen Germany farm
Weidenholz Austria populated place
Weidenholz Germany forest
Weidenhull Germany populated place
Weidenkam Germany populated place
Weidenloch Germany forest
Weidenloh Germany populated place
Weidenmaier Lakes United States Reservoir
Weidenmoor Germany moor
Weidensall Hall United States Building
Weidensaul Hollow United States Valley
Weidenschaft Germany farm
Weidensdorf Germany populated place
Weidensee Germany populated place
Weidensees Germany populated place
Weidenstetten Germany populated place
Weidental Austria farm
Weidental Austria valley
Weidental Germany farm
Weidental Germany valley
Weidenthal Austria farm
Weidenthal Germany farm
Weidenthal Germany populated place
Weidenthal Germany populated place
Weidenwang Germany populated place
Weidenwinkel Austria populated place
Weidepesch Germany farm
Weiderdamm Germany farm
Weiderer Germany farm
Weiderer-Alpe Germany hut
Weiderholz Germany forest
Weiderich Cemetery United States Cemetery
Weidern Austria populated place
Weidernoch Point United States Cape
Weideroda Germany populated place
Weiders Crossing United States Populated Place
Weiders-Buhl Germany hill
Weidersdorf Austria populated place
Weides Germany populated place
Weidesch-Berg Germany hill
Weidesgrun Germany populated place
Weidesheim Germany populated place
Weidet Austria populated place
Weidet Germany farm
Weidfeld Germany farm
Weidgarten Germany populated place
Weidgraben Germany ditch
Weidgraben Germany ditch
Weidhausen bei Coburg Germany populated place
Weidhausen Germany populated place
Weidhoek South Africa farm
Weidholz Germany forest
Weidi Hu China lake
Weidi China populated place
Weidi China populated place
Weidi China populated place
Weidian China populated place
Weidian China populated place
Weidian China populated place
Weidian China populated place
Weidianzi China populated place
Weidicken Poland populated place
Weidig Belgium populated place
Weidig Germany populated place
Weidig Germany populated place
Weidig Luxembourg farms
Weidigerhof Luxembourg farms
Weidighaus Germany farm
Weidigt Germany populated place
Weiding Austria farm
Weiding Austria populated place
Weiding Germany farm
Weiding Germany farm
Weiding Germany farm
Weiding Germany farm
Weiding Germany forest
Weiding Germany populated place
Weiding Germany populated place
Weiding Germany populated place
Weiding Germany populated place
Weiding Germany populated place
Weiding Germany populated place
Weidingen Germany populated place
Weidingen Luxembourg populated place
Weidinger Austria farm
Weidinger Germany farm
Weidinggraben Austria intermittent stream
Weidingzhuang China populated place
Weiditz Germany populated place
Weidl Austria farm
Weidlach Germany forest
Weidlach Germany forest
Weidlberg Germany populated place
Weidleins-Bach Germany stream
Weidleins-Berg Germany hill
Weidleinsgraben Germany stream
Weidlers (historical) United States Populated Place
Weidling Austria populated place
Weidling Austria populated place
Weidlingau Austria section of populated place
Weidlingauer Eichberg Austria hill
Weidlingbach Austria populated place
Weidlingbach Austria stream
Weidlitz Germany populated place
Weidlussfeld Austria field
Weidlwang Germany populated place
Weidmaisalm Austria grazing area
Weidman Area Health Clinic United States Hospital
Weidman Baptist Church United States Church
Weidman Census Designated Place United States Census
Weidman Church United States Church
Weidman Elementary School United States School
Weidman Fire Station United States Building
Weidman Gulch United States Valley
Weidman Lake United States Lake
Weidman Post Office United States Post Office
Weidman Public Library United States Building
Weidman Run United States Stream
Weidman Station (historical) United States Locale
Weidman United Methodist Church United States Church
Weidman United States Populated Place
Weidman United States Populated Place
Weidmannsdorf Austria section of populated place
Weidmannsgesees Germany populated place
Weidmannsheim Germany farm
Weidmannsruh Germany farm
Weidmanville United States Populated Place
Weidmes Germany populated place
Weidmesgrun Czech Republic populated place
Weidmoos-Graben Germany ditch
Weidmoosgraben Germany stream
Weidner Cemetery United States Cemetery
Weidner Cemetery United States Cemetery
Weidner Cemetery United States Cemetery
Weidner Cemetery United States Cemetery
Weidner Center for the Performing Arts United States Building
Weidner Dam United States Dam
Weidner Landing Field United States Airport
Weidner Mill United States Building
Weidner Park United States Park
Weidner Ranch United States Locale
Weidner Road Baptist Church United States Church
Weidnitz Germany populated place
Weidonck Belgium populated place
Weidong Qu China third-order administrative division
Weidong China populated place
Weidong China populated place
Weidong China populated place
Weidong China populated place
Weidong China populated place
Weidong China populated place
Weidong China populated place
Weidong China populated place
Weidongcun China populated place
Weidongcun China populated place
Weidongdui China populated place
Weidongqiao China populated place
Weidonk Belgium populated place
Weidorf Germany populated place
Weidoushan Shuiku China reservoir
Weidrich Bridge United States Bridge
Weidritz Slovakia stream
Weidschober Austria peak
Weidsteinhohe Germany hill
Weidu Qu China third-order administrative division
Weidu China populated place
Weidu China populated place
Weidu China populated place
Weiduli China populated place
Weidum Netherlands populated place
Weidumernieuwland Netherlands locality
Weidun China populated place
Weidunshang China populated place
Weidunshang China populated place
Weiduokangduo China populated place
Weidwies Germany farm
Weienberg Belgium populated place
Weienried Austria populated place
Weier Bach Germany stream
Weier Germany farm
Weier Germany farm
Weier Germany populated place
Weier Germany populated place
Weier Germany populated place
Weier-Berg Germany hill
Weier-Berg Germany hill
Weier-Berg Germany hill
Weierbaach Luxembourg stream
Weierbach Germany populated place
Weierbaueralm Austria grazing area
Weierbauerkar Austria cirque
Weierbeek Belgium stream
Weierbrug Belgium populated place
Weierburg Austria administrative division
Weierburg Austria populated place
Weierbusch Germany forest
Weierhof Germany farm
Weierhof Germany farm
Weierhof Germany farm
Weierhof Germany farm
Weierhof Germany farm
Weierkenbeek Belgium stream
Weiermannshaus Switzerland section of populated place
Weiermoos Switzerland populated place
Weierriegel Austria slope
Weiersbach Germany section of populated place
Weiersbach Germany populated place
Weiersbrunnen-Berg Germany hill
Weierscheid Germany hill
Weierseifen Germany farm
Weiershagen Germany populated place
Weiershausen Germany populated place
Weierswold Netherlands populated place
Weiert Germany populated place
Weierteich Austria pond
Weierweiler Germany populated place
WEIF-AM (Moundsville) United States Tower
WEIF-FM (Utica) United States Tower
WEIF-FM (Utica) United States Tower
Weifa Germany populated place
Weifaer Hohe Germany hill
Weifan Taiwan populated place
Weifang Shi China second-order administrative division
Weifang China populated place
Weifang China populated place
Weife Sierra Leone stream
Weifen He China stream
Weifen China seat of a third-order administrative division
Weifenbach Germany populated place
Weifeng Shuiku China reservoir
Weifeng China populated place
Weifenglou China populated place
Weiferich Ranch United States Locale
Weifo Sierra Leone stream
Weifse Koros Hungary stream
Weifua Sierra Leone stream
Weiga Ghana populated place
Weiga Kenya school
Weiga Uganda stream
Weigall Bay Solomon Islands bay
Weigall Creek Australia stream
Weigall Reefs Australia reef
Weigan China populated place
Weigan China populated place
Weigan China populated place
Weiganba China populated place
Weiganba China populated place
Weiganba China populated place
Weiganbao China populated place
Weigand Campground United States Locale
Weigand Creek United States Stream
Weigand Creek United States Stream
Weigand Elementary School United States School
Weigand Lake United States Lake
Weigand Plaza Shopping Center United States Locale
Weigand Post Office (historical) United States Post Office
Weigand Recreation Area United States Park
Weigand Reservoir Dam United States Dam
Weigand Reservoir United States Reservoir
Weigand Reservoir United States Reservoir
Weigand Riverfront Park United States Park
Weigand Well United States Well
Weigands Cemetery United States Cemetery
Weiganfang China populated place
Weigang Oil Field United States Oilfield
Weigang China populated place
Weigang China populated place
Weigang China populated place
Weigang China populated place
Weigang China populated place
Weigang China populated place
Weigang China populated place
Weigang China populated place
Weigangshang China populated place
Weiganjiao China populated place
Weiganling China populated place
Weiganling China populated place
Weiganping China populated place
Weiganwan China populated place
Weiganying China populated place
Weiganzhai China populated place
Weiganzui China populated place
Weigaoshan China populated place
Weige Guosiao Taiwan school
Weige Guoxiao Taiwan school
Weigedacht South Africa farm
Weigel Creek United States Stream
Weigel Creek United States Stream
Weigel Elementary School United States School
Weigel Hall United States Building
Weigel Mountain United States Summit
Weigel South Africa mine
Weigel-Berg Germany hill
Weigelkar Kopf Austria peak
Weigelsberg Germany populated place
Weigelsberg Germany populated place
Weigelsberg Germany mountain
Weigelsdorf Austria populated place
Weigelsdorf Austria populated place
Weigelsdorf Czech Republic populated place
Weigelsdorf Czech Republic populated place
Weigelsdorf Czech Republic populated place
Weigelsdorf Poland populated place
Weigelshof Germany section of populated place
Weigelshofen Germany populated place
Weigelstown Census Designated Place United States Census
Weigelstown United States Populated Place
Weigelt Pond United States Lake
Weigenbach Germany stream
Weigendorf Germany populated place
Weigendorf Germany populated place
Weigeng China populated place
Weigenheim Germany populated place
Weigenhofen Germany populated place
Weigensam Austria populated place
Weigensdorf Austria locality
Weigensdorf Czech Republic populated place
Weigensdorf Germany farm
Weigent Park United States Park
Weigental Germany populated place
Weiger Slough State Public Shooting Area United States Park
Weigersberg Belgium populated place
Weigersdorf Austria populated place
Weigersdorf Austria populated place
Weigersdorf Germany populated place
Weigersdorf Germany populated place
Weigert Cemetery United States Cemetery
Weigetschlag Austria populated place
Weigezhuang China populated place
Weigh Scale Tipple Station United States Locale
Weigh Scales United States Locale
Weigheim Germany populated place
Weighill School (historical) United States School
Weighman Chapel African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church United States Church
Weightman Cemetery United States Cemetery
Weightman Creek United States Stream
Weightman Drain United States Stream
Weightmans Row United States Building
Weighton South Africa populated place
Weigin Papua New Guinea populated place
Weigl Germany farm
Weiglas Germany populated place
Weiglathal Germany populated place
Weigle Hall United States Building
Weigle Hill United States Summit
Weigle Pond United States Lake
Weigler Germany forest
Weigles Butte United States Summit
Weigletown United States Populated Place
Weiglhof Austria administrative division
Weiglkarkopf Austria peak
Weiglkreuz Austria shrine
Weiglpoint Germany populated place
Weigmannsdorf Germany populated place
Weigmoed South Africa populated place
Weignerfeld Austria farm
Weignersdorf Austria populated place
Weigo Sudan populated place
Weigoldsberg Germany hill
Weigong China populated place
Weigsdorf Czech Republic populated place
Weigsdorf Germany section of populated place
Weigsdorf-Koblitz Germany populated place
Weigu Ciao Taiwan bridge
Weigu Qiao Taiwan bridge
Weigu China populated place
Weiguang China populated place
Weigui China populated place
Weiguo Xiang China populated place
Weiguo China populated place
Weiguo China populated place
Weiguo China populated place
Weiguo China populated place
Weigushan China populated place
Weigwitz Poland populated place
Weih Brukasah Indonesia stream
Weih Doson Indonesia stream
Weih Dusun Indonesia stream
Weih Empatpuluhempat Indonesia stream
Weih Hilang Indonesia stream
Weih Iseise Indonesia stream
Weih Jamur Kulit Indonesia stream
Weih Kalaili Indonesia stream
Weih Kalapening Indonesia stream
Weih Kapar Indonesia stream
Weih Karapapan Indonesia stream
Weih Lamsejung Indonesia stream
Weih Lande Indonesia stream
Weih Layangkemaran Indonesia stream
Weih Lesten Indonesia stream
Weih Linge Indonesia stream
Weih Linggo Indonesia stream
Weih Lining Indonesia stream
Weih Lumut Indonesia stream
Weih Mancung Indonesia stream
Weih Munteu Indonesia stream
Weih Nggerget Indonesia stream
Weih Nunang Indonesia stream
Weih Nutung Indonesia stream
Weih Ongkal Indonesia stream
Weih Pandan Indonesia stream
Weih Panimun Indonesia stream
Weih Pasir Putih Indonesia stream
Weih Penarun Indonesia stream
Weih Semeten Indonesia stream
Weih Serbuk Indonesia stream
Weih Simpang Dua Isa-isa Indonesia stream
Weih Simpang Kiri Indonesia stream
Weih Supangkiri Indonesia stream
Weih Umang Indonesia stream
Weih Utina Indonesia stream
Weih Uwis Indonesia stream
Weih Warulah Indonesia stream
Weihai Gang China harbor
Weihai Shi China second-order administrative division
Weihai China populated place
Weihai China populated place
Weihbuchl Germany farm
Weihe Pingyuan China plain
Weihe China populated place
Weihe China populated place
Weihe China populated place
Weihe China populated place
Weihe Germany farm
Weihe Germany populated place
Weiheluo China populated place
Weihena Sri Lanka tea plantation
Weihena Sri Lanka populated place
Weihenbronn Germany populated place
Weihenlinden Germany populated place
Weihenstephan Germany populated place
Weihenstephan Germany populated place
Weihenzell Germany populated place
Weiher Bach Germany stream
Weiher Berg Germany hill
Weiher Berg Germany hill
Weiher Berg Germany hill
Weiher Berge Germany hills
Weiher Graben Germany stream
Weiher Holz Germany forest
Weiher Kopf Germany mountain
Weiher Austria locality
Weiher Germany farm
Weiher Germany farm
Weiher Germany farm
Weiher Germany farm
Weiher Germany farm
Weiher Germany farm
Weiher Germany farm
Weiher Germany farm
Weiher Germany farm
Weiher Germany farm
Weiher Germany farm
Weiher Germany farm

Global Names Alphabetically

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